His Forever Workmanship
Graced by grace — believers are the divine and distinguishing artwork of God!
Jesus, by grace, graced us with grace and the gift of His righteousness.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, eats like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, has feathers like a duck — it's a duck.
I'm using little ducks to share with others about being one whose life has been interrupted by Jesus and invaded with His grace to take to Jesus, as His follower, like a duck takes to water.
If they believe like a disciple, trust like a disciple, follow like a disciple, love like a disciple, walk like a disciple, pray like a disciple, repent like a disciple, live like a disciple, continue in the word like a disciple, and fish like a disciple, they are disciples.
And, like a duck takes to water, so will a disciple of Jesus (a new creature in Christ Jesus) take to the faithful, freeing, and fruitful truths of Jesus and His message, mission, and ministry.
Jesus lived by the grace of God. Scripture says, in Hebrews 2, "By the grace of God, Jesus tasted death for all His sheep." He intentionally and purposely came and lived according to the grace of God to grace us with grace. So the grace of God is just not something that teaches us how to live, though it does, grace is how our Master and Savior, lived and died. So that we could forever embrace and experience God's grace, amen. Why? Because He was sent into this world to be a gift to His Father and a substitute on our behalf.
He, by grace, graced us with everlasting grace and righteousness.
Hallelujah, glory be!
#nestingwithjesus #ephesians #ephesians2 #ephesians1 #hebrews2 #romans5 #john17 #mark8an |