Rev. Justin Smidstra | Zeeland, Michigan
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Speaker: Rev. Daniel Holstege
862 sermons
>Prayer Deliverance from Evil - 6/21/2009 Prayer, Deliverance from Evil - 6/28/2009 Assurance Our Prayer Is Heard - 7/12/2009 Comfort of Belonging to Christ - 7/19/2009 Learning to Know My Misery - 7/26/2009 The Blame for Our Misery - 8/2/2009 Man's Misery: So Great! - 8/9/2009 God's Righteous Judgments - 8/16/2009 One Way Out: God's Way - 8/23/2009 Our Gospel - 9/6/2009 Union With Christ - 9/20/2009 What is Saving Faith? - 10/4/2009 The Triune God of Friendship - 10/11/2009 Believing God Our Father - 10/18/2009 God the Father, Creator - 10/25/2009 Believing Providence - 11/1/2009 Jesus: God's Perfect Deliverer - 11/8/2009 Christ, God's Anointed - 11/15/2009 Our Chief Prophet - 11/22/2009 Prophets Confessing Christ - 11/29/2009 Active Priesthood of Christian - 12/20/2009 Christ the King - 12/27/2009 Given to Humble Sincerity - 1/10/2010 Christians as Kings - 1/17/2010 Christ is Lord - 1/24/2010 Jesus Christ: Really a Man - 1/31/2010 Jesus' Suffering of the Cross - 2/7/2010 Deliverance, House of Bondage - 2/14/2010 Believing Bodily Resurrection - 2/21/2010 Jesus' Profitable Ascension - 3/7/2010 The Glory of Christ Our Head - 3/21/2010 The King's Coming Judgment - 3/28/2010 Believing in the Holy Spirit - 4/11/2010 Love for Church Membership - 4/25/2010 Hope for a Glorious Future - 5/2/2010 The Justification of Sinners - 5/9/2010 Justification and Good Works - 5/16/2010 The Source of Faith - 6/6/2010 Sacraments: Confirmation - 6/13/2010 Assured by Holy Baptism - 7/4/2010 Infant Baptism & the Covenant - 7/11/2010 Infant Baptism & Parental Call - 7/18/2010 Lord's Supper's Assurance - 7/25/2010 Eating and Drinking Christ - 8/1/2010 The Lord's Supper and the Mass - 8/8/2010 The Lord's Supper: Holy Meal - 8/15/2010 The Keys of the Kingdom - 8/29/2010 Grace and Good Works - 9/19/2010 True Conversion - 10/3/2010 Genuine Good Works - 10/10/2010 The Law of God: Gratitude - 10/24/2010 Idolatry Forbidden - 10/31/2010 Worshipping God Rightly - 11/14/2010 Reverencing God's Name - 11/21/2010 Swearing Lawful Oaths - 11/28/2010 Keeping the Lord's Sabbath - 12/5/2010 The Commandment Against Adulte - 12/26/2010 Speaking Truth, Avoiding Lies - 1/16/2011 The Last Requirement - 1/23/2011 Christian Prayer - 2/6/2011 Addressing God as Our Father - 2/20/2011 Hallowed Be Thy Name - 2/27/2011 Praying Thy Kingdom Come - 3/6/2011 Praying Thy Will Be Done - 3/20/2011 Praying for Forgiveness - 3/27/2011 Praying for Strength in Battle - 4/3/2011 Conclusion of Christian Prayer - 4/17/2011 Comfort of Belonging to Lord - 4/24/2011 Teaching Us Our Misery - 5/1/2011 God's Justice Toward Sinner - 5/22/2011 Satisfaction of God's Justice - 5/29/2011 Our Perfect Mediator - 6/5/2011 True Saving Faith - 6/26/2011 The Holy Trinity - 7/17/2011 Our Divine Father - 7/24/2011 God's Work of Providence - 7/31/2011 Jesus Our Only Savior - 8/7/2011 Christ, God's Anointed - 8/21/2011 God's Only Begotten Son - 8/28/2011 The Incarnation of God's Son - 9/4/2011 The Death of the Son of God - 9/25/2011 Profit, Christ's Resurrection - 10/2/2011 The Ascension of Christ - 10/9/2011 The Coming of Our Exalted Lord - 10/16/2011 God the Holy Spirit - 10/23/2011 The Church of Christ - 10/30/2011 The Communion of Saints - 11/13/2011 The Forgiveness of Sins - 11/20/2011 Resurrection Unto Life Eternal - 12/4/2011 Righteous Before God by Faith - 12/18/2011 