Speaker: Rev. Ian Goligher
2,280 sermons
>Glorying in the Cross 2 - 6/17/2021 Mercy for Backsliders - 6/17/2021 How to Glorify God in Sickness - 6/18/2021 How to Glorify God in.. - 6/21/2021 Glorying in the Cross - 6/22/2021 The Lady with a New Heart - 6/24/2021 The Lady with a New Heart 2 - 6/25/2021 I Am Black but Comely - 6/28/2021 I Am Black but Comely 2 - 6/29/2021 Testimony for Canada Day 1 - 6/30/2021 Canada Day Testimony 2 - 7/1/2021 The Christian Home - 7/2/2021 The Christian Home 2 - 7/5/2021 Wives Submit to Your own.. - 7/6/2021 Husbands Love Your Wives - 7/7/2021 Wives Submit to your Own.. - 7/8/2021 Wives Submit to Your Own.. - 7/9/2021 What is the Church? - 12/22/2021 All Things are Possible - 12/29/2021 Counting Time - 12/30/2021 Counting Time 2 - 12/31/2021 What is the Church? - 1/3/2022 What is the Church? Part 2 - 1/4/2022 What is the Bible? Part 1 - 1/5/2022 What is the Bible? Part 2 - 1/6/2022 What is God? Part 1 - 1/7/2022 What is God? Part 2 - 1/10/2022 What is Sin? - 1/11/2022 What is Sin? - 1/12/2022 What is Worship? - 1/13/2022 What is Worship? - 1/14/2022 What is Baptism? - 1/17/2022 What is Baptism? - 1/18/2022 What is the Sabbath? - 1/18/2022 What is the Sabbath? Part 2 - 1/20/2022 What is Hell? - 1/21/2022 What is Heaven? - 1/24/2022 What is Heaven? - 1/25/2022 What is Heaven? Part 2 - 1/26/2022 What is Communion? Part 2 - 1/31/2022 Reasons Why We Love the Lord - 2/1/2022 Seven Things to Add to Your.. - 2/2/2022 Things to Add to Your Faith - 2/3/2022 Things to Add to Your Faith 2 - 2/3/2022 Assurance Assured - 2/4/2022 Assurance of Election - 2/4/2022 Saved and Sure - 2/7/2022 A More Sure Word - 2/8/2022 The Power of the Bible - 2/9/2022 Why Phony Preachers are.. - 2/10/2022 False Teachers Right in the.. - 2/14/2022 False Teachers Right in the.. - 2/15/2022 Tempted, but Delivered - 2/16/2022 Deliverance from Apostates - 2/17/2022 God Judging the Wicked - 2/18/2022 God Judging the Wicked 2 - 2/21/2022 Deceits of False Teachers - 2/22/2022 Liars Against the Truth - 2/22/2022 Deceits of False Teachers - 2/23/2022 Scoffers - 2/24/2022 Scoffers 2 - 2/25/2022 More Lies Against the Truth - 3/1/2022 Peter's Principles - 3/2/2022 Peter's Principles 2 - 3/3/2022 The Promise of His Coming - 3/4/2022 The Promise of His Coming.. - 3/7/2022 The Error of the Wicked - 3/8/2022 The Error of the Wicked 2 - 3/9/2022 The Inspired Word - 3/10/2022 The Inspired Word 2 - 3/11/2022 Interpreting the Word - 3/14/2022 Grow in Grace 1 - 3/15/2022 Grow in Grace 2 - 3/16/2022 The True Bread - 3/17/2022 True Bread 2 - 3/18/2022 The True Vine - 3/21/2022 The True Vine 2 - 3/22/2022 One Way 1 - 3/23/2022 One Way 2 - 3/24/2022 True Light 1 - 3/25/2022 True Light 2 - 