Nathan Trice | Matthews, North Carolina
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Speaker: Nathan Trice
1,611 sermons
Two Champions, Two Fates | Nathan Trice
>Washing as Worship - 1/13/2013 Eating and Drinking as Worship - 1/27/2013 A Blessing For God's People - 2/3/2013 The Resurrection Proclamation - 5/22/2022 Global Conquest - 5/29/2022 Water as a Tool of Dominion - 6/5/2022 Words as a Tool of Dominion - 6/12/2022 Assured Success - 6/19/2022 The Kingdom and Your Family - 6/26/2022 The Kingdom and Your Calling - 7/3/2022 The Kingdom and Your Church - 7/10/2022 The Kingdom and Your World - 7/17/2022 Strange Notions of Heaven - 7/24/2022 The History of Heaven - 7/31/2022 Dying and Going to Heaven - 8/7/2022 New Heavens and New Earth - 8/14/2022 A World Without Genesis | Na.. - 9/18/2022 The Inimitable Creator | Nat.. - 9/25/2022 The Creator Exemplar | Natha.. - 10/2/2022 The Creation Council | Natha.. - 10/9/2022 Light for the Cosmos | Natha.. - 10/16/2022 Heaven Above | Nathan Trice - 10/23/2022 Land! | Nathan Trice - 10/30/2022 The Heavens Filled | Nathan.. - 11/6/2022 Let There Be Life | Nathan T.. - 11/13/2022 Man Among the Beasts | Natha.. - 11/20/2022 In the Likeness of God | Nat.. - 11/27/2022 Created Male and Female | Na.. - 12/4/2022 The Mission of Mankind | Nat.. - 12/11/2022 A Culture-Making Calling | N.. - 12/11/2022 All Very Good | Nathan Trice - 12/18/2022 Foundations of Hope | Justin.. - 1/1/2023 A Living Hope | Justin Rosser - 1/8/2023 The Creator at Rest | Nathan.. - 1/15/2023 Handholds in Suffering | Jus.. - 1/15/2023 Delighting in the Creator |.. - 1/22/2023 The Days of Creation | Natha.. - 1/22/2023 God's Gardener | Nathan Trice - 1/29/2023 A Privileged People | Justin.. - 1/29/2023 Set Your Hope | Justin Rosser - 2/5/2023 The Land of Eden | Nathan Tr.. - 2/12/2023 The Good Kind of Fear | Just.. - 2/12/2023 The Holy Place | Nathan Trice - 2/19/2023 Enabled to Love | Justin Ros.. - 2/19/2023 A Man in the Making | Nathan.. - 2/26/2023 Got Milk? | Justin Rosser - 2/26/2023 Alive, But Alone | Nathan Tr.. - 3/5/2023 Chip Off the Ol' Block | Jus.. - 3/5/2023 Naming and Claiming | Nathan.. - 3/12/2023 What an Honor | Justin Rosser - 3/12/2023 Adam's Rib? | Nathan Trice - 3/19/2023 A Child-Like Peace | Nathan.. - 3/19/2023 To Have and to Hold | Nathan.. - 3/26/2023 How to Sojourn | Justin Rosser - 3/26/2023 The King on a Colt | Nathan.. - 4/2/2023 Citizens of Heaven Under Ear.. - 4/2/2023 The Resurrection of the Cosm.. - 4/9/2023 The Mystery Behind Marriage - 4/16/2023 Welcome Mats for Christ - 4/16/2023 The Tree of Life | Nathan Tr.. - 4/23/2023 True Beauty | Justin Rosser - 4/23/2023 The Tree of Knowledge | Nath.. - 4/30/2023 Real Men | Justin Rosser - 4/30/2023 The Creation Covenant | Nath.. - 5/7/2023 Grace for the Ages | Justin.. - 5/7/2023 Naked But Unashamed | Nathan.. - 5/14/2023 Seven Sayings from the Cross.. - 5/14/2023 When They Just Don't Like Yo.. - 5/21/2023 Don't Spoil Your Appetite |.. - 5/21/2023 The Ardor of Worship - 5/24/2023 The Spirituality of God - 5/28/2023 On the Other Side of Sufferi.. - 5/28/2023 Preparation for Worship - 5/31/2023 