The ZEAL of My King
Glory... when we understand God's zeal to build His church, with His church, we can see how He rewards His people with this opportunity to co-labor with Him to fulfill His promise. Isaiah spoke of it like this:
"...The ZEAL of the Lord of host will perform this" (Isaiah 9:6-7).
This principle cannot be separated from any work of the kingdom of God. Everything and anything that is done, in-and-through-and-for Christ, and the culmination of His return and reign, can be traced back to this word... "the ZEAL of the Lord of host will perform this." Every missionary, every mission, every soul that's been born again or will be birthed into the kingdom of God is the beauty of this verse being fulfilled. The music group NeedtoBreathe sings about it when they sing these lyrics, "His love surely will come find us, like blazing wild fires singing His name." Yes, the ZEAL of the Lord of host will see that it happens, just as He said, and when it does, it happens through His ambassadors. God always follows through...with what He says, and He always finishes what He starts. So every demonstration of the Spirit, every time the gospel is preached and truth is taught, each time a heart is reached, anytime a saint is comforted or afflicted it is the passion of the Lord of host fulfilling His promise to establish and order His kingdom and exalt His Christ. Glory, glory, glory... it's not you, no ma'am, it's not me, no sir, it's the zeal of the Lord of host at work in and through His people. We are fellow workers with Him in this ministry of reconciliation. As the Newer Testament proclaims and affirms, "It is Him who works in you to will and do according to His good |