3/28/2022 Thirsty to Drink - 3/29/2022 The One Door - 3/31/2022 One Door 2 - 4/1/2022 True Bread - 4/4/2022 Bible Interpretation - 4/6/2022 Beware of the Error of the.. - 4/7/2022 Looking Unto Jesus 2 - 4/11/2022 The Good Shepherd 2 - 4/13/2022 Father Forgive Them - 4/14/2022 Father Forgive Them 2 - 4/15/2022 Missionaries of the Cross - 4/18/2022 Missionaries of the Cross 2 - 4/19/2022 Bible Interpretation - 4/20/2022 Bible Interpretation 2 - 4/21/2022 Noah, A Type of Christ - 4/22/2022 Noah, A Type of Christ 2 - 4/25/2022 Abraham, A Type of Christ - 4/26/2022 Abraham, A Type of Christ 2 - 4/27/2022 Isaac, A Type of Christ - 4/27/2022 Isaac, A Type of Christ 2 - 4/29/2022 Joseph, A Type of Christ 1 - 5/2/2022 Joseph, A Type of Christ 2 - 5/3/2022 Joseph, A Type of Christ in.. - 5/4/2022 Mary & Martha - 5/5/2022 Mary & Martha 2 - 5/6/2022 Joseph, A Type of Christ in.. - 5/9/2022 Three Dimensional Love - 5/10/2022 Three Dimensional Love 2 - 5/11/2022 Confidence in the Lord - 5/12/2022 Confidence in the Lord 2 - 5/13/2022 Lifting up a Standard - 5/16/2022 Lifting up A Standard 2 - 5/17/2022 Motivated by Mercy - 5/18/2022 Mercies Move Us - 5/20/2022 A Living Sarifice - 5/23/2022 Mercies Move Us 2 - 5/23/2022 A Living Sacrifice 2 - 5/25/2022 Praying in the Spirit - 5/26/2022 Praying in the Spirit 2 - 5/27/2022 No Condemnation - 5/30/2022 Abiding for Fruit - 5/31/2022 Gideon's Victory - 6/1/2022 Gideon's Victory 2 - 6/2/2022 The Practice of Abiding - 6/20/2022 The Purpose of Abiding - 6/21/2022 Neither Do I Condemn Thee - 6/22/2022 Looking Unto Jesus - 6/23/2022 Look and Live 2 - 6/27/2022 Looking Unto Jesus - 6/27/2022 Be Sober Minded - 6/29/2022 Be Sober Minded 2 - 6/30/2022 Suffering as a Christian - 7/1/2022 Suffering as a Christian 2 - 7/4/2022 Called to Love - 7/6/2022 The Gifts Have Ceased - 7/6/2022 The Gifts Have Ceased 2 - 7/7/2022 The Gifts for Ministry - 7/8/2022 The Gifts for Ministry 2 - 7/11/2022 Be Humble 2 - 7/12/2022 Satan Roaring - 7/12/2022 Worry Free Living - 7/12/2022 Worry Free Living 2 - 7/12/2022 To be an Elder - 7/13/2022 To Be an Elder 2 - 7/15/2022 Be Humble - 7/18/2022 Humility 2 - 7/19/2022 Satan Roaring - 7/21/2022 Why Abide 2 - 7/26/2022 No Condemnation 2 - 7/28/2022 Looking Unto Jesus - 7/29/2022 Looking Unto Jesus 2 - 8/1/2022 Looking Unto Jesus - 8/2/2022 Looking Unto Jesus 2 - 8/3/2022 The Rich Loser - 8/4/2022 The Rich Loser 2 - 8/5/2022 Paul Before Felix - 8/8/2022 Paul Before Felix 2 - 8/9/2022 Paul Before Agrippa - 8/10/2022 Paul Before Agrippa 2 - 8/11/2022 The Right Man For Us - 8/12/2022 The Right Man for Us 2 - 8/15/2022 Behold the Lamb of God - 8/16/2022 Behold the Lamb 2 - 8/17/2022 Never Stop Looking to Jesus - 8/18/2022 Never