Speaker: Dr. Robert F. Boyd
266 sermons
>Goodbye God - 1/7/1988 Lordship of Christ in Church - 8/14/1997 The Solemn Thought - 8/14/1997 After Death Then What? - 11/15/2000 Eternal Life Through Grace - 11/15/2000 Except You Repent - 11/15/2000 Jesus Christ Himself - 11/15/2000 No Salvation W/o Substitution - 11/15/2000 Perseverance - 11/15/2000 The Changed Man - 11/15/2000 Evil of an Unbelieving Heart - 11/15/2000 The Function of the Law - 11/15/2000 The God Nobody Is Mad At - 11/15/2000 Great Wonder, God's Redemption - 11/15/2000 The Obedience of Faith - 11/15/2000 Urgent Need of the Holy Spirit - 11/15/2000 Willingness of Christ to Save - 11/15/2000 We Have An Altar - 11/15/2000 Your Faith - 11/15/2000 Doctrine of the Church - 12/18/2018 Bible Study on Humanism - 12/19/2018 B. Study on Angel of The Lord - 12/19/2018 A Brief Statement of Faith - 12/20/2018 Biblical Doctrine of Prayer - 12/20/2018 Faith and Works - 12/20/2018 Covenant of Grace - 12/20/2018 Death, intermediate State - 12/20/2018 Resurrection of Christ - 12/20/2018 The Fall - 12/20/2018 The Humiliation of Christ - 12/20/2018 Resurrection - 12/20/2018 Sermons of Moses - 12/20/2018 Sermons of Moses - 12/20/2018 Sermons of Moses - 12/20/2018 Doctrine Church and State - 12/20/2018 Biblical Doctrine of Death - 12/20/2018 Doctrine of Marriage - 12/20/2018 Communion of Saints - 12/20/2018 Church Problems - 12/20/2018 The Lord's Supper - 12/20/2018 The Proofs that God is for Us - 12/20/2018 Background of the Psalms - 12/21/2018 God Reveals Himself - 12/21/2018 Hell - 12/21/2018 History of Hebrew people - 12/21/2018 Suffering Psalms - 12/21/2018 The Lord is my Shepherd - 12/21/2018 The Meaning of Forgiveness - 12/21/2018 The Sovereignty of God - 12/21/2018 The Lord's Supper - 12/21/2018 David's Prayer of Repentance - 12/23/2018 God's Providence & sovereignty - 12/23/2018 Luke 1 - 12/23/2018 Psalm 119 - 12/23/2018 Psalm 137 - 12/23/2018 Sermon on the Mount - 12/23/2018 Simeon - 12/23/2018 The Holy city of God - 12/23/2018 The Implications of Christmas - 12/23/2018 Lord's Works on Behalf Israel - 12/23/2018 Why did Jesus come? - 12/23/2018 Church at Ephesus - 12/27/2018 Church at Laodicea - 12/27/2018 Churches, Sardis, Philadelphia - 12/27/2018 Churches, Smyrna & Pergamum - 12/27/2018 False Prophet and Beast - 12/27/2018 The Four Horsemen - 12/27/2018 Revelation 1 - 12/27/2018 Salient messages, Revelation - 12/27/2018 The seventh seal - 12/27/2018 The Woman Clothed with Sun - 12/27/2018 Vision of Heaven - 12/27/2018 "Capitalism" - 12/28/2018 Justification, Faith - 12/28/2018 No Condemnation, No Desolation - 12/28/2018 Revelation 14 - 12/28/2018 Revelation and Judgment - 12/28/2018 Romans 10 - 12/28/2018 Romans 11 - 12/28/2018 Romans 12 - 12/28/2018 Romans 13 - 12/28/2018 Romans 3:11+ - 12/28/2018 Romans 4:1-13 - 12/28/2018 Romans 5 - 12/28/2018 The "problem" of the Jew - 12/28/2018 The sixth bowl - 12/28/2018 What is Heaven? - 12/28/2018 1 Corinthians 1:18+, 2 - 