THE OLIVE TREE IS A COMMONWEALTH, WITH ALLEGIANCE TO THE KING OF THE JEWS The word the Apostle uses for commonwealth is "politeiva" (politeias), akin to our politics, people-hood or nationhood. Through the blood of Israel's Messiah (Christ), the Gentiles who were once aliens, have been made nigh (near) to the Commonwealth of Israel. It appears that what Paul is describing as the Commonwealth of Israel is very similar to what he describes in more detail as the Olive Tree. Furthermore, the Olive Tree is the Commonwealth of Israel, because Gentiles who have been attached (grafted in) to the Olive Tree owe allegiance to Israel's Book (the Bible), Israel's God, and Israel's Messiah. It is similar to the British Commonwealth, in which the people of Canada and Australia are not actually citizens of England, but owe allegiance to the King, and have a special relationship with the British people. Gentiles who have trusted in Jesus the Messiah, have a special relationship with Israel, its people and Land, and have sworn allegiance to the King of the Jews. The conviction, then, is that the Olive Tree is none other than the Spiritual Commonwealth of Israel.The Olive Tree has been an enigma to Bible interpreters for most of the church age, and is often ignored more than explored. The Olive Tree is the Spiritual Commonwealth of Israel. It does not detract from the unique features of the Church or Israel, but it is a special entity created by God. Just as we need to find our proper relationship to the Church and Israel, we also must relate in an obedient manner with reference to the Olive Tree. Anything less would be intentional blindness to the revealed Word of God. |