The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a test of our faith, but a test of our close relationships, on how well we get along with others under trying, stressful circumstances. In this Mother's Day message we explore the key to a great relationship, the one necessary ingredient necessary for relationships to thrive. And that is, MUTUAL SUBMISSION! We are to 'submit to one another in the fear of God.' But what does a mutually submissive relationship involve. First, it takes COMMITMENT to the other person. To make a great relationship both parties must be committed to each other. Secondly, it involves COMPROMISE. A 'give-and-take' relationship, a willingness to bend. But what does a good compromise look like? According to Philippians 2, we need to be on the same page, consider others better than ourselves, and look out for their interests and not solely our own. Thirdly, mutual submission involves COMMUNICATION. For a great relationship, we need open, honest, uplifting, encouraging talk. But the last aspect of mutual submission binds them all together, and that is CHARITY or LOVE! We are to give of ourselves for the benefit of the other in the same way that Jesus Christ gave Himself for us. Now if these four (Commitment, Compromise, Communication, and Charity) are practiced, our relationships would be in the words of Tony the tiger-- GREAT!!!!! |