Darren Clarke | Crich, Derbyshire, U.K.
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Speaker: Richard Mayhew
12 sermons
>The Biblical View of Death - 11/11/2001 Forgetting God - 2/17/2002 Texts but No Tears - 2/17/2002 Enlarging Our Coast - 8/14/2005 Being a Christian - 7/1/2007 The Blessed Virgin Mary - 11/18/2007 The Saving Work of Christ - 11/18/2007 What God Requires of Us - 9/16/2008 Called Out of Sin - 11/16/2008 A Willing Sacrifice - 11/16/2008 Death of Christ & Salvation - 11/15/2009 The Sacrifice of Christ - 11/15/2009 Faith Under Adversity - 5/16/2010 Too Late - The Gate is Closed - 5/16/2010 Gallery of Faith - Abraham - 11/21/2010 Perseverance & New Beginnings - 11/21/2010 Assurance of Salvation - 6/26/2011 A Purpose in Suffering - 6/26/2011 Your First Love - 8/7/2011 Faith Tested - The Dead Raised - 8/14/2011 Love - A New Commandment - 8/14/2011 Prayer - Five Vital Lessons - 8/21/2011 The God That Answers by Fire - 8/21/2011 Jacob's Awesome Dream - 8/28/2011 Satan Hath Desired to Have You - 8/28/2011 Encouragement for the Faithful - 9/11/2011 Apostle's Creed - Jesus Christ - 11/6/2011 Apostle's Creed - Conception - 11/6/2011 Commendation or Condemnation? - 11/20/2011 Hold Fast Till He Comes - 11/27/2011 Conflict Between Law and Grace - 1/29/2012 The Gospel of Jesus Christ - 8/12/2012 Two Kinds of Kingdom - 8/12/2012 The Question All Must Answer - 8/19/2012 Slipped, but Brought Back - 8/19/2012 The Natures of God and of Man - 10/7/2012 Seek Out the True God - 10/28/2012 Be Ready, Be Prepared - 10/28/2012 What is a Church? - One Body - 1/27/2013 It's Not Just New Wine - 4/21/2013 Adoption - No Longer a Slave - 4/21/2013 The Conversion of Jacob - 5/12/2013 What Kind of Ground Are You? - 5/12/2013 True Reasons for Rejoicing - 10/20/2013 The Incarnation & The Cross - 10/20/2013 A Medicine to Meet Our Needs - 3/2/2014 Peace - Promised & Assured - 3/2/2014 Come, Let Us Reason Together - 5/11/2014 Living Stones of God's Temple - 5/11/2014 Whenever I am Afraid - 6/8/2014 God's Case Against His People - 10/26/2014 Jesus - The Good Shepherd - 10/26/2014 Walking With God - 1/18/2015 Doing What God Requires - 2/22/2015 The Place - 5/14/2015 The Unfailing God - 5/17/2015 The True Christian's Rest (1) - 5/17/2015 Special Grace - 6/14/2015 Jesus - The Bringer of Grace - 6/14/2015 The Psalmist's Gospel Sermon - 8/30/2015 The Blessings of Obedience - 8/30/2015 The True Christian's Rest (2) - 9/6/2015 The Rushing Mighty Wind - 9/20/2015 Christ - Our Sure Foundation - 9/27/2015 Secret of the Burning Heart - 9/27/2015 The Holy Spirit's Outpouring - 10/11/2015 No Condemnation - 10/11/2015 Paul's Perspective on Life - 10/18/2015 The Lad that Dropped Off - 10/18/2015 Blessed are the Merciful - 10/25/2015 Reformed Understanding of Sin - 10/25/2015 Will You Be Obedient? - 11/1/2015 Watch, Stand Fast, Be Strong - 11/8/2015 Do Not Worry - 11/8/2015 Bartimaeus - Meeting His Need - 11/15/2015 A Prescription for the Problem - 11/15/2015 An Introduction to 1 John - 11/22/2015 Encouragement & Warnings - 11/22/2015 Daniel - A Jew in Babylon - 11/29/2015 The Ungodly