ABORTION'S GLOBAL GENOCIDE OF 1.6 BILLION BABIES SINCE 1980, 40-50 million per year, and 125,000 per day is a horrific, bone-chilling, nightmare that puts the Coronavirus pandemic's 50,000+ global deaths, "It's the end of the world!" panic, and "Stay home!" moral outrage into proper perspective.
1.6 billion babies have been slaughtered in the world's bloodiest genocide since 1980, 40-50 million babies are murdered every year, and 125,000 babies are murdered every day! Who cares? Nothing to see here. Christians and non-Christians apathetically press on with their lives...while 125,000 babies die daily. The global genocide of babies marches on with little resistance.
50,000+ born people in a world of 7.8 billion people contract the Coronavirus and die. Global panic! Christians and non-Christians stop everything and say , "Stay home! Stay alive! Do the right thing! Love your neighbor! Be safe! Sacrifices must be made! This global pandemic must stop!"
Do the moral math. Don't buy into the world's panic and moral outrage. Love your unborn neighbors! Love the 1.6 billion babies murdered since 1980. Love the 40-50 million babies murdered every year. Love the 125,000 babies who will be violently burned, crushed, and ripped limb from limb today, tomorrow, and every day after that until real Bible believing Christians stand up and say, "Go therefore! Minister the Law of God and Gospel of Jesus Christ for the saving of souls and rescuing of babies at every abortuary! Do the right thing! Love your neighbor! It's not safe, but sacrifices must be made! This global genocide of babies must stop!"
Full sermon: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=33020174704789 |