Answering Objections... - 1/15/2012 The Means of Faith - 1/22/2012 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper - 1/29/2012 Spiritual Partaking of Christ - 2/5/2012 Proper Partaker, Lord's Supper - 2/19/2012 The Keys of the Kingdom - 2/26/2012 Positive Reasons, Good Works - 3/4/2012 Living in True Conversion - 3/18/2012 The Law of God... - 4/1/2012 Worshipping as God Commands - 4/22/2012 Using God's Name with Fear - 4/29/2012 Resting on the Sabbath Day - 5/6/2012 Avoiding All Murder - 5/27/2012 Detesting Uncleanness - 6/3/2012 Not Stealing, But Giving - 6/10/2012 Telling the Truth - 6/17/2012 Our Prayer Life, Antithetical - 7/8/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 7/15/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 7/22/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 7/29/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 8/5/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 8/12/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 8/19/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 9/2/2012 Our Only Comfort - 9/9/2012 Misery Known from God's Law - 9/23/2012 Creation of Man in God's Image - 9/30/2012 The Fall of Man Into Sin - 10/7/2012 The Total Corruption of Man - 10/14/2012 God's Just Dealings... - 10/21/2012 Reconciliation, Satisfaction - 10/28/2012 Christ, Our Perfect Mediator - 11/4/2012 The Holy Gospel of God - 11/11/2012 True Faith - 11/18/2012 Faith in the Triune God - 11/25/2012 Faith in God as Our Father - 12/2/2012 The Providence of God - 12/23/2012 Faith in Jesus Our Savior - 12/30/2012 Faith in Christ Our Prophet - 1/6/2013 Faith in Christ, High Priest - 1/13/2013 Faith in Christ Our King - 1/20/2013 Faith in God's Begotten Son - 1/27/2013 Faith in Jesus, Our Lord - 2/3/2013 The Wonder of the Incarnation - 2/10/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 2/17/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 2/24/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 3/3/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 3/10/2013 His Crucifixion and Descent - 3/24/2013 Christ's Ascension into Heaven - 4/7/2013 Christ's Coming Again as Judge - 4/14/2013 The Holy Spirit of Christ - 4/21/2013 The One True Church of Christ - 4/28/2013 Our Comfort Regarding Future - 5/5/2013 Our Justification by Grace - 5/12/2013 What About Our Good Works? - 6/2/2013 The Means of Grace - 6/9/2013 Covenant, Baptism, and Infants - 6/30/2013 Witnessing to Roman Catholics - 7/7/2013 For Whom is the Lord's Supper - 7/14/2013 The Keys of Christ's Kingdom - 7/21/2013 Why Christians Do Good Works - 7/28/2013 Our Conversion to God - 8/4/2013 Commandment Against Idolatry - 8/25/2013 Command Against Image Worship - 9/1/2013 The Command Against Profaning - 9/8/2013 Swearing Oaths in Name of God - 9/22/2013 Remember the Sabbath Day - 9/29/2013 Command to Honor Authorities - 10/6/2013 The Command Against Murder - 10/13/2013 The Command Against Adultery - 10/27/2013 The Command Not to Steal - 11/3/2013 The Command Against Lying - 11/10/2013 The Command Against Coveting - 11/17/2013 Drawing Near to God in Prayer - 11/24/2013 Our Petition For Glory of God - 1/12/2014 Our Petition for God's Kingdom - 1/19/2014 Our Petition for Daily Bread - 2/2/2014 Our Petition for Forgiveness - 2/9/2014 Concluding Prayer, Confidence - 2/23/2014 God's Law - 6/21/2015 God Created Man Good - 7/12/2015 Our Original Sin - 7/19/2015 Our Total Depravity - 7/26/2015 God's Just Punishment of