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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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Stephen Nutter
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Our Unchangeable God (Divine Immutability) - 3 of 3
Series:  Existence & Attributes of God  · 31 of 32
12/28/2014 (SUN)
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
Our Unchangeable God - 3 of 3

Existence & Attributes of God
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
Our Unchangeable God - 3 of 3

Existence & Attributes of God
Providence Reformed...
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Ian Migala (12/29/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
2. IT ENCOURAGES US TO CONFIDENTLY EXPECT ETERNAL BLESSINGS (Heb 6:17, 18) [35:49]. God swears by Himself because there is nothing greater. How can an unchanging God not keep His promises? “How Fine a Foundation” sings of the certainty of the Lord. When we waver, it is we who are changing, not God. 3. IT CERTIFIES THAT HE WILL ALWAYS DO US GOOD AND PRESERVE US (Jas 1:16-18) [41:24]. The Father of lights will never lead us into darkness. He will finish the work He began in each of us, and He is with us every step of the way. E. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF HIS IMMUTABILITY AS MEDIATOR [45:30]. 1. IT WARNS US TO NEVER DEPART FROM CHRISTIANITY (Heb 1:10-12, 2:1). It is the only true religion because Christ is the only mediator between God and men. 2. IT WARNS US TO AVOID NOVEL DOCTRINES ABOUT CHRIST (Heb 13:8) [48:23]. Religious novelty has always been a threat to the faith, even when it was new. Men think they have to have something new and different and always shipwreck themselves on the rocks of heresy. They do not rest on the rock of salvation and in the light of truth. Paul was encouraged by the Bereans, who checked his teachings with the Scriptures. This may not build large churches, but it will build true Christians.

Ian Migala (12/29/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
C. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF HIS IMMUTABILITY AS CREATOR [24:29]. 1. IT CALLS US TO PLACE OUR TRUST IN OUR CREATOR, RATHER THAN IN HIS CREATION (Ps 102:25-27). All that we own wears out, just like all of creation. But God is unchanging and endures forever. We are only pilgrims here passing through. It is foolish for us to give our hearts to the passing things of this passing world and not to the eternal God. Who sits on the throne of our hearts? 2. IT CALLS US TO NEVER THINK THAT HE HAS FORGOTTEN OUR PROBLEMS (Is 40:27-28) [28:34]. ‘Immutable’ doesn’t mean ‘careless’. His understanding is infinite and inscrutable. Our way is not hidden from Him or unknown to Him. When has He ever let us down? If we think He has, then our thinking is skewed. D. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF HIS IMMUTABILITY AS REDEEMER [31:42]. 1. IT ASSURES US THAT HE WILL NEVER TURN AGAINST US (Mal 3:6). As seen earlier, He doesn’t consume His people. He whom He chastens He loves, but never consumes. He will never deny us; He sacrificed His own Son to save us. “Jesus, My Great High Priest” sings of Christ our advocate.

Ian Migala (12/29/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
2. IT SHOWS THE FUTILITY OF TRYING TO DEFEAT GOD’S WORD (1 Sam 15:29) [14:29]. Saul tried to change God’s mind, but it was made up. His will is always done, and happy is the Christian who resigns himself to this. 3. IT CALLS US TO SUBMIT TO HIS DECISIONS ABOUT OUR LIVES (Job 23:13, 14) [16:12]. God does in time what He decreed in eternity. Let us take His sovereign, gracious hand that leads us. When we guide our own steps with our own plans, we “kick against the pricks”. Happy Christians embrace the twists and turns that they could have planned or foreseen. They can say, “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 4. IT CALLS US TO SET OUR HOPE ON WHAT HE PROMISES TO DO (Ps 33:12) [21:44]. His promises are certain. They prompt us to strive and pray for their fulfillment. 5. IT TEACHES US TO COMMIT OUR PLANS AND CAUSE TO HIM (Pr 19:210 [23:34]. The counsel of the Lord will stand. We should make plans, but commit them to the Lord knowing that His righteousness will prevail.

Ian Migala (12/29/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
[Pastor Nutter credits his former professor, Pastor Greg Nichols of Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the outline of this message, which can be found in Pastor Nichols’ book, *What does the Bible say about God?: The Biblical doctrine of God*.] Mal 3:6 is the most pointed statement in the Bible regarding God’s immutability. We move on to Part III. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF GOD’S IMMUTABILITY [starting at 4:56 of the audio]. God tells us about Himself not just to fill our minds, but help us love Him more. A. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF HIS ABSOLUTE IMMUTABILITY [6:12]. God’s immutability is a bedrock of our faith. The hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” praises a faithfully unchanging God. The church will be kept no matter the attacks on it. “Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded” sings of God’s unchangeable compassion and love for His people. We were loved before the creation. B. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF HIS IMMUTABILITY AS SOVEREIGN [11:04]. 1. IT SHOWS THE FUTILITY OF TRYING TO RUIN GOD’S PEOPLE (Num 23:19). Balaam couldn’t curse God’s people even when he tried; only blessings came out of his mouth. “The Church’s One Foundation” sings of the church for which Christ died. Enemies can kill our bodies, but they can’t kill our souls.

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