Nesting With Jesus, Day by Day
Blessings friends. Can I share something with y'all that has been a rich blessing to me, our family, our church family and many more?
If you'll give me a little of your time to listen what I share in this message, I'm confident I have a tool that CAN BE a rich help to aid you from day to day. It's simple, very practical and could be extremely beneficial — for I know personally how it has been a mega help to me in my own walk, and many others, through the years.
Remember this... our public ministries FOR Jesus require private moments WITH Jesus. So we encourage you to keep seeking Him and let those transformative times WITH Him overflow into serving those He brings into your path each day.
So, come join us, we believe we can help you rethink your approach... and we believe our daily reading plan, Nesting with Jesus, can be a blessing to you that do not already have one. If you have a plan already stick with it, we'd never want to discourage you in what you're doing. But, if you get overwhelmed in it, you can revaluate it, regroup as needed, and get caught up. Yet, if you continue to struggle and need a little help... you're always invited to jump in with us, any time you're ready. We know the importance of being in God's word and God's word getting in you. So, when it's right for you, come join us. Our plan is simple, but it's steadfast, a tool to help you FOCUS in and get a better look at Jesus, the big picture of God and the life and grace He reveals, in bite size pieces.
And for each of you that have joined us over the years, as we've journeyed through the Scriptures, day after day, we are ever grateful for you… |