By God's gracious providence, America's Declaration of Independence and Constitution established the freest and greatest nation on the planet. I pray and sing, "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" without hesitation or apology…and so should every Christian. COVID19 insanity aside…there's never been a nation where you're freer to serve, worship, and preach the Lord Jesus Christ in the home, the church, and the streets. There's no nation where red, yellow, black, and white men and women have more equality and opportunity to pursue happiness to the glory of God. Every nation has its evils, but America alone is founded on documents that establish the God given inalienable right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the freedom speech that allow us to boldly proclaim God's Word, God's Law, and God's Gospel from sea to shining sea to set sinners free from the tyranny of sin, Satan, death…and evil government officials and decrees. The solution to America's sins isn't to hate America, it's to pray for God to bless America with repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, it's to die to self and take up the cross of Jesus Christ, it's to "go therefore" and "preach repentance and remission of sin" in Jesus name to all nations beginning with our own cities, states, and nation. May GOD BLESS AMERICA with repentance of its heterosexual sexual revolution and the resulting horrific genocide of 63 million preborn babies, with repentance of its rabid embrace and national celebration of gross sexual perversion and gender rebellion, and with preachers who will boldly and lovingly preach God's sin exposing Law and soul saving Gospel in the pulpit and on the street. |