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Sean E. Harris | Fayetteville, North Carolina
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Berean Baptist Church
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Obama Chastises Followers of Christ
Series:  News In Focus  · 868 of 1128
2/5/2015 (THU)
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Obama at the Prayer Breakfast

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jg (2/6/2015)
from ga
“ Great Sermon! ”
Ya know I can hear the frustration. Pastor Bill said turn from looking at this stuff and focus only on his flock. I understand fully these emotions. However unlike what the president believes there is ultimate truth. And unless those like you who have a mouthpiece to declare it to the masses there is no chance for repentance. So I encourage you to double your efforts even when (especially when) it seems like its doing no good. God bless you all.

HelenContact via email (2/6/2015)
from Sweden
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastors at Berean, When ever you turn on the mike God gets glorified that is why I love listening to your podcasts.Very thankful for giving us far a way a moment of great teaching and reflection. Obama he never stops being an enemy of Christ it happens all the time when ever he opens his mouth. You did a correct analys of his attempt to put all the blame and focus on horrible things that has happend in Christianity (long time ago) all to justify Islam. He has his heart set on that religion for sure.

Vasiliki Mbillis (2/6/2015)
from Queens, NY
“ Great Sermon! ”
I could not “contend for the faith” without my Bible, My Creator and Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit or without all of your teaching, including the 10th grade bible classes online and your preaching on Sunday AM and PM, some Wednesdays. Finally be assured that when you “turn on the mike” and discuss current events, cultural trends and behavior or Christian headlines you are equipping me, edifying me and reminding me that not everyone is complacent and content with the status quo, we are not alone in our worldview. Your ministry is invaluable, it is for me one of those treasures I am told to store up in heaven. Keep up the great work and God Bless You and Keep You. Vicki (sorry my comment needed 3 separate posts) once I get started...

Vasiliki MbillisContact via email (2/6/2015)
from Queens, NY
“ Great Sermon! ”
consider the horrible things done in the name of Christ, I do not know why he says “before we get on our high horse”, he is not a Christian because he has no love for the brethren being tortured today. I digress, my point i n this comment is to thank you all. I figuratively speaking hit my head against a wall asking who is out there speaking the Truth, Absolutely? Who is contending for the faith? Who is loving Christ and standing up for Him and rebuking the lies that are everywhere with regard to Christ the Lord and the Christian Faith? Am all alone in this world with no Absolute Truth, in a Godless Country? And when I get angry and frustrated I seek His face and search the scriptures for comfort and I turn on my computer, go to SermonAudio and listen to what the Men of God at Barean are saying and find fellowship in Truth with my brethren. Then I take what I learn from the scriptures and from all of you and refuel for the next time I have to speak to my Catholic Cousin who believes 6 days of Creation is just a metaphor or worse “a fairy tale” or when I have to explain to my father that kissing an icon is worship and that saint did not pay the ransom for your soul or when I talk to my pastor and explain to him why I will not participate in Rick Warren’s newest campaign. (cont)

Vasiliki Mbillis (2/6/2015)
from Queens, NY
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You Man of God for “turning on the mike” even when you probably wonder why do we bother in a society drenched in apathy, does anyone even listen? Yes, I listen and have been for 2 years. Although I said “Man of God” I am talking to all of you, Pastor Sean, Pastor Bill, Pastor Dave and Brian, I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. I live in New York City the apathetic, uncaring folks are right outside my door. I come from a family, half Catholic, half Orthodox, so caught up in their tradition that even when I open the Word and show them the Truth from God and Christ, through the Apostles and Prophets I get told I need an exorcist. I go to a church where Rick Warren’s non gospel, seeker sensitive bologna is front and center. I watch the news and keep up with what is going on for the most part and I hear the frustration and aggravation in words and can completely relate. I get become very frustrated and even angry and the attack on Christians coming out of President Obama’s mouth, “both sides of his mouth” is just a sad reminder that the world hates our Lord and Savior and it is that hatred that makes me angry. And it is discouraging Pastor Sean, when terrorists burn a man alive and the President tells Christians, “before we get on our high horse” consider (comment continued)

G. Morgan (2/6/2015)
from Georgia
“ Conspiracy theorists? ”
What could have been an interesting report, turned into conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated accusations against your fellow brothers and sisters in your own town. Sad.

Jaye (2/6/2015)
from Europe
“ Great Sermon! ” See above link as an example of what I previously stated. Dr. Voddie Bauchum is an African American pastor of a baptist church but does not automatically approve of him just because of skin complexion.

Jaye (2/6/2015)
from Europe
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Voddie Bauchum does not give the president a pass just because he is black. He does stand for truth and has publicly renounced his policies. It should happen more across the board but give credit where credit is due.

Lee (2/5/2015)
from SC
“ Great Sermon! ”
Matthew 13:37-40 KJV [37] He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; [38] The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one ; [39] The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. [40] As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. As always Jesus was right. This artical goes hand in hand with what I just studied this morning. So glad I'm not a tare. These preachers that are taking this evil side of politics are proving jesus' words correct again in Luke 21 Luke 21:8 KJV [8] And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them. They claim to follow Jesus and say Jesus is the Christ but yet they themselves are deceiving many. Probaby beleive in the time is near in the pre-trib belief aswell. Yet Jesus clearly said to go not therefore after them.

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  Sean E. Harris
Pastor Sean Harris has been the Senior Pastor for Berean Baptist Church and Academy in Fayetteville, NC since 2006. He served as a member, lay teacher and deacon at Berean from 1987 until he became the Senior Pastor. As the Senior Pastor, he oversees Berean’s ministry to over...

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