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Rev. Stephen McCollum | Airdrie, Scotland
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Andrew Quigley
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#3 The Eternal Danger Of 'Phantom' Faith!
Series:  'Drift, Neglect and Listening'  · 3 of 18
11/3/2013 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Matthew 7:21-29
        SUNDAY - AM
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Many will say, did I not believe in you and was I not active in the church, and yet on the day of judgement Christ will say to them 'depart from me I never knew you'. It's a sobering thought and it's the heart of this challenging sermon preached by Rev Quigley.
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Andrew Quigley
'Phantom' Faith!

'Drift, Neglect and Listening'
Sunday - AM
Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian
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Andrew Quigley
'Phantom' Faith!

'Drift, Neglect and Listening'
Airdrie Reformed...
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Melina GreyContact via email (11/2/2019)
from Australia, Victoria, Mortlake
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon. You are very easy to follow and clear. I'm learning that saying one is willing to submit to Christ and take up the cross is very different, a world away in fact, from actually doing it. Even the idea is very noble and can appeal to self, but the actual doing it, where the rubber meets the road, holds no glory for the flesh. Matthew 11:29 states that this yoke provides rest. I would like to rest in Christ in all circumstances. I think it must be a one foot at a time kind of submission, saturating every part of our lives. I am praying for the Holy Spirit to make this a reality in my life, not just a noble idea. Thank you! 😀

AllanContact via email (7/28/2017)
from Tennessee
“ Great Sermon! ”
My wife of 26 years has a mom and a dad born in Scotland. My mother in law, Mrs. Carol Dickson, is from Airdre. My father in law is from Dundee. Anyway, I attended along with My wife the masters college under John MacArthur - enjoyed your teaching and know you are being used to spread a gospel message few these days even hear at all.

HasimContact via email (11/7/2016)
from Queensland Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Salvation is a gift determined by the giver, their faith was in their own works because they are blinded by sin and never understood. You must be born again, if they were born again they would never even mention any good works that they may have done, regardless of how great their works may have been. The finished work of Christ is what saves us. Good works naturally follow, but no true believer will take credit for any work of God...

John T.Contact via email (9/18/2016)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Moreover, brethern, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and did all eat the same spiritual meat, and did all drink the same spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ,.But with many of them God was not well pleased; for they were overthrown in the wilderness. Now these things were our example, to to intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. (1 Corinthians 10:1-6) AV.

Andrew QuigleyContact via email (8/24/2016)
from Airdrie, Scotland
“ Please email me Warrick. ”
Warrick - Thank you for posting your comment. I'm not exactly sure what you're saying and I would find it helpful to have a personal chat with you. Please contact me via email - By way of general comment - the thrust of the sermon is that people may think they are converted because they are genuinely engaging in christian activities, but the fact that they are not truly converted is evidenced in their refusal to actually do the will of God.

WarrickContact via email (8/23/2016)
from Australia
“ Interesting Sermon! ”
It seems to me that although he mentioned conversion in the beginning as the issue underlying phantom faith, he majored on the works of people as though that is the reason. Faith without works is dead, very true. But works without saving faith is likewise dead. I find that there are not many paedobaptist ministers that focus on being born again. That is the issue here. When a person is genuinely born again, they have God's Spirit whom enables them to follow Christ and to obey His commands, not perfectly yet truly. Infant baptism causes many to presume to be Christian when in fact many are not.

C. Ross (1/16/2016)
from okc,ok
“ Great Sermon! ”
What an eye opening sermon. I always wanted to here about this verse in Matthew, in detail. I now know I need to look within myself, and more importantly towards JESUS. May WE ALL surrender completely. Bless this ministry.

Herb DanielContact via email (1/16/2016)
from Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for this great sermon. I now have an understanding that may not have been there before. Thanks Be to God!

Get Real (5/16/2015)
from Wisconsin
“ Great Sermon! ”
much needed, thank you

Steven ShapakerContact via email (5/23/2014)
from Milwaukee, WI
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you! God bless!

maureenContact via email (1/2/2014)
from wigan england
“ Great Sermon! ”
Never heard of you glad I clicked on you

jsh (12/22/2013)
from new jersey
“ Great Sermon! ”
wow...this is a hard saying..and hard to think about again. but now i have a bit more to think about since it was spelled out in the sermon..thank you. yes the road does get narrower and narrower.

Janine ElizabethContact via email (12/22/2013)
from Louisiana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes, I do find it uncomfortable. It's very terrifying. Whenever I hear a sermon on this portion I think to myself, could I be in that number (tho I've not done all those mighty things). Could I be deceiving myself? The older I get and the longer I travel this road, the road seems narrower and narrower. .

David BumgarnerContact via email (12/20/2013)
from Florida
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Andrew for another GREAT sermon..... David

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   Our Bondage to Sin Smashed • 1/14/2007 | 8 posts
   Love Your Enemies - How? • 1/27/2013 | 5 posts
   What It Means To Follow Christ • 6/23/2013 | 5 posts
  Andrew Quigley
Having served as a minister in Scotland for 24 years, Rev. Quigley is now minister of the Ottawa RP Church in Canada.

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   'Phantom' Faith! • 11/3/2013 | 9,700+ downloads
   What It Means To Follow Christ • 6/23/2013 | 9,000+ downloads

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