12/29/2018 1 Corinthians 3:5+,4 - 12/29/2018 Romans 14 - 12/29/2018 Gospel to City of Vanity Fair - 12/29/2018 1 Corinthians 11:17+ - 12/30/2018 2 Corinthians 4, 5, 8 - 12/30/2018 Discipline and Self Discipline - 12/30/2018 Doctrine of Resurrection - 12/30/2018 Election, Predestination - 12/30/2018 Exodus 14:21, Job 38 - 12/30/2018 Exodus 19, 1 Peter 2 - 12/30/2018 Ezekiel 1, Revelation - 12/30/2018 Faith without Works is Dead - 12/30/2018 John 1 - 12/30/2018 Love - 12/30/2018 Luke 22:7+ - 12/30/2018 Luke 3:1+ - 12/30/2018 Problems & More Problems - 12/30/2018 Stewardship - 12/30/2018 Christmas Story - 12/30/2018 "Palm" Sunday - 1/3/2019 2 Kings 5 - 1/3/2019 Biblical Doctrine of Creation - 1/3/2019 Biblical Doctrine Regeneration - 1/3/2019 Repentance and Good Works - 1/3/2019 Teaching Ministry of Church - 1/3/2019 Christian Liberty - 1/3/2019 Ephesians 6:10+ - 1/3/2019 Matthew 11:20+ - 1/3/2019 Matthew 12 - 1/3/2019 Origin of Satan - 1/3/2019 Providence of God - 1/3/2019 Resurrection Sunday - 1/3/2019 Romans 8:26 - 1/3/2019 Church, Her Members & Offices - 1/3/2019 Bible, Universalism - 1/3/2019 What is Christian faith? - 1/3/2019 1 John 1-2 - 1/4/2019 1 Peter 1:3+ - 1/4/2019 1 Peter 2 - 1/4/2019 1 Timothy - 1/4/2019 2 Peter 3 - 1/4/2019 Biblical Doctrine of Prayer - 1/4/2019 Biblical Doctrine of Work - 1/4/2019 Biblical Doctrine of Worship - 1/4/2019 Colossians 1:9+ - 1/4/2019 Colossians 2:6+, 3 - 1/4/2019 Decalogue - 1/4/2019 Deut 6:4, Rm 7 - 1/4/2019 Deut. 34, Joshua - 1/4/2019 Election - 1/4/2019 Exodus 11 - 1/4/2019 Exodus 14-15 - 1/4/2019 Exodus 18-19 - 1/4/2019 Exodus 25:1-9, 22, 23 - 1/4/2019 Exodus 32, 34 ; Matthew 16 - 1/4/2019 Habakkuk 1, 2 - 1/4/2019 Holy spirit leads us - 1/4/2019 Isaiah 53 - 1/4/2019 James 1:2+ - 1/4/2019 John 13 - 1/4/2019 King David - 1/4/2019 King Solomon - 1/4/2019 Lord's Supper - 1/4/2019 Malachi - 1/4/2019 Mark 4 - 1/4/2019 Matthew 7 - 1/4/2019 Meaning of Jesus as Messiah - 1/4/2019 Messianism in the Prophets - 1/4/2019 Micah 1, 6 - 1/4/2019 Paul, Onesimus and Philemon - 1/4/2019 Philippians 1:12+ - 1/4/2019 Philippians 2:1-11 - 1/4/2019 Philippians 3-4 - 1/4/2019 Proverbs 8 - 1/4/2019 Psalm 33 - 1/4/2019 Revelation 1:4-6 - 1/4/2019 Thanksgiving - 1/4/2019 Significance of Palm Sunday - 1/4/2019 Zechariah 1:3+ - 1/4/2019 ! Timothy 3:1-11 - 1/6/2019 1 Samuel 12:12+ - 1/6/2019 1 Samuel 8:4 - 1/6/2019 1 Timothy 6:10+ - 1/6/2019 A Crisis in Israel's History - 1/6/2019 Ephesians 2 - 1/6/2019 Eschatology,Premillennialism - 1/6/2019 Freedom From Anxiety - 1/6/2019 Freedom from sin - 1/6/2019 Gospel of 40 days - 1/6/2019 Prayer - 1/6/2019 Psalm 35 - 1/6/2019 Saul anointed by Samuel - 1/6/2019 Resurrection of Jesus & Ours - 1/6/2019 The Way of Faith - 1/6/2019 1 Peter 4 - 2/15/2019 Cost of Discipleship - 2/15/2019 Freedom from the Law - 2/15/2019 Hindrances to our Stewardship - 2/15/2019 Luke 10:25 - 2/15/2019 Luke 16 - 2/15/2019 Luke 17 - 2/15/2019 Prodigal Son - 2/15/2019 Psalm 33 - 2/15/2019 