The Ubiquity of God - 6/4/2023 Willing to Suffer | Justin R.. - 6/4/2023 Called to Worship - 6/7/2023 The Immutability of God - 6/11/2023 Seven Sayings from the Cross.. - 6/11/2023 Invoking God's Help - 6/14/2023 The Wisdom of God - 6/18/2023 "Woman, Behold Your Son" - 6/18/2023 Singing As We Come - 6/21/2023 The Power of God - 6/25/2023 Living in the Light of the E.. - 6/25/2023 Confession and Pardon - 6/28/2023 Rejoice in Suffering | Justi.. - 7/2/2023 Man of Sorrows - 7/2/2023 Bringing an Offering - 7/5/2023 Good Shepherding - 7/9/2023 The Heart of the Gospel - 7/9/2023 Professing Our Faith - 7/12/2023 Humble Help | Justin Rosser - 7/16/2023 The Servant's Triumph - 7/16/2023 Promising Obedience - 7/19/2023 The Goodness of God - 7/23/2023 Beware the Lion | Justin Ros.. - 7/23/2023 Corporate Prayer - 7/26/2023 The Justice of God - 7/30/2023 "My God, Why Have You Forsak.. - 7/30/2023 Reading the Word - 8/2/2023 The Holiness of God | Nathan T - 8/6/2023 "I Thirst" | Nathan Trice - 8/6/2023 Preaching the Word - 8/9/2023 The Happiness of God - 8/13/2023 Hang In There | Justin Rosser - 8/13/2023 The Tri-Unity of God - 8/20/2023 Important Postscript | Justi.. - 8/20/2023 The Love of God - 8/27/2023 The Marriage Bed Undefiled |.. - 8/27/2023 Love for Visual Learners | J.. - 9/3/2023 Faithful Through and Through.. - 9/3/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/6/2023 The Devil Incarnate - 9/10/2023 A Clean Congregation | Justi.. - 9/10/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/13/2023 The Fall Before the Fall | N.. - 9/17/2023 Paying it Forward | Justin R.. - 9/17/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/20/2023 The Wiles of the Devil | Nat.. - 9/24/2023 How (Not) to Divorce | Justi.. - 9/24/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 9/27/2023 Eve Deceived|Nathan Trice - 10/1/2023 "It is Finished"|Nathan Trice - 10/1/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/4/2023 "Into Your Hands I Commit My.. - 10/8/2023 Adam Delinquent | Nathan Trice - 10/8/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/11/2023 An Evil Initiation | Nathan.. - 10/15/2023 Principles of Property | Jus.. - 10/15/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/18/2023 Hiding and Seeking Begun | N.. - 10/22/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 10/25/2023 Confessions of the Impeniten.. - 10/29/2023 King David and Our Response.. - 10/29/2023 In the Wake of US v. Windsor.. - 11/1/2023 A Shelter in the Time of Sto.. - 11/5/2023 Justice Principles | Justin.. - 11/5/2023 The Commencement of Hostilit.. - 11/12/2023 The Gospel in a Curse | Nath.. - 11/19/2023 Fruitfulness Under the Curse.. - 11/26/2023 King David and Our Response.. - 11/26/2023 Romans 11, Part 1: "Has God.. - 11/29/2023 Marriage - Under the Curse |.. - 12/3/2023 Mastercrafted Covenant Cerem.. - 12/5/2023 Romans 11, Part 2: "All Isra.. - 12/6/2023 Dominion -- Under the Curse.. - 12/10/2023 Path of Blessing | Justin Ro.. - 12/10/2023 Romans 11, Part 3: "Banishin.. - 12/13/2023 Dust to Dust | Nathan Trice - 12/17/2023 The Path of the Curse | Just.. - 12/17/2023 Romans 11, Part 