Speaker: Ken Ham
4,136 sermons
Living in a “Greek” Culture
Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 70,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 90-second audio program is also broadcast on over 500 radio stations.
>The Genesis Flood - Not Legend - 5/7/2014 The Genesis Flood - Not a Lege - 5/8/2014 Thankful for Godly Mothers - 5/9/2014 Designed for Land and Sea - 5/12/2014 Designed for Land and Sea - 5/13/2014 Designed for Land and Sea - 5/14/2014 Designed for Land and Sea - 5/15/2014 Busy Doing Nothing - 5/16/2014 A Supreme Injustice - 5/19/2014 The Gospel and a Young Earth - 5/20/2014 The Gospel and a Young Earth - 5/21/2014 The Gospel and a Young Earth - 5/22/2014 The Gospel and a Young Earth - 5/23/2014 Honoring American Soldiers - 5/26/2014 Rescuing Our Kids - 5/27/2014 The Creation Museum - 5/28/2014 Biblical Authority - 5/29/2014 Biblical Authority - 5/30/2014 Are There Transitional Fossils - 6/2/2014 Transitional Fossils? - 6/3/2014 Are There Transitional Fossils - 6/4/2014 Are There Transitional Fossils - 6/5/2014 Are There Transitional Fossils - 6/6/2014 Gold-Some of Heaven on Earth - 6/9/2014 Gold-Some of Heaven on Earth - 6/10/2014 Noah's Ark - Found It? - 6/11/2014 Gold - Some of Heaven on Earth - 6/12/2014 Fathers Living Godly Lives - 6/13/2014 Did Life Come from Outer Space - 6/16/2014 Did Life Come from Outer Space - 6/17/2014 Was Life Transported to Earth? - 6/18/2014 Was Life Brought by Aliens? - 6/19/2014 Is There Life on Other Planets - 6/20/2014 The Koala - God's Handiwork - 6/23/2014 The Koala - Living on Poison - 6/24/2014 The Koala - It's Family Life - 6/25/2014 Water on Demand - 6/26/2014 Friendly Viruses in a Fallen W - 6/27/2014 The Ark - How Did It Survive? - 6/30/2014 Noah's Ark - Found It? - 7/1/2014 A Bat Found in a Stalagmite! - 7/2/2014 Leafhoppers With Nature's Gear - 7/3/2014 A Fourth of July Reminder - 7/4/2014 Math and Biblical Worldview - 7/7/2014 Why Was Canaan Cursed? - 7/8/2014 Dennis Rainey Interview - 7/9/2014 Fish during the flood - How'd - 7/9/2014 Human Life and Evolution - 7/23/2014 Mankind's Real Problem - 7/24/2014 Putting Worldview in Action - 7/25/2014 Amazing Diversity of Creation - 7/28/2014 Scientists Do Find New Species - 7/29/2014 Losing Creatures to Extinction - 7/30/2014 Water - It's a Mighty Molecule - 7/31/2014 Melting Under Pressure - 8/1/2014 Are Souls at Stake? - 8/4/2014 An Authority Issue - 8/5/2014 Problem with Millions of Years - 8/6/2014 It's a Gospel Issue - 8/7/2014 It's a Stumblng Block - 8/8/2014 The Earth - Right for Life - 8/11/2014 Life on Other Planets - 8/12/2014 How Unique Is Planet Earth? - 8/13/2014 Sun - Not Just Another Star - 8/14/2014 The Sun - Unique Among Stars - 8/15/2014 The Moon - Perfect Partner - 8/18/2014 The Moon - Helping Sustain - 8/19/2014 Earth's Unique Atmosphere - 8/20/2014 Training the Next Generation - 8/21/2014 Loving Others - 8/22/2014 Does the Bible Teach Trinity? - 8/25/2014 How Can God Be Three and One? - 8/26/2014 Is Jesus Really God? - 8/27/2014 Is the Holy Spirit a Person? - 8/28/2014 The Doctrine of the Trinity - 8/29/2014 Darwin and Galápagos Islands - 9/1/2014 Same Islands, Different Points - 9/2/2014 The Galápagos - 9/3/2014 The Galápagos - Old and New - 9/4/2014 Interpreting the Evidence - 9/5/2014 Pastors Who Avoid Genesis - 9/8/2014 Fire-Chasing Beetles - 9/9/2014 How Did Plants Survive Flood? - 9/10/2014 Making Sense of Tragedy - 9/11/2014 Radical Evangelism - 9/12/2014 Museums Seen Through New Eyes - 9/15/2014 Museums and Starting Points - 9/16/2014 There's Order in Rock Layers - 9/17/2014 Human Evolution and Museums - 9/18/2014 What's the Main Point? - 9/19/2014 Foundational