and Blessed Man - 11/29/2015 Are You Christ Tell Us Plainly - 12/6/2015 We Would See Jesus - 12/6/2015 The Assurance of His Presence - 1/24/2016 The Greatest Gift - 2/28/2016 Intro to The Book of Ruth (1) - 4/10/2016 Intro to the Book of Ruth (2) - 4/10/2016 The Trials of Poverty & Riches - 6/5/2016 Qualifications for Glory - 6/5/2016 Intro to The Book of Ruth (3) - 6/19/2016 Intro to the Book of Ruth (4) - 6/19/2016 He First Loved Us - 8/7/2016 The First Miracle of Jesus - 8/7/2016 What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do? - 8/21/2016 Fear Not Little Flock - 10/9/2016 Unbelief & The Devil's Malice - 10/9/2016 Faith Tested - 10/16/2016 Faith Tried & Triumphant - 10/16/2016 The Life-Giving Words of Jesus - 11/20/2016 The True Vine - 12/4/2016 Why Christmas, Christ, Cross - 12/4/2016 This is a Faithful Saying - 3/12/2017 The Greatest Question - 4/14/2017 Being Formed for Fruitfulness - 4/30/2017 Humble Boldness - 4/30/2017 The Blessing of Inheritance - 7/6/2017 Moses - A Chosen Vessel - 7/16/2017 Intro to the Book of Ruth (5) - 8/6/2017 Intro to the Book of Ruth (6) - 8/6/2017 Know Error, Confirm the Truth - 8/13/2017 Herein is Love - 8/13/2017 Only One Perfect King - 8/27/2017 Prayer & Action in Habakkuk - 9/17/2017 Habakkuk - From Fear to Faith - 9/17/2017 The Advance of the Gospel - 9/24/2017 Pressing on Towards the Prize - 9/24/2017 Watch and Be Ready - 10/22/2017 You Must Be Born Again - 5/13/2018 Water Turned Into Wine - 5/13/2018 From Temptation to the Gospel - 10/21/2018 Jude on False Teachers - 10/21/2018 Behold the Lamb of God - 12/2/2018 Thus Saith The Lord - 12/2/2018 God's Promises - 2/17/2019 Perseverance & Freedom - 3/3/2019 Seeking that which was Lost - 5/26/2019 Idolatry - The Enemy of Faith - 7/7/2019 David's Trial & Testing - 7/7/2019 A Call to Unity - 8/4/2019 A Life Lived Without God - 8/4/2019 Response to a Growing Conflict - 8/11/2019 The Pressure to Conform - 8/11/2019 Who Shall Go Up For Us? - 8/18/2019 Who Are You Following? - 8/18/2019 We Ought Always to Pray - 8/25/2019 The Intense Prayer of Jabez - 11/24/2019 Pay Attention - 11/24/2019 He Came and Preached Peace - 1/26/2020 Watch Your Ways - 1/26/2020 Christ Laying Hold of Me - 3/8/2020 Lazarus Come Forth - 3/8/2020 Being Eager to Meet Again - 6/7/2020 Almost Persuaded - 6/21/2020 Now a Beloved Brother - 8/16/2020 The Gospel, Sufferings & Glory - 8/16/2020 Christ Jesus Has Paid Our Debt - 8/23/2020 Great Promises for Dwellers - 8/23/2020 How Then Can We Believe? - 10/25/2020 Stand Firm - 11/1/2020 Christ, The Living Water - 11/1/2020 Christ - Central to Everything - 2/14/2021 The Gospel Comes with Power - 4/25/2021 Coming Short of God's Glory - 4/25/2021 Starting with Prayer - 5/16/2021 Behold the Lamb of God - 5/23/2021 The Righteous King and Judge - 5/23/2021 Different Kinds of Trouble - 6/13/2021 Being a Witness for Christ - 6/13/2021 The Voice of Coronavirus - 6/20/2021 The Abounding Grace of God - 6/27/2021 Looking at the Unseen Things - 6/27/2021 The Ten Lepers - 8/1/2021 Daniel Pleads for His People - 8/1/2021 What Are You Doing on Earth? - 8/15/2021 