"John wants us to know that even when our heart condemns us, we can have hope, and friends, I need to hear this probably more than anyone else today because I stumble and fall often. And in those moments of deep frustration with myself by all I can say is, 'Well, here I am again Lord, just a poor gospel-abusing sinner. I'm not worthy to even say your name but I have nowhere else to go for hope,' and I pray with the Puritans of old, 'Blessed Jesus, let me find a place to hide in thy appeasing wounds. Though my sins rise to heaven thy merits soar above them. Grant me to hear thy voice assuring me that by thy stripes I am healed, that thou hast been made sin for me that I might be righteous in thee, and that my grievous and manifold sins are all forgiven, buried in the ocean of thy concealing blood.' And in that moment the sweet relief of assurance floods over my soul when I tell my condemning heart that all my sins are forever under that blood. Friends do you know that assurance today?" |