Verse of Bible - 9/22/2014 Taking on Bill Nye - 9/23/2014 Natural Selection - 9/24/2014 Proof of Long Ages? - 9/25/2014 The Reality of Climate Change - 9/26/2014 Kangaroos Getting to Australia - 9/29/2014 What Animals Ate Before Fall - 9/30/2014 Genesis Flood - Just Legend? - 10/1/2014 The Genesis Flood - Legend? - 10/2/2014 The Genesis Flood - Legend? - 10/3/2014 We Are All the Same Inside - 10/6/2014 Attend a Gay Wedding? - 10/7/2014 Gay Marriage - 10/8/2014 Gay Marriage - Why Only Two? - 10/9/2014 Genesis Important to Doctrine? - 10/10/2014 Is There Enough Water? - 10/13/2014 When Is Abortion Not Abortion? - 10/14/2014 A Radical Idea for Revolution! - 10/15/2014 Don't Just Hand Out the NT - 10/16/2014 Sharing the Gospel - 10/17/2014 The Toucan's Beak - 10/20/2014 Bird-Saving Spider Webs - 10/21/2014 From Death to Life - 10/22/2014 Room for Other Views? - 10/23/2014 The New Creation - No Death! - 10/24/2014 Homosexuality and the Bible - 10/27/2014 Are There “Gay Christians"? - 10/28/2014 Interracial Marriage? - 10/29/2014 The Origin of Marriage - 10/30/2014 Share the Gospel on Halloween - 10/31/2014 Are Visits to Heaven for Real? - 11/3/2014 The Glories of Heaven - 11/4/2014 Planting the Seeds of Gospel - 11/5/2014 The Age of the Earth - 11/6/2014 Age of the Earth - 11/7/2014 Is Earth's Age Salvation Issue - 11/10/2014 Honoring Our Veterans - 11/11/2014 Is Cancer “Very Good"? - 11/12/2014 Were All Animals Vegetarian? - 11/13/2014 Beware of the Genesis 3 Attack - 11/14/2014 The World's Very First Attack? - 11/17/2014 21st-Century Genesis Attack - 11/18/2014 Sad Results of Genesis Attack - 11/19/2014 Overcoming the Genesis Attack - 11/20/2014 Overcoming the Genesis Attack - 11/20/2014 Cancer “Very Good?" - 11/21/2014 Eugenics - Devaluing Life - 11/24/2014 Eugenics - 11/24/2014 Eugenics & Planned Parenthood - 11/25/2014 Eugenics & Planned Parenthood - 11/25/2014 Eugenics and the Bible - 11/26/2014 Eugenics and the Bible - 11/26/2014 Giving Thanks to Our Great God - 11/27/2014 Giving Thanks to Our Great God - 11/27/2014 We Are All the Same Inside - 11/28/2014 We Are All the Same Inside - 11/28/2014 Are Stars Still Forming? - 12/1/2014 Are Stars Still Forming? - 12/1/2014 Science and Age of the Earth - 12/2/2014 Science and Age of the Earth - 12/2/2014 Is the Present Key to the Past - 12/3/2014 How Old Does the Earth Look? - 12/4/2014 Does the Earth Really Look Old - 12/5/2014 The Age of the Earth - 12/9/2014 Age of the Earth - 12/10/2014 Apologetics - 12/12/2014 Teach Creation Apologetics! - 12/17/2014 Genesis, Sin, and Our Children - 12/22/2014 Understanding Christmas Star - 12/23/2014 Following the Christmas Star - 12/24/2014 Christmas - Gospel Reminder - 12/25/2014 Celebrating Another Year - 12/26/2014 Cosmos - Astronomical Myths - 12/29/2014 Are There Primitive Creatures? - 12/30/2014 Thanking God in the New Year - 12/31/2014 Human Bones - Solid Sponges - 1/1/2015 If Fish Could Walk - 1/2/2015 Was There an Ice Age? - 1/5/2015 Flood Legends Around the World - 1/6/2015 Was Noah a Caveman? - 1/8/2015 Were Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark? - 1/9/2015 How Many Animals on Noah's Ark - 1/12/2015 What Is a Biblical Kind? - 1/14/2015 New Research on Biblical Kinds - 1/15/2015 How Did the Ark Survive? - 1/16/2015 The Bible's View of Life - 1/19/2015 Life's Starting Point - 1/20/2015 Secular Views of Life - 1/21/2015 The Bible's Definition of Life - 1/23/2015 Are ETs and UFOs Real? - 1/26/2015 Aliens - Evolution Connection - 1/27/2015 Did Christ Die for Aliens? - 1/28/2015 Aliens - Where Are They? - 1/29/2015 How Long Was Adam in Garden? - 2/2/2015 Are There Any True Atheists? - 2/3/2015 Atheists - Suppressing