More preachers should preach like this ... What a great message! As are all of Brother Johnston’s messages. .... Sadly, pastors will not say these tornadoes, storms, floods, and fires are judgements from God because they do not preach the judgement of Almighty God, nor do they preach the fear of the Lord and repentance from sin. It’s an “only believe” Gospel with no repentance, regeneration, sanctification, and holiness. Some would perhaps maybe give lip-service to great preachers like Edwards, Whitfield, Finney, Nettleton, Tozer, Ravenhill, and Barnard, but they would never preach like them, and most wouldn’t even acknowledge them. It’s an entertainment and man-centered Gospel these days folks, and salvation to them is just another self-goal for their own preservation, rather than a true desire for the Living God, and His ways, His Righteousness, and Holiness. They don’t care about actually obeying God, or glorifying Him, but only getting something from Him (their salvation). The rest of the time they want the world. It always gets back to them — all the time! A man-centered, man-pleasing Gospel, which is not the True Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of the Bible. Repent! Hell lasts a long time!! |