4: "Stand in.. - 12/20/2023 Nunc Dimittis | Nathan Trice - 12/24/2023 Romans 11, Part 5: "The Dept.. - 12/27/2023 Strength for a New Year | Ju.. - 12/31/2023 David's Restoration | Andrew.. - 12/31/2023 The Mercy in Our Mortality |.. - 1/7/2024 Commitment Issues: Part 1 |.. - 1/7/2024 Peacemaking, Part 1: "Confes.. - 1/10/2024 Two Champions, Two Fates | N.. - 1/14/2024 Commitment Issues Part II |.. - 1/14/2024 Peacemaking, Part 2: "Bear W.. - 1/17/2024 Adam's Hope; God's Provision.. - 1/21/2024 Commitment Issues Part III |.. - 1/21/2024 Peacemaking, Part 3: "If You.. - 1/24/2024 Paradise . . . Lost! | Natha.. - 1/28/2024 Commitment Issues: Part IV |.. - 1/28/2024 Peacemaking, Part 4: "If You.. - 1/31/2024 The Sons of Man | Nathan Trice - 2/4/2024 Strengthened and Encouraged.. - 2/4/2024 Peacemaking, Part 5: "Help T.. - 2/7/2024 Sin on the Prowl | Nathan Tr.. - 2/11/2024 The Second Song of Moses | J.. - 2/11/2024 Peacemaking, Part 6: "Leave.. - 2/14/2024 The Cry of Abel's Blood | Na.. - 2/18/2024 Peacemaking, Part 7: "Let Hi.. - 2/21/2024 The Curse of Cain | Nathan T.. - 2/25/2024 Take to Heart All the Words.. - 2/25/2024 Peacemaking, Part 8: "Blesse.. - 2/28/2024 The Clan of Cain | Nathan Tr.. - 3/3/2024 #Blessed | Justin Rosser - 3/3/2024 The Death of Moses | Justin.. - 3/10/2024 A Good Time for Calling on G.. - 3/17/2024 Hope for the Hopeless | Just.. - 3/17/2024 The Generations of Adam | Na.. - 3/24/2024 Getting Grounded: Foundation.. - 3/24/2024 Can These Bones Live? | Nath.. - 3/31/2024 Grow | Justin Rosser - 3/31/2024 Christ Among His Fishermen |.. - 4/7/2024 Reasons to Grow | Justin Ros.. - 4/7/2024 The Meaning of Methuselah |.. - 4/14/2024 The Man Who Was Not | Nathan.. - 4/21/2024 Eyewitness Testimony | Justi.. - 4/21/2024 Hard Texts and How to Handle.. - 4/28/2024 Testimony of Scripture | Jus.. - 4/28/2024 The Mighty Men of Old | Nath.. - 5/5/2024 Introducing: False Teachers.. - 5/5/2024 When God Had Regrets | Natha.. - 5/12/2024 Happy Ending | Justin Rosser - 5/12/2024 Favor Amid the Fury | Nathan.. - 5/19/2024 Character Sketch | Justin Ro.. - 5/19/2024 Bait and Switch | Justin Ros.. - 5/26/2024 The End of the World as We K.. - 5/26/2024 When Does Eternal Life Begin.. - 6/2/2024 Getting Ready | Justin Rosser - 6/2/2024 The Law of God: What's to Lo.. - 6/9/2024 The Beginning of the Gospel.. - 6/9/2024 Chosen in Christ | Nathan Tr.. - 6/16/2024 The First of Ten Commandment.. - 6/16/2024 The Second Commandment: Lovi.. - 6/23/2024 Loving God's Name - 6/30/2024 Crucified With Christ | Nath.. - 6/30/2024 The Fourth Commandment: Lovi.. - 7/7/2024 The Sheep's Confidence | And.. - 7/7/2024 The Fifth Commandment: Lovin.. - 7/14/2024 Made Alive With Christ | Nat.. - 7/14/2024 The Sixth Commandment: Lovin.. - 7/21/2024 Justified in Christ | Nathan.. - 7/21/2024 The Seventh Commandment: Lov.. - 7/28/2024 Adopted in Christ | Nathan T.. - 7/28/2024 The Eighth Commandment: Lovi.. - 8/4/2024 The Ninth Commandment: Lovin.. - 8/11/2024 Sanctified in Christ | Natha.. - 8/11/2024 The Tenth Commandment: Lovin.. - 8/18/2024 Glorified With Christ | Nath.. - 8/18/2024 The Wedding at Sinai | Natha.. - 8/25/2024 Joyful Repentance | Caleb Ha.. - 8/25/2024 Why Leviathan Was Made to Sp.. - 9/1/2024 Good News Out of Colossae! |.. - 9/1/2024 The Good News For You | Nath.. - 9/8/2024 Noah the Messiah | Nathan Tr.. - 9/8/2024 Colossae: A Lovely Bride | J.. - 9/8/2024 The Good News for Your World.. - 9/15/2024 An Ark to Escape In | Nathan.. - 9/15/2024 Know to Do | Justin Rosser - 9/15/2024 Where the Church Came From |.. - 9/22/2024 Redemption of the Beasts | N.. - 9/22/2024 Basically Pleasing | Justin.. - 9/22/2024 The Obedience of Noah | Nath.. - 9/29/2024 Big Thanks | Justin Rosser - 9/29/2024 Why the Church is So Importa.. - 10/6/2024 The Judgment Day: A Dress Re.. - 10/6/2024 Jesus is Supreme over Creati.. - 10/6/2024 The Church as a Covenant Com.. - 10/13/2024 Ark Life | Nathan Trice - 10/13/2024 Jesus Is Supreme Over All Cr.. - 10/13/2024 The Kids of the Covenant | N.. - 10/20/2024 Go Out . . . And Multiply! |.. - 10/20/2024 No Longer Exiles | Joby Fowler - 10/20/2024 Never Again! | Nathan Trice - 10/27/2024 Faith in a Willing Savior |.. - 10/27/2024 The Nurture Every Christian.. - 11/3/2024 Dominion Over the Creatures.. - 11/3/2024 Jesus, Supreme Over New Crea.. - 11/3/2024 The Nurture Every Christian.. - 11/10/2024 The Price of LifeBlood | Nat.. - 11/10/2024 Jesus, Supreme Over You | Ju.. - 11/10/2024 The Meaning of Membership |.. - 11/17/2024 A Sign in the Sky | Nathan T.. - 11/17/2024 The Work of a minister | Jus.. - 11/17/2024 As It Was in the Days of Noa.. - 11/24/2024 The Heart of a minister | Ju.. - 11/24/2024 As a Father . . . So the Lor.. - 12/1/2024 Clean Manager or Crops? | Ju.. - 12/1/2024 The Presbyterian Tradition |.. - 12/8/2024 The Prophecy of Noah | Natha.. - 12/8/2024 The Prophecy of Noah - Fulfi.. - 12/15/2024 All Sufficient Christ: Full.. - 12/15/2024 Christmas Lights | Nathan Tr.. - 12/22/2024 All-Sufficient Christ: Circu.. - 12/22/2024 All Sufficient Christ: Forgi.. - 12/29/2024 Priorities for the New Year.. - 12/29/2024 The Five Points of Financial.. - 1/5/2025 Out of the Shadows | Justin.. - 1/5/2025 Why Sing the Psalms of David? - 1/8/2025 Wine for a Wedding - 1/12/2025 Fleshy Christians | Justin R.. - 1/12/2025 "Songs for Those Who Don't F.. - 1/15/2025 Fury in the Temple - 1/19/2025 A World of Nothing | Justin.. - 1/19/2025 "Songs That Lead Us From Sad.. - 1/22/2025 An Unimpressive Miracle | Na.. - 1/26/2025 All About Him | Justin Rosser - 1/27/2025 "Singing Those Psalms That S.. - 1/29/2025 Enabling for an Invalid | Na.. - 2/2/2025 Why We're All About Him | Ju.. - 2/2/2025 "Singing Those Psalms That S.. - 2/5/2025 Feeding a Crowd | Nathan Trice - 2/9/2025 Kill Sin Dead | Justin Rosser - 2/11/2025 "Songs About Jesus in the Ps.. - 2/12/2025 A Walk on the Sea | Nathan T.. - 2/16/2025 The Holy Affections of Chris.. - 2/16/2025 Happy, Happy, Happy? - 2/19/2025 Light for a Blind Man | Nat... - 2/23/2025 Why You Can Change | Justin.. - 2/23/2025 Joy Lost...And Found - 2/26/2025 Life for a Dead Man | Natha... - 3/2/2025 Heavenly Clothes | Justin R... - 3/2/2025 The Joy of Your Master - 3/5/2025
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