Living in Two Realms
As Proverbs 18:16 and 22:29 teach us...that under normal's a man's gift or skill that makes room for him to have more influence and be sought out by people like King Solomon. Hiram was known for his gift and his gifting brought him before kings.
Under normal conditions... strength, abilities, preparation and numbers matter... but under supernatural conditions they are not a factor/relevant. The weak can be strong when God intervenes, and the strong are weak when He fights against them... it all depends on who they serve. Amos 2:13-16
We, as disciples of Jesus, need to understand both... how things work, NATURALLY and SUPERNATURALLY, because for us believers, we're always operating in both. And, like King David, who taught Solomon, we need to teach our children, and others, how to value the natural and supernatural. Why? God reigns over both... yet He governs each differently.
Therefore... as we plan and prepare, and continue to cultivate the gifts we've been given, we must not function with only a world view (under normal condition) and forfeit God's presence, perspective and wisdom. Remember, we are like Gideon and the few men he was given to fight several armies of men. God's favor and insight from our King and His kingdom ways are a force no gift, popularity, fame or armies can reckon with. Why? When God is in it, as with Gideon, the normal conditions, or what should have taken place naturally, was overtaken by the supernatural work of God's kingdom.
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