Stop Looking to Jesus 2 - 8/19/2022 Truly the Son of God - 8/22/2022 Spiritual Heartburn - 8/23/2022 Preaching Christ - 8/24/2022 Preaching Christ 2 - 8/25/2022 Timothy Profiled - 8/26/2022 Lazarus Alive! - 8/30/2022 Lazarus Alive 2 - 8/31/2022 Enjoyment of New Life - 9/1/2022 Regeneration of the Earth - 9/5/2022 Regeneration of Earth 2 - 9/6/2022 Scoffers in the Last Days - 9/7/2022 Scoffers in the Last Days 2 - 9/8/2022 Rapture of the Church 2 - 9/12/2022 The Millenium - 9/13/2022 The Millenium 2 - 9/14/2022 The Last Days - 9/15/2022 The Last Days 2 - 9/16/2022 The Tribulation - 9/19/2022 The Tribulation 2 - 9/20/2022 The Judgment Day - 9/21/2022 The Judgment Day 2 - 9/22/2022 The Wisdom of God in the Cross - 9/23/2022 Grow in Grace - 9/26/2022 Grow in Grace 2 - 9/26/2022 The Wisdom of God in the Cross - 9/26/2022 Appreciation of Paul 2 - 9/28/2022 Foolishness of Preaching - 9/28/2022 Foolishness of Preaching 2 - 9/28/2022 Paul's Upbringing 2 - 9/28/2022 Appreciation of Paul - 10/3/2022 Appreciation of Paul 3 - 10/5/2022 Paul's Upbringing - 10/6/2022 Paul's Upbringing 2 - 10/7/2022 Paul's Upbringing 3 - 10/10/2022 God's Grace - 10/11/2022 God's Grace 2 - 10/12/2022 Union with Christ - 10/13/2022 Union with Christ 2 - 10/14/2022 Begone Despair - 10/17/2022 Begone Despair 2 - 10/18/2022 Justification 2 - 10/18/2022 Living Sacrifices - 10/19/2022 The Faith of Devils - 10/21/2022 The Faith of Devils 2 - 10/24/2022 Justification - 10/25/2022 One Step to Death - 10/27/2022 One Step to Death 2 - 10/28/2022 A History of Popes - 10/31/2022 A History of Popes 2 - 11/1/2022 Total Depravity - 11/1/2022 Total Depravity 2 - 11/3/2022 Unconditional Election - 11/4/2022 Unconditional Election 2 - 11/7/2022 Limited Atonement - 11/8/2022 Limited Atonement 2 - 11/9/2022 Irresistible Grace - 11/10/2022 Irresistible Grace 2 - 11/11/2022 Perseverance of Saints - 11/14/2022 The Law our School Master - 11/16/2022 The Law Our School Master 2 - 11/17/2022 Ready for Christ's Return - 11/18/2022 Ready for Christ's Return 2 - 11/21/2022 Daniel's Purpose - 11/22/2022 Daniel's Purpose 2 - 11/23/2022 Daniel's Wisdom - 11/24/2022 Daniel's Wisdom 2 - 11/25/2022 Do You Pray? - 11/29/2022 Is it True? - 11/29/2022 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream 2 - 12/1/2022 Belshazzar's Judgment - 12/2/2022 Belshazzar's Judgment 2 - 12/5/2022 Do You Pray? 2 - 12/7/2022 The Everlasting Kingdom - 12/8/2022 The Everlasting Kingdom 2 - 12/9/2022 Visions of Future Nations - 12/12/2022 Visions of Future Nations - 12/13/2022 The Birth of Our Lord Jesus - 12/16/2022 The Birth of our Lord Jesus 2 - 12/19/2022 The Virgin Birth - 12/20/2022 The Shepherds' Ministry - 12/21/2022 The Shepherds' Ministry - 12/22/2022 Mary Chosen - 12/23/2022 Mary Chosen 2 - 12/26/2022 Whiter than Snow - 12/27/2022 Whiter than Snow 2 - 12/28/2022 Where is the God of Elijah? - 12/29/2022 Counting the Time - 12/30/2022 Markers in Prophecy - 1/2/2023 Markers in Prophecy 3 - 1/4/2023 Markers in Prophecy 4 - 1/10/2023 God is For Us - 1/11/2023 Ploughman to Prophet 2 - 1/12/2023 Cursed Waters - 1/13/2023 God is For Us - 1/18/2023 Satisfied in Jesus - 1/19/2023 Satisfied in Jesus 2 - 1/20/2023 A Model Woman - 1/23/2023 A Model Woman 2 - 1/24/2023 Cursed but Cured - 1/25/2023 Cursed but Cured - 1/26/2023 Losing Your Cutting Edge - 1/27/2023 Losing Your Cutting Edge 2 - 1/30/2023 Losing Your Cutting Edge 2 - 1/31/2023 A Soul Robber - 2/2/2023 A Soul Robber 2 - 2/3/2023 Bows and Arrows - 2/6/2023 Bows & Arrows 2 - 2/7/2023 The Right Time to be Saved - 2/8/2023 The Right Time to be Saved 2 - 2/9/2023 Our Personal Prophet - 2/10/2023 Our Personal Prophet 2 - 2/13/2023 Our Personal Priest - 2/14/2023 The Right to Die - 2/22/2023 The Right to Die 2 - 2/22/2023 Saved to the Uttermost - 2/24/2023 Saved to the Uttermost 2 - 2/27/2023 Blood Bought - 2/28/2023 Blood Bought - 3/1/2023 Chastisement Works - 3/2/2023 Chastisement Works 2 - 3/3/2023 Chastisement Works 3 - 3/6/2023 Brotherly Love - 3/7/2023 From Sinai to Sion - 3/7/2023 From Sinai to Sion 2 - 3/8/2023 The Great Escape - 3/10/2023 Brotherly Love 2 - 3/13/2023 Safe Living - 3/14/2023 Safe Living 2 - 3/15/2023 The Great Shepherd 2 - 3/17/2023 Turn of Burn - 3/20/2023 Enduring the Cross - 3/21/2023 Turn or Burn 2 - 3/21/2023 Power to Deliver - 3/22/2023 Unchangeable - 3/23/2023 Unchangeable 2 - 3/24/2023 Big Gospel 1 - 3/27/2023 Big Gospel 2 - 3/28/2023 Big Gospel 3 - 3/29/2023 Big Gospel 4 - 3/30/2023 A Better Peter - 3/31/2023 A Better Peter 2 - 4/3/2023 A King for a Day - 4/4/2023 A King for a Day 2 - 4/5/2023 Success at the Cross - 4/7/2023 The Risen Jesus Will Return - 4/11/2023 Hope For men in Despair 2 - 4/13/2023 The Power of a Proverb - 4/14/2023 The Power of a Proverb 2 - 4/17/2023 The Fear of the Lord - 4/18/2023 The Fear of the Lord 2 - 4/19/2023 Total Trust - 4/20/2023 Total Trust - 4/21/2023 True Riches 2 - 4/25/2023 Keep Your Heart - 4/28/2023 Keep Your Heart 2 - 5/1/2023 A Virtuous Woman - 5/11/2023 A Virtuous Woman 2 - 5/12/2023 Love, Tried, Tested and True - 5/17/2023 The Timeless Saviour - 5/18/2023 The Timeless Saviour - 5/19/2023 Electing Love - 5/22/2023 Electing Love 2 - 5/23/2023 Philip the Evangelist - 5/24/2023 Philip the Evangelist 2 - 5/25/2023 The Way to the Father 2 - 5/29/2023 When Life Loses its Cutting.. - 5/30/2023 When Life Loses its Cutting.. - 5/31/2023 Jonathan Goforth - China - 6/1/2023 The Nicene Creed 