A few punishing hours passed. The passengers slept on. Then, Justice was awakened — with a start. Water — icy water — was pouring in upon him. 'Wake up! Wake up!' he shouted. He shook his father, frantically. His mother and Prudence stirred. Another blast of icy cold water poured in upon them. The commotion aroused the whole company. 'What is it?' came the muffled cry from the murky gloom. 'The force of the gale has opened the main seam of the deck,' replied Mr Lovelace. 'Look here,' he shouted. 'Look here.' He pointed up by the main beam. He held a lantern in his hand. He directed the light up to the roof and they could see the water seeping in. 'Look, Father,' said Justice, pointing up to the main beam, 'look at the beam. Look at the beam . . .' His voice trailed off.
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David Gay
15-The Jack-Screw Voyage To Freedom-Child Book David H J Gay Ministry