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Grace Community Church 311 Hedges St. San Antonio, TX 78203
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Paul Washer
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Regeneration & Self-Denial (You Can't Understand the Later Unless You Understand the Former) - 2006 Founders Midwest Conference
Series:  Top Recommended Washer Sermons  · 2 of 8
3/8/2006 (WED)
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This VIDEO is an "illustrated sermon" of various pictures of Paul Washer preaching, with the audio of this sermon set to the pictures, it is not actual video footage of him preaching.

This sermon was preached at the 2006 Founders Midwest Conference.

For more info about Paul Washer go to:

In this sermon Paul explains how you can't understand the ability for people to have self-denial unless you understand regeneration. Probably one of Paul's more powerful sermons.

This sermon was posted by Grace Community Church in San Antonio, TX:

To see a 5 minute Video (different from this one) that is "A Challenge for Pastors" from this sermon go to:

For high quality MP3's of Paul's messages, as well as other faithful preachers, check out the Uncommonly Powerful Preaching podcast website:

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Paul Washer
Regeneration & Self-Denial

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Paul Washer
Regeneration & Self-Denial

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Grace Community Church
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Matthew Maxwell-Carr (9/8/2015)
“ Life Changing ”
What an amazing sermon on Regeneration and the heart of self denial! Truly life changing. I listened to it 6 years ago and it changed my life then. I listened to it today and it's transformed my mind all over again. Glory to God!

AndrewContact via email (3/24/2015)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Paul Washer's point earlier in the sermon about the Baptists' neglect of God's sovereign power to save the sinner from the power of sin in this present life through regeneration and the creation of a new creature is very interesting. I love listening to Baptist preachers, including Spurgeon and the Primitive Baptists. I'm not yet sure I'd go as far as to say their preaching verges on heresy; yet I'm almost always left with the impression that they preach a salvation (with respect to the present life) that is a self-improvement program, improving the old man, and denying the power of God; or as Washer says, one where the saved sinner begrudgingly denies the sin that he really loves while trying to do righteousness; in other words, a salvation by the works of the flesh. I may be understanding wrongly. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm always left with that impression. I'm thankful at least that the Baptists have shown me that although I am saved, I am not yet regenerated, because I know in my heart that God would not do all that He has done, then leave me to my own devices in this regard. I yearn for His regenerating power to come in and do its work in me. I know, as Washer implies, that regeneration is a totally radical and supernatural change; and I know I have not yet been a recipient,

zephaniah (5/6/2012)
from sydney
“ The problem with Paul Washer.... ”
I wish every new christian could grasp the intent and nature and doctrine of Paul Washers sermons here in the growing ecumenical/carnal/humanistic/environmental gospel being delivered ..being performed..being rehearsed and pre-meditated here in Sydney Australia... The church that wants you to be emotionally disturbed in Christ in some unbiblical pantomine during the services...asking for signs and wonders...for extra biblical prophecies and carnal self mastery and success... The church in Sydney and in general Australia; has taken on the armour of self help and taken up the sword of 'spiritual laws' to be saved and be successful as one interprets scripture to suit... The complete opposite of self denial and regeneration....and salvation in Christ. Thats the problem with Paul Washer...if you have worshipped the false church and sacrificed at the altar of a 'false teacher'; Paul Washer comes along and shakes you up..tears you down...rips you apart...and then delivers the true Gospel ..the true Christ revealed through scipture...and its not pleasant..its uncomfortable..its shocking..its shattering...but it will save you. Zeph.

Claira MortonContact via email (2/14/2012)
from N.B. Canada
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the Lord for men like Paul Washer who is preaching the true gospel as the men of old preached and the apostle Paul. I have been saved for over 50 years but did not know God the way I do now since seeing God as totally Sovereign. How blessed it is yo seeGod raising up young men once again to proclaim His Word

Erin Jacobs (7/20/2011)
from Winter Springs, FL
“ Thanking God for this man. ”
I'm so thrilled that God continues to use this man - his passion for God's glory is contagious, and his doctrine is solid. It is so encouraging, as a young 20-something, to hear the Bible preached so thoroughly and with such passion - doctrine such as this is lost among my generation. ALSO, the title of the sermon is misspelled: "later" should be "latter." Can someone change it? Sorry, I can't help it, spelling and grammar were drilled into me due to 7 years of home schooling :)

Adam (5/12/2011)
from little rock
“ Great Sermon! ”
.I believe so many men of God tend to struggle with speaking from their own thought or mind but this was a sermon that was from God. I believe this sermon hits the core being of what a christian is supposed to be, and what we so called christians should be. Be encouraged that you are saved by God and not by man, because man sucks! Pardon my french, but best word to describe it.

Matt M-Carr (1/26/2011)
from Wales, Britain
“ Passionate ”
This is certainly a passionate message and I do love listening to it, as I do most things by Paul. But, I must respectfully disagree with him concerning his interpretation of Matthew 13:44. Also, he seemed to hardly mention anything about the context of Ezekiel 36. There is a very corporate, covenantal context to this chapter: speaking clearly of the restoration of the remnant of Israel in new covenant with God. Nevertheless, as is the case with so many of the greatest sermons, God has still been pleased to mightily use it in my own life and in the lives of others. It was this message that began to convince me that Calvinism is what the Bible teaches. Paul speaks with such wonderful zeal about the miracle of regeneration, that I began to see that it must be an irresistible work of God soon after my second listen.

josephgoudreauContact via email (10/9/2010)
from vancouver
EXCELLENT!! Amazing wow, one of the best messages ive heard from Paul Washer, Glory to God!

Hannah (3/10/2007)
from Canada
“ A much needed message ”
There is a great lack of dying to self in the North American church today. Washer pins the problem accurately as he points us back to the doctrine of regeneration. Without a supernatural salvation, we have no real reason for self-denial and following Christ at all costs.

Tony V (10/20/2006)
from middle east
“ Great Sermon! ”
Truly there is a revival not in the US but also in the ends of the earth like the Middle East where worship other than their religion is illegal. But praise God, your message has encouraged me to be bold in preaching under the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit.

Scott (9/26/2006)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful message on the power of God and regeneration.

plw (8/19/2006)
from Mo
“ YES YES YES!!! ”
If Paul is seeing a modern reformation going on.......and I believe he is......THAT is very encouraging!! And once again, we need God to raise up a million more Paul Washers to speak in America!!!!

Greg (7/23/2006)
from Tampa, FL
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great, fiery, Bible-based sermon. This man constantly teaches me new things. We need more preachers like him today.

Sean IsaacsContact via email (7/8/2006)
“ Praise God! ”
21 minutes into this sermon I stopped and repented for the attitude and desire to live for the applaus and praise of men. The preacher reminds me of men like Rolfe Barnard, Leonard Ravenhill, a young David Wilkerson or keith Daniel. "Lord, save me from living or preaching a man centered gospel." This message needs to be heard by every Church leader/minister or professing Christian in the Western World. The doctrine of Regeneration for many has now become a simple prayer and profession of faith! Paul my prayer is with you and your family. Be encouraged my brother!

Sylvia (7/7/2006)
from Arkansas
“ WOW! Great Sermon! ”
This is an awesome sermon that should be heard by everyone who calls themselves Christian! This man is an honest to goodness prophet of God! He preaches the truth without fear or favor. If only the Church had more preachers like him.

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  Paul Washer
Paul Washer is an itinerant preacher and the General Director for HeartCry Missionary Society - their website address is

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