2 - 6/6/2023 The Nicene Creed 3 - 6/7/2023 Witnessing to Jehovah's Witn.. - 6/8/2023 Witnessing to Jehovah's Witn.. - 6/9/2023 Witnessing to Jehovah's Witn.. - 6/12/2023 Witnessing to Mormons 1 - 6/13/2023 Witnessing to SDAs - 6/16/2023 Witnessing to SDAs - 6/19/2023 Witnessing to Roman Catholic.. - 6/20/2023 Witnessing to Roman Catholic.. - 6/21/2023 Witnessing to Roman Catholic.. - 6/22/2023 Witnessing to Christian Scie.. - 6/23/2023 Witnessing to Sikhs 2 - 6/29/2023 Witnessing to Sikhs 3 - 6/30/2023 The World's Greatest Gospel.. - 7/3/2023 The World's Greatest Gospel.. - 7/4/2023 Satisfied in Christ - 7/5/2023 Satisfied in Christ 2 - 7/6/2023 My Victory Through Christ's.. - 7/7/2023 My Victory Through Christ's.. - 7/10/2023 The Sympathising Saviour - 7/11/2023 The Sympathizing Saviour 2 - 7/12/2023 Enjoying the Fulness that is.. - 7/13/2023 Enjoying the Fulness that is.. - 7/14/2023 The Power of the Cross to Save - 7/18/2023 Is Hell Really Eternal Punis.. - 7/19/2023 Is Hell Really Eternal Punis.. - 7/20/2023 How to Evangelise? - 7/21/2023 How to Evangelise 2 - 7/24/2023 God is Faithful to You - 7/25/2023 The Truly Good Shepherd - 7/27/2023 The Truly Good Shepherd 2 - 7/28/2023 Our Only Priest - 7/31/2023 Our Only Priest 2 - 8/1/2023 God Will Provide Himself a L.. - 8/2/2023 God Will Provide Himself a L.. - 8/3/2023 I'm Not Ashamed - 8/4/2023 Unashamed Gospel - 8/7/2023 An Appreciation of John the.. - 8/8/2023 Appreciation of John the Apo.. - 8/9/2023 How We Become Partners - 8/10/2023 Partners with God, How? - 8/10/2023 Born of God, What Happens? - 8/16/2023 Seven Men in a Boat; No Fish - 8/17/2023 Who Cares When Born of God? - 8/18/2023 Who Cares When Born of God? 2 - 8/21/2023 Job Fighting for Your Testim.. - 8/22/2023 Job Fighting for His Testimony - 8/23/2023 Remember Me - 8/24/2023 Remember Me 2 - 8/25/2023 A Bad Deal - 8/28/2023 A Bad Deal 2 - 8/29/2023 Overcoming Faith - 8/30/2023 Overcoming Faith 2 - 8/31/2023 Practical Peter - 9/1/2023 Gospel of Peter - 9/5/2023 Peter's Sure Hope - 9/7/2023 O to be Holy - 9/8/2023 Oh to be Holy - 9/11/2023 Bought by The Blood - 9/12/2023 Loving The Brethren - 9/13/2023 Loving The Brethren 2 - 9/14/2023 Daily Milk - 9/15/2023 Daily Milk 2 - 9/18/2023 Coming from The Darkness - 9/19/2023 Coming to The Light - 9/21/2023 Finding Mercy - 9/22/2023 Finding Mercy 2 - 9/26/2023 Stop! - 9/27/2023 Stop! 2 - 9/28/2023 Submit! - 9/29/2023 Submit! 2 - 10/2/2023 The Winning Wife - 10/3/2023 Husbands & Wives - 10/9/2023 Christian Unity - 10/10/2023 True Christian Unity - 10/11/2023 The Caring Church - 10/12/2023 The Caring Church 2 - 10/13/2023 Suffering as a Christian - 10/16/2023
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