The Greatest Man Who Lived - 8/15/2021 Mephibosheth's Journey - 8/22/2021 You Must Be Born Again - 8/22/2021 Jacob Wrestling with God - 8/29/2021 Jesus - The Bread of Life - 8/29/2021 Christ Became a Curse for Us - 11/7/2021 The Thunderstorm Psalm - 11/7/2021 Confidence - 11/21/2021 For the Joy Set Before Him - 11/28/2021 A Gospel of Substance Not Myth - 12/5/2021 The Suffering Servant - 12/12/2021 What is God's Will for My Life - 1/23/2022 The Gospel is Not Chained - 1/23/2022 The Gospel in Two Short Words - 2/20/2022 The Lord's Pity - 2/27/2022 Healed by His Stripes - 2/27/2022 Saving Faith - 3/6/2022 Death and Judgement - 3/13/2022 You Did Not Choose Me - 3/20/2022 You Killed the Prince of Life - 4/10/2022 Blessings of Christ's Reign - 4/10/2022 The Rich Man and Lazarus - 4/17/2022 Jesus Opened Our Eyes - 5/8/2022 Conditions of Spiritual Power - 6/12/2022 The Love of Christ Compels Us - 6/19/2022 The Beginning of Wisdom - 6/19/2022 Keeping Your Heart - 7/10/2022 I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 7/10/2022 The Glory of the New Covenant - 8/14/2022 The Impact of the New Covenant - 8/14/2022 The Greatness of Christ - 8/21/2022 The Past, Present and Future - 8/21/2022 Assurance of Our Salvation - 9/11/2022 We Are His Workmanship - 10/23/2022 The Hope We Have in Christ - 11/13/2022 God's Joy - 11/27/2022 The Preservation of the Saints - 12/11/2022 What Is Your Hope? - 2/12/2023 By This We May Know Love - 2/12/2023 Mary's Song - The Magnificat - 2/26/2023 The Potter and the Clay - 2/26/2023 Are You Able To Bless God? - 3/12/2023 Blessed is the Man - 4/16/2023 Salvation is of the Triune God - 4/16/2023 The Way To True Blessedness - 5/14/2023 Putting Christ Back on the Map - 12/17/2023 The Church Was Prospering - 1/14/2024 As Was His Custom - 2/4/2024 Jesus - Preaching God's Word - 2/4/2024 Hope That Comes with a Promise - 2/11/2024 Lift up Our Souls to the Lord - 2/11/2024 A Message to the Exiles (1) - 2/25/2024 The Wicked Sons of Eli - 2/25/2024 Paul's Great Dilemma - 3/3/2024 A Message to the Exiles (2) - 3/10/2024 The Beauty of the Lord - 3/10/2024 A Message to the Exiles (3) - 3/17/2024 Branches of Palms - 3/24/2024 The Cross - Our Response - 3/24/2024 The Gospel in Miniature - 4/14/2024 Privileges and Realities - 4/28/2024 A Sinful Woman and a Meal - 4/28/2024 Building the Body of Christ - 5/19/2024 Fear the Lord - 5/21/2024 Release Unto Us Barabbas - 6/9/2024 Reasons To Praise Him - 6/16/2024 The Assurance of Our Salvation - 6/16/2024 Remember and Be Thankful - 7/7/2024 Our God: One, Two, Three - 7/7/2024 The King and His Reign - 7/14/2024 Parable of the Prodigal Son - 7/21/2024 Help With Temptation - 7/21/2024 David's Trust in God - 8/18/2024 The Need of the Thirsty Soul - 8/18/2024 God Is Light - 10/20/2024 The Life of Faith - 10/20/2024 Running the Race - 11/3/2024 Righteousness of God Revealed - 1/12/2025 On the Road With Jesus - 2/9/2025 After Calvary - 2/12/2025 Precious Faith - 2/23/2025 Enter Through the Strait Gate - 2/23/2025 Eating With Gladness of Heart - 3/9/2025
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