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Kevin Swanson | Parker, Colorado
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Four More Years or Forty More Years? - 2012 Election Results
2012 Election Results
11/7/2012 (WED)
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More homosexuality. More feminism. More socialism. More abortion. More pot. No surprises here. The nation is showing itself for what it really is—a nation that has abandoned God. The breakdown of morality and the rise of tyranny are always concomitants. Are we in for four more years—or forty more years? The Second Mayflower is only beginning!
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Four or Forty More Years?

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Four or Forty More Years?

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Joseph13 (11/13/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Just because it is one's opinion that 'the end is near' (remember 'no man knows the hour') is no excuse to stop standing up for what is true and right according to God's Word. It is no excuse for sending your children off to be educated solely by a humanistic, government run education system, no excuse not to speak out against the evils of our society. It is this attitude of defeatism and looking 'for escape' among Christians that has led to the deplorable state of this country today. Of course we all 'look to Christ and His return' as the blessed hope. But it is madness to assume that the return is 'around the corner' and so do nothing in the meanwhile to better the world we live in today. I would much rather build the church and the culture of the nation with an eye for future generations and then be pleasantly interrupted by Christ's return, than I would to assume that I'm going to be 'out of here' the day after tomorrow and so let the country and the world 'go to hell in a handbasket' without saying or doing anything and then find out He actually doesn't come in my lifetime. Where are you then? Lying in the bed you made for yourself and your children. God Bless.

Jess (11/9/2012)
from United Kingdom
“ Great Sermon! ”
Obama is not the issue at all, this is just the true spiritually state of United States, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Obama or another president, most of these laws came in, even before the President took office (NOT WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE), there have been in the pipe line for a while and debated back and forth, it was just a matter of time before the bills were passed, just like in the United Kingdom. Both the United State and United Kingdom have taken out God from most things including schools, hospitals, police force, work place etc.... even Sundays in London is now the busiest shopping day in the week (All these people should have been in the house of God, or at least most of them, as we say this is a Christian nation), but our acts show something different. Both nations just need to put God as the centre of all we do, we just need God’s mercy, else God will surely give them over to themselves and this can be seem right now in both nations by the increasing level of immorality of social break down. Government is established by God either for the good to the people or to to bring Judgement against the people, from Genesis God has always use Governments for or against any nation that turns to or away from Him.

Siome (11/9/2012)
from United Kingdom
“ Great Sermon! ”
Just to say as I heard this message, if you address the absentees of fathers, a lot women that are single, aren’t single out of choice, but as a result of an absent father who refuses to stay around and take up his responsibilities, if men they don't take on their responsibility, then by default the women have to step in at home and in society. Before the First World War, (I'm not saying things were perfect), but men took their place in the home and at work and in society. It's the church that should have stepped in to take care of the fatherless and single mums, but because it too has failed, the state has to take on the responsibility. And I'm sure no mum just chooses to bring up a child alone, but when you look at the state of society, it's no wonder why people are now choosing to go it alone without the men. The men just need to take back their place in the home and society; else things are just going to get worst. Look at the divorce rate, and most children are still left with the mum to bring them up and it’s really hard when a father/man is not in the house.

Jess (11/9/2012)
from Great Britain
“ Great Sermon! ”
Obama is not the issue at all, this is just the true spiritually state of United States, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Obama or another president, most of these laws came in, even before the President took office (NOT WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE), there have been in the pipe line for a while and debated back and forth, it was just a matter of time before the bills were passed, just like in the United Kingdom. Both the United State and United Kingdom have take out God out from most things including schools, hospitals, police force, work place etc.... even Sundays in London is now the busiest shopping day in the week (All these people should have been in the house of God, at least most of them, as we say this is a Christian nation), but our acts show something different. Both nations just need to put back God as the centre of all we do, we just need God’s mercy, else God will surly give them over to themselves and this can be seem right now in both nations by the immorality. Government is established by either for the good to the people or to be used to bring Judgement against the people, from Genesis God has always use Governments for or against any nation that turns to or away from Him. Also, God redemptive plans will continue whether a nation chose to be part of it or not.

Paul16135 (11/8/2012)
from Essex, UK
“ Interesting Times ”
I just realised how strange it is for me to often think that I am glad I have no children. Strange, but very realistic.

Lady Day (11/7/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
When Israel was practicing CHILD SACRIFICE--look at what GOD DID:-- he used an 8 YEAR OLD BOY named JOSIAH to straightnen them out for a while

Lady Day (11/7/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Maybe this HAD to happen--after 39 years, it gets worse--unless GOD HIMSELF ruins the US with nore noreasters and SANDYS----dont forget: when the nation was first founded ONLY ONE THIRD WANTED TO DO IT-- in NY in 1789--one third even wanted to go back to ENGLAND Its weird--the two men even looked 'hollywood handsome' of course Paul Ryan looked better than Joe Biden, who, I believe either drinks lots of vodka or is on some dope (since he is only 1 week older than Jimi Hendrix)he speaks so unprofessional and is too close to the White House; America is ALSO the reflection of ancient Israel--look who is close to the white house as well: "Ahab & Jezebel" Bilary Clintons(although not as bad)

chefjimContact via email (11/7/2012)
from Virginia
“ I love ya Kev BUT.... ”
How can someone with so many good things to say have lived through what has happened to this country in the last 20 years and NOT understand that the end is HERE and rejoice about it??? I love to listen to you but I think you are ignoring the fact that biblical prophecy is coming to pass faster than we can say "Tyranny" and the turmoil in the Middle East and the fact that the world, (now including the US) has set themselves against the Jewish nation now more than ever before SCREAMS that we are in the last minutes of the last days of the Age of Grace! It isn't even that I want to get behind you and hope for better days in this country and the world for that matter but I am becoming more and more resolute in my desire for Jesus Christ to come and set up His kingdom. I am so ready for the Rapture that I am enamored with the idea. "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and UNTO THEM THAT LOOK FOR HIM shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation! Hebrews 9:29 (emphasis mine) That is what I look for, the "blessed Hope" and nothing more.

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  Kevin Swanson
Kevin Swanson has served as elder and pastor of Reformation Church, OPC since its inception. Kevin was raised on the mission field in Japan in the 1960's and 1970's. Together with his wife Brenda, they are bringing up five children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord....

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