Adolescence is a time of both change and confusion, as a child grows physically, emotionally, socially from a child to a functioning, responsible adult. But some people never grow up! They want to remain as children, under the authority of others, instead of enjoying the freedom that comes from being an adult. The same is true spiritually. The false teachers in Galatia wanted their converts to remain as children under their control rather than enjoy the freedom that is theirs in Christ Jesus. Before salvation, they were under the 'elements of this world', that is, the elementary principles of human experience which are common to man. Basically under the impression that one is right with God on the basis of their works rather on the basis of faith. But God wants to transform children of the world into adult sons in His family. And He does so by sending His Son into the world. This happened in the fullness of time, when the world was ready for a redeemer. Jesus Christ came that first Christmas to redeem us who were under law, that is, under the elements of this world, a system of works, in order that we might be adopted as His Sons. God chose us to be His sons in His family, and once adopted we can never be disowned, but are eternally secure! We can have either the faith of a servant-- that is, we are right with God on the basis of our good works, or we can have the faith of a son, that is, we are right with God on the basis of faith in THE SON, Jesus Christ! |