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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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Stephen Nutter
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Divine Incorporeality: The Majestic Form of God
Series:  Existence & Attributes of God  · 32 of 32
1/18/2015 (SUN)
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
Divine Incorporeality

Existence & Attributes of God
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
Divine Incorporeality

Existence & Attributes of God
Providence Reformed...
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Ian Migala (1/19/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
III. THE RELIGIOUS AND PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE OF DIVINE INCORPOREALITY [47:09]. A. GOD’S INCORPOREALITY CONDEMNS ALL IDOLATRY. God and the things of Heaven are spirit; any image of them ought to bring holy offense. B. GOD’S INCORPOREALITY DISPLAYS THE INFINITE DIGNITY OF JESUS CHRIST. Col 2:9 – “For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily.” C. GOD’S INCORPOREALITY CALLS US TO IMITATE CHRIST’S HUMILITY. He came as a servant (Phil 2:8). D. GOD’S INCORPOREALITY SUMMONS US TO A LIFE OF HOPE AND HOLINESS. David and Job drew great comfort from this hope. This hope is purifying. E. GOD’S INCORPOREALITY COMPELS OUR ADORATION AND WORSHIP.

Ian Migala (1/19/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
II. THE PROFOUND DISPLAY OF DIVINE INCORPOREALITY: DIVINE APPEARANCES [34:19]. At times, God has revealed a bit of His glory. A. BEHOLD THE DIVINE APPEARANCES IN THEOPHANIES, VISIONS, AND DREAMS [35:23]. 1. THE DIVINE APPEARANCES IN THEOPHANIES. Gen 32:30; Ex 24:10-11, 33:20, 23; Num 12:8; and Judg 13:22-23 are examples of God’s great condescensions to us. 2. DIVINE APPEARANCES IN PROPHETIC DREAMS AND VISIONS [38:30]. Gen 28:12, 13, 16, 17; 1 Ki 22:19; Is 6:1, 2, 5; Acts 7:56; and Rev 4:2 all show that God reveals His majesty in small doses so that man can endure the experience. B. BEHOLD THE DIVINE APPEARANCE IN THE INCARNATION [41:09]. Phil 2:6-7 – Though He emptied Himself of His divine privileges (not His divinity), God incarnate was veiled in human flesh. It was an addition to His substance. C. BEHOLD THE DIVINE APPEARANCE IN HEAVEN AND ETERNITY [45:03]. Job 19:26; Ps 17:15; Mt 5:8; 1 Cor 13:12; Heb 12:14; 1 Jn 3:2; Rev 22:4 all state the promise of the elect to one day see God.

Ian Migala (1/19/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
4. GOD IS IMPASSIBLE [15:34]. Though the Son suffered greatly in His Passion, the Father is without passions, or intense human feelings. a. God is without ‘passions’ in the sense that He is invulnerable to bodily suffering (Acts 1:13, 1 Cor 12:26, Heb 2:18, 1 Pet 5:10). Patripassianism, the idea the Father suffered at the crucifixion, has been declared a heresy. b. God is without ‘passions’ in the sense that He does not have human or carnal emotions (Acts 14:15, Jas 5:17). When our passions are strong, we cannot pray. But emotion does have strong spiritual and physical dimensions. c. God is without ‘passions’ in the sense that He is without bodily appetites, which are defined as “instinctive desires necessary for preservation of life.” 5. GOD IS IMMORTAL [22:49]. ‘Immortality’ means without death or corruption. God never disintegrates or decays. See 1 Tim 6:16; Rom 1:23; 1 Cor 15:52, 53-54; 1 Pet 1:4, 23, 3:4. God alone is absolutely immortal: immortal from the beginning. The resurrection saints’ immortality is derived. B. THE INFINITE MAJESTY OF DIVINE INCORPOREALITY: ‘WHO DWELLS IN UNAPPROACHABLE LIGHT’ [26:46]. Even before the creation, His majesty was present. God dwells (1 Ki 8:30), He dwells in light (Ps 104:1-2), and that light is unapproachable (Ex 33:20).

Ian Migala (1/19/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
[Pastor Nutter credits his former professor, Pastor Greg Nichols of Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the outline of this message, which can be found in Pastor Nichols’ book, *What does the Bible say about God?: The Biblical doctrine of God*.] [Starting at 1:27 of the audio] I. THE BIBLICAL CONCEPT OF DIVINE INCORPOREALITY is also known as the Majestic Form of God. 1 Tim 6:16 and the 1689 London Baptist Confession II.1 tell us that God is immortal and without substance. Rev 22:4 says that the elect will see the display of God’s form in Heaven. A. THE UNFATHOMABLE MYSTERY OF DIVINE INCORPOREALITY [7:55]. Most of what we know about God’s form is stated negatively: what He is not. 1. GOD IS INVISIBLE [9:42]. Ex 33:20; Jn 1:18, 6:46; 1 Tim 1:17; 1 Jn 4:12, 20 all speak of God’s invisibility. Rom 1:20 says that we can only see the effects, but not the cause. By contrast, Col 1:15 affirms Christ’s visible image. 2. GOD IS IMMATERIAL OR NON-MATERIAL [12:07]. Lk 24:37-39, Is 31:3, Deut 4:12, 16 contrast the flesh and spirit. 3. GOD IS INDIVISIBLE [14:43]. The Confession and Lk 24:39 confirm that God cannot be dissected; He is irreducible.

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