Romans 12-14 - 2/15/2019 1 Corinthians 11:17+ - 4/20/2019 Biblical Doctrine of Creation - 4/20/2019 Christmas Eve - 4/20/2019 Communicants Class - 4/20/2019 Day of The Lord - 4/20/2019 Exodus 20, Matthew 5 - 4/20/2019 Fall of Man, Sin & Punishment - 4/20/2019 God and His Plan of Redemption - 4/20/2019 John 3, Romans 1 - 4/20/2019 John The Baptist - 4/20/2019 Justification, Sanctification - 4/20/2019 Law of God - 4/20/2019 Lord's Prayer, Apostle's Creed - 4/20/2019 Luke 1:26+ - 4/20/2019 Luke 2 - 4/20/2019 Luke 9 - 4/20/2019 Mark 11:9+ - 4/20/2019 Maundy Thursday - 4/20/2019 Biblical Doctrine of Covenant - 4/20/2019 Perseverance of the Saints - 4/20/2019 Providence of God - 4/20/2019 Providence of God - 4/20/2019 The Church - 4/20/2019 The Crosses of the Bible - 4/20/2019 The Little Apocalypse - 4/20/2019 Transfiguration - 4/20/2019 2 Corinthians 4-5 - 4/27/2019 Acts 15 ; Ephesians 4 - 4/27/2019 4 Letters, Paul to Corinthians - 4/27/2019 Hebrews 1 - 4/27/2019 Hebrews 10-11 - 4/27/2019 Hebrews 12:8; 13 - 4/27/2019 Hebrews 2 - 4/27/2019 Luke 11 - 4/27/2019 Melchizedek - 4/27/2019 Psalm 106 - 4/27/2019 Resurrection of the Dead - 4/27/2019 Resurrection Sunday - 4/27/2019 New Priesthood - 4/27/2019 The Unpardonable sin - 4/27/2019 Tricky words in 1 Timothy - 4/27/2019 God is not without a Witness - 4/28/2019 God is not without a Witness - 4/28/2019 John 14-16 - 4/28/2019 John the Baptist, Jesus & Paul - 4/28/2019 Psalm 139 - 4/28/2019 1 Corinthians 1 - 7/7/2019 1 Corinthians 5-6 - 7/7/2019 1 Corinthians 8-10 - 7/7/2019 Preacher and Congregation - 7/7/2019 Proverbs 8 - 7/7/2019 Public Worship - 7/7/2019 Shortest in Length - 7/7/2019 Significance of Some Questions - 7/7/2019 Spiritual Gifts - 7/7/2019 The Foolishness of the Cross - 7/7/2019 The Lord's Supper - 7/7/2019 Two Questions of Jesus - 7/7/2019 1 Corinthians 15-16 - 7/9/2019 Thanksgiving - 7/9/2019 The Love Chapter - 7/9/2019 Virgin Birth, Role of Angels - 7/9/2019 Christmas Story - 7/16/2019 Ecclesiastical Trials - 7/16/2019 Luke 1:31 - 7/16/2019 Luke 4 - 7/16/2019 Other Heartaches of Calvary - 7/16/2019 Parable of Two Debtors - 7/16/2019 Preaching at the Synagogue - 7/16/2019 Simeon - Jesus Presented - 7/16/2019 The Birth of John the Baptist - 7/16/2019 "Titantic" - 7/23/2019 1 Corinthians 1:10 - 7/23/2019 A Glossary of Gospel Terms - 7/23/2019 A Glossary of Gospel Terms - 7/23/2019 A Glossary of Gospel Terms - 7/23/2019 Sermon that is 1930 years old - 7/23/2019 Amos 1:1-2 - 7/23/2019 Armageddon - 7/23/2019 Climax of Book of Revelation - 7/23/2019 First, Last and Foremost - 7/23/2019 Hell - 7/23/2019 Joel 2 - 7/23/2019 Justification - 7/23/2019 Luke 11:37 - 7/23/2019 Mark 11-12 - 7/23/2019 Maundy Thursday - 7/23/2019 Micah - 7/23/2019 Ethic of Gospel - 7/23/2019 The Mystery of God's Will - 7/23/2019 Inspiration of the Bible - 7/23/2019 Resurrection of Jesus, OT & NT - 7/23/2019 Women as Elders/Deacons - 7/23/2019
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