All of us are tempted, but not in the same way or area. And all temptations fall into one of three general areas: 'The Lust of the Flesh', 'The Lust of the Eyes', and the 'Pride of Life.'. In the temptation of Jesus to turn stones into snowflake rolls, our adversary was appealing to the 'lust of the flesh'. But it was more than just a temptation to satisfy a physical bodily need. It was a temptation for self-actualization; that is, since you can do it, then do it. It was a temptation of self-gratification, that is, since you have a legitimate physical need, meet that need. It was also a temptation of self-preservation, that is, don't starve to death, but rather save yourself. But Jesus saw this as a temptation of self-autonomy, that is, take matters into your hands rather than wait upon the heavenly Father to meet the need. Jesus makes the point that there is more to life than meeting physical needs. Jesus understood that obeying God may involve self-denial, losing one's life in order to find true life. And He calls upon us to do the same-- to subject our physical needs to a higher purpose of obeying God and His Word. Only then will be find life and overcome the temptation of turning stones into bread. |