Give, Gave, Given…
Three of the most precious words — in all the Bible and especially in Jesus' prayer that we have recorded in John 17. Jesus uses the phrase, in one form or another, seventeen times in this prayer. Seventeen times.
Not one dynamic nor ounce of these three words and all that is attached and applied to them can be compromised, missing, flawed, or wrong. Take just one splinter away from the planks of this ark, and the whole ark sinks. That's how valuable each plank is in the who and what has been given to Jesus. The salvation ark of Jesus depends entirely on who gave what's been given to Him and what's given by Him. Think about it. They all ride on the authority given to Him, the people given to Him, the glory given to Him, the words given to Him, and the work given to Him. Just let that sink and settle in you. An attempt to compromise the ark or minimize just one aspect or diminish one dynamic is an attempt to compromise, overthrow, and destroy them all. We can't even comprehend the depth, height, width, and breadth of these truths given to Him and those who have been given to Him. Glory be!
And remember — all authority, over all flesh, was given to Him and NOT you or I. That means He has the right to do with all flesh as He sees fit — not as we think He ought. Some think they can negotiate this right and tell a world He can't do what they say He can't do. It's His right… we don't have the right to tell Him or them what He can or cannot do. We simply tell everyone who the King is and what He's done to have that right. What's our part… believing, and getting under His yoke. Failing to believe and get under His yoke equals death now and forever. So, I en |