Truth - 2/4/2015 Inspiration - Every Word Count - 2/5/2015 Charles Darwin - 2/9/2015 Charles Darwin - 2/9/2015 Darwin's Impact on the World - 2/10/2015 Darwin's Impact on the World - 2/10/2015 Darwin's Rejection of God - 2/11/2015 Darwin's Rejection of God - 2/11/2015 Darwin's Wrong Interpretation - 2/12/2015 Darwin's Wrong Interpretation - 2/12/2015 What Legacy Did Darwin Leave? - 2/13/2015 What Legacy Did Darwin Leave? - 2/13/2015 Where Did Ebola Come From? - 2/16/2015 Where Did Ebola Come From? - 2/16/2015 Life on Non-Existent Planets? - 2/17/2015 Looking Back on Nye-Ham Debate - 2/18/2015 Nye-Ham Debate - 2/18/2015 Living in a “Greek” Culture - 2/19/2015 Living in a “Greek” Culture - 2/19/2015 Starting from the Beginning - 2/20/2015 Starting from the Beginning - 2/20/2015 Death Is Not Good - 2/23/2015 Death Is Not Good - 2/23/2015 God's “Very Good” Creation - 2/24/2015 Living in a Fallen World - 2/25/2015 The Good Character of God - 2/26/2015 The End of Sin and Death - 2/27/2015 Cows . . . in the Ocean? - 3/2/2015 One Race, One Blood - 3/5/2015 Evolution and Racism - 3/6/2015 Miracles - Cure for Unbelief? - 3/9/2015 Does Archaeology Confirm Bible - 3/10/2015 Archaeology - Friend or Foe? - 3/11/2015 Archaeology and New Testament - 3/12/2015 A Vegetarian Piranha? - 3/13/2015 Where Did Cain Get His Wife? - 3/16/2015 Why Can't We Marry Relatives? - 3/17/2015 Ants - Tiny Messengers - 3/18/2015 Butterflies - 3/19/2015 Bighorn Sheep - 3/20/2015 Legends of Babel Confirm Bible - 3/23/2015 A Day is a Thousand Years...? - 3/24/2015 “Junk” DNA Is Not Junk! - 3/25/2015 Two Kinds of Science? - 3/26/2015 Could God Have Used Big Bang? - 3/27/2015 How Important Is Resurrection? - 3/30/2015 The Conversion of Skeptics - 3/31/2015 Fearful to Completely Fearless - 4/1/2015 He Is Not Here, He Is Risen! - 4/2/2015 What's the Hope of Good Friday - 4/3/2015 Icefish - 4/6/2015 Emperor Penguins - 4/7/2015 Killer Whales - 4/8/2015 God's Provision... of Krill? - 4/9/2015 Carnivores Before the Fall - 4/10/2015 From Babel to the Americas - 4/13/2015 Is Gender a Social Construct? - 4/14/2015 Evolution - Dangerous for Kids - 4/15/2015 Imitating God's Creation - 4/16/2015 All the Skin Shades... - 4/17/2015 The Gap Theory and Death - 4/20/2015 The Gap Theory and Exodus 20 - 4/21/2015 The Gap Theory and the Flood - 4/22/2015 Did Adam and Eve Refill Earth? - 4/24/2015 Soft Tissue in Old Fossils? - 4/27/2015 Decaying Magnetic Field - 4/28/2015 Carbon-14 . . . in Diamonds? - 4/29/2015 Comets - Young Universe? - 4/30/2015 Too Little Salt in the Sea? - 5/1/2015 Is Jesus Really God? - 5/4/2015 Jesus Has Attributes of God - 5/5/2015 Jesus - The Authority of God - 5/6/2015 Jesus - Worshipped as God - 5/7/2015 Happy Mother's Day - 5/8/2015 Starting with Assumptions - 5/11/2015 Challenging the Assumptions - 5/12/2015 Assumptions on Assumptions - 5/13/2015 What's the Basis for Morality? - 5/14/2015 Was There Death Before Adam? - 5/15/2015 The Seven C's of History - 5/18/2015 The Seven C's of History - 5/19/2015 The Seven C's of History - 5/20/2015 The Seven C's of History - 5/21/2015 Honoring Our Soldiers - 5/25/2015 Does Bible Teach a Flat Earth? - 5/26/2015 The Expansion of the Universe - 5/27/2015 Chameleons - Marvels of Design - 5/29/2015 Creation Scientists - 6/1/2015 Evidence Confirms Young Earth - 6/2/2015 Another Successful Prediction - 6/3/2015 We're All One Race - 6/4/2015 The Creation Model Makes Good - 6/5/2015 Sea Creatures on Mountaintops? - 6/8/2015 Billions of Dead Things - 6/9/2015 Rapid Burial of Creatures - 6/10/2015 No Erosion Between Layers - 6/11/2015 Bent But Not Broken! - 6/12/2015 “Presuppositional” Apologetics - 6/15/2015 Don't Just Win Arguments! - 6/16/2015 How Many Doors? - 6/17/2015 The Gospel and Genesis - 6/18/2015 The Unity of the Bible - 6/19/2015 Trust Bible's Astronomy? - 6/22/2015 The Earth's Shape - 6/23/2015 The Earth Floats in Space - 6/24/2015 The Expansion of the Universe - 6/25/2015 How Many Stars? - 6/26/2015 Fine-Tuned for Life - 6/29/2015 Intolerant Tolerance - 6/30/2015 Do Creationists Deny Science? - 7/1/2015 Natural Selection Evolution? - 7/2/2015 One Nation Under God? - 7/3/2015 Made in the Image of God - 7/6/2015 When Does Life Begin? - 7/7/2015 Legalized Killing in Hospitals - 7/8/2015 The Tragedy of Eugenics - 7/9/2015 Do the Ends Justify the Means? - 7/10/2015 Ancient Tablets, Genesis - 7/13/2015 Design in a Fallen World - 7/14/2015 Is the Big Bang Biblical? - 7/16/2015 Are We Just Animals? - 7/17/2015 Purpose in Your Heart - 7/20/2015 Who Were Neanderthals? - 7/21/2015 Is Evidence Enough? - 7/22/2015 Any Room for Racism? - 7/23/2015 Deny Climate Change? - 7/24/2015 Unexpected Blue Stars - 7/27/2015 Saturn's Fragile Rings - 7/28/2015 Short-Lived Comets - 7/29/2015 Our Receding Moon - 7/30/2015 Magnetic Fields... - 7/31/2015 Superstitions - How to Respond - 8/3/2015 Is Atheism a Religion? - 8/4/2015 Disappearing Religious Freedom - 8/5/2015 Death Before the Fall? - 8/6/2015 Where Did Logic Come From? - 8/7/2015 What About Dinosaurs? - 8/10/2015 Why Do People Look Different? - 8/11/2015 Why Do We Die? - 8/12/2015 Are Aliens Real? - 8/13/2015 Did We Evolve? - 8/14/2015 Isaac Newton - Creationist - 8/17/2015 A Creation Astronomer - 8/18/2015 A Modern Creation Scientist - 8/19/2015 Creationists and Technology - 8/20/2015 Louis Pasteur - 8/21/2015 Our Heritage of Freedom - 8/24/2015 What Park Rangers Won't Tell! - 8/25/2015 An Unanswerable Problem? - 8/26/2015 Can We Choose Our Gender? - 8/27/2015 Katrina and Death and Sufferin - 8/28/2015 The Law of Biogenesis - 8/31/2015 Information from Information - 9/1/2015 The Cambrian Explosion - 9/2/2015 Missing “Missing Links” - 9/3/2015 Wrong Starting Point - 9/4/2015 Death Before Sin? - 9/7/2015 The Order of Events - 9/8/2015 When Is a Day a Day? - 9/9/2015 Can We Know Earth's Age? - 9/10/2015 An Old Earth and 9/11? - 9/11/2015 Do Creationists Reject Science - 9/14/2015 Creationists & Climate Change? - 9/15/2015 Do New Species Form? - 9/16/2015 Do Creationists Deny the Laws? - 9/17/2015 Intelligent Design & Creation - 9/18/2015 A Lost Generation - 9/21/2015 How'd We Get Here? - 9/22/2015 Start Education at Home - 9/23/2015 The Role of the Church - 9/24/2015 Dinosaurs - A Mystery? - 9/28/2015 Dinosuars and the Global Flood - 9/30/2015 Did Humans Walk with Dinosaurs - 10/1/2015 Missionary Lizards - 10/2/2015 Gaps in Genesis Genealogies? - 10/5/2015 Genesis Genealogies Gaps? - 10/6/2015 Trust Radiometric Dating? - 10/7/2015 Dating Assumptions - 10/8/2015 Radiometric Dating? - 10/9/2015 From Babel to America - 10/12/2015 A Creation Scientist? - 10/13/2015 Did God Create Poodles? - 10/14/2015 It's All About Your Attitude - 10/15/2015 Antibiotic Resistance... - 10/16/2015 Did God Use the Big Bang? - 10/19/2015 Missing Monopoles - 10/20/2015 Where Did Matter Come From? - 10/21/2015 Where Is All the Antimatter? - 10/22/2015 Missing Stars - 10/23/2015 Titan's Young Lakes - 10/26/2015 Evolution or Babel? - 10/27/2015 Do We Choose Our Own Gender? - 10/28/2015 Evolution or Created Variety? - 10/29/2015 Reformation Day - 10/30/2015 How Did Noah Fit the Animals? - 11/2/2015 Caring for the Animals - 11/3/2015 Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 11/4/2015 Waste on the Ark - 11/5/2015 Carnivores, Herbivores, Flood - 11/6/2015
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