Sin - 8/2/2015 Escape Through Satisfaction - 8/9/2015 Reconciled by Our Mediator - 8/23/2015 The Glorious Gospel of Christ - 8/30/2015 By a True Faith - 9/6/2015 Three in One - 9/13/2015 The Maker of Heaven and Earth - 9/20/2015 The Fatherhood of God - 9/27/2015 Providence of Our Almighty God - 10/4/2015 Jesus, Our Savior from Sin - 10/11/2015 Christ, Our Chief Prophet - 10/18/2015 Christ, Our Only High Priest - 10/25/2015 Christ, Our Eternal King - 11/8/2015 Eternal Sonship of Our Lord - 11/22/2015 Miracle of Christ's Conception - 11/29/2015 Suffering on Our Behalf - 12/6/2015 Christ's Humiliation - 12/13/2015 Miracle, Christ's Resurrection - 12/20/2015 The Ascension of Christ - 12/27/2015 The Work of the Holy Spirit - 2/7/2016 God's Temple - 2/21/2016 Fellowship of All Believers - 2/28/2016 My Sins Remembered No More - 3/6/2016 The Promise of Life - 3/13/2016 Righteous by Faith in Christ - 3/20/2016 Justification and Good Works - 4/10/2016 The Source of True Faith - 4/17/2016 Admonished and Assured - 4/24/2016 Covenant, Baptism, & Children - 5/8/2016 Spiritual Signs of a Spiritual - 6/5/2016 The Lord's Supper and the Mass - 6/12/2016 Participation in Lord's Supper - 6/19/2016 The Kingdom's Keys - 6/26/2016 The Kingdom Keys: Discipline - 7/10/2016 Must We Still Do Good Works? - 7/24/2016 The Truth of Conversion - 7/31/2016 God's Law: How Sweet! - 8/7/2016 Loving God Alone - 8/21/2016 Worshipping God Properly - 8/28/2016 Using God's Name Reverently - 9/4/2016 Third Commandment and Oath - 9/11/2016 Honoring Those in Authority - 9/25/2016 God's Pro-Life Teaching - 10/2/2016 Loving My Neighbor - 10/9/2016 Loving My Neighbor - 10/16/2016 Loving My Neighbor in His Name - 10/23/2016 Command Forbidding Coveting - 11/6/2016 The Comfort of God's Gospel - 5/7/2017 The Importance of True Self.. - 5/21/2017 Man's Misery: Pointing the.. - 5/28/2017 So Corrupt - 6/11/2017 Understanding the Justice.. - 6/18/2017 God's Way Out: Righteousness - 6/25/2017 The Gospel of Our Mediator - 7/2/2017 Christ, the Anointed.. - 9/3/2017 Anointed Partakers of the.. - 9/10/2017 The Son of God, Our Lord - 9/17/2017 In the Fullness of Time:.. - 9/24/2017 Mediator Who Chose to Suffer - 10/1/2017 Mediator's Supreme Gift - 10/8/2017 Our Covenant Head - 10/15/2017 Our Covenant Head in Heaven - 10/22/2017 Christ King in Glory Reigning - 11/19/2017 God the Holy Spirit - 11/26/2017 Spirit Unified Church, Christ - 12/3/2017 Our Hope for Perfect Glory - 12/10/2017 Righteous Before God - 12/17/2017 Justified Saint's Good Works - 12/24/2017 Employing the Means of Grace - 12/31/2017 The Washing of Holy Baptism - 1/7/2018 Covenant Sign of Holy Baptism - 1/14/2018 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper - 1/21/2018 Presence In The Lord's Supper - 1/28/2018 Sanctity of the Lord's Supper - 2/4/2018 Employing Keys of Kingdom - 2/25/2018 Necessity of Doing Good Works - 3/4/2018 Our Daily Conversion - 3/11/2018 According to Law of Gratitude - 3/18/2018 Trusting in One True God Alone - 3/25/2018 Rightly Worshiping 1 True God - 4/22/2018 Rightly Using God's Holy Name - 4/29/2018 Swearing Oaths in God's Name - 5/6/2018 Rightly Resting on Sabbath Day - 5/27/2018 God-Ordained Authority - 6/3/2018 Rightly Loving Our Neighbors - 6/10/2018 Called to Chaste Living - 6/17/2018 Called to be Good Stewards - 6/24/2018 Commanded Speak Truth in Love - 7/15/2018 Commandment Claiming Our Heart - 7/22/2018 The Christian's Life of Prayer - 7/29/2018 Addressing God in Prayer - 8/19/2018 Praying Father Name Glorified - 8/26/2018 Praying for Coming Kingdom - 9/2/2018 Praying Father's Will be Done - 9/9/2018 Our Father Provide Daily Bread - 9/16/2018 Praying for Forgiveness - 9/23/2018 Father Deliver Us from Evil - 9/30/2018 The Conclusion of Our Prayers - 10/14/2018 Belonging to Jesus: Comfort - 10/28/2018 Misery, Mirror of God's Law - 11/4/2018 The Depravity of Man - 11/25/2018 The Remedy of Man's Depravity - 12/2/2018 God's Justice and the Sinner - 12/9/2018 The Only Way of Salvation - 12/30/2018 Our Only Mediator - 1/6/2019 Saving Faith in Our Mediator - 1/13/2019 Believing in the Triune God - 1/20/2019 Believing in God the Father - 1/27/2019 Believing, God's Fatherly Hand - 2/3/2019 Believing in Jesus Our Savior - 2/10/2019 Believing in Christ, Our.. - 2/24/2019 Believing in Christ - 3/3/2019 Believing in Christ, Our King - 3/10/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 3/24/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 3/31/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/7/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/14/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/21/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/28/2019 Believing in Jesus, Savior - 5/5/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 5/19/2019 Believing in the Holy Spirit - 5/26/2019 Believing Holy Catholic Church - 6/23/2019 Believing Communion of Saints - 6/30/2019 Believing the Forgiveness.. - 7/7/2019 Believing the Resurrection.. - 7/14/2019 Believing in Life Everlasting - 7/21/2019 JUSTIFIED! Though My.. - 7/28/2019 Word of God: Means of Faith - 8/18/2019 Buried & Raised with Christ - 8/25/2019 The Biblical Practice of.. - 9/8/2019 The Lord's Supper - 9/22/2019 Eating and Drinking Christ.. - 9/29/2019 A Still Relevant Polemic - 10/6/2019 The Keys of the Kingdom of.. - 11/3/2019 The "Must" of Good Works - 11/10/2019 True (Heartfelt) Repentance - 11/24/2019 True Quickening - 12/1/2019 The Law and the Christian - 12/8/2019 First: Worship Jehovah Alone - 12/22/2019 Second: Worship Jehovah.. - 1/12/2020 Third: Sanctify Jehovah's Name - 2/2/2020 Swearing Religiously - 2/9/2020 Fifth: Honor Jehovah's.. - 4/5/2020 Sixth: Protect the Life.. - 4/19/2020 Seventh: Glorify Jehovah.. - 5/3/2020 Eighth: Serve Jehovah with.. - 5/10/2020 Ninth: Glorify Jehovah with.. - 5/17/2020 Tenth: Obey Jehovah with.. - 5/24/2020 Christian Prayer - 6/7/2020 Addressing Jehovah in Prayer - 6/14/2020 Praying Our Father's Name.. - 6/21/2020 Praying Our Father's.. - 6/28/2020 Praying Our Father's Will.. - 7/5/2020 Praying to Our Father for.. - 7/12/2020 Praying for Our Father's.. - 7/26/2020 Praying for Our Father's.. - 8/2/2020 Saying Amen - 8/23/2020 Our Only Comfort - 9/27/2020 Learning to Know Our Misery - 10/4/2020 Mankind's Miserable Ruin - 10/25/2020 The Unyielding Justice of a.. - 11/1/2020 Again Received into Favor - 11/22/2020 Our Mediator Between God.. - 11/29/2020 Saved Through Faith - 12/6/2020 I Believe in the One Triune.. - 12/27/2020 I Believe in God the Father.. - 1/3/2021 I Believe in the Providence.. - 1/31/2021 I Believe in Jesus the Only.. - 2/21/2021 I Believe in Christ,.. - 2/28/2021 I Believe in Jesus Christ,.. - 3/14/2021 The Christian Anointed as.. - 3/21/2021 I Believe in Christ, Our.. - 3/28/2021 The Priesthood of All.. - 4/11/2021 I Believe in Christ, Our.. - 4/18/2021 The Kingship of All Believers - 4/25/2021 God in Our Flesh - 6/13/2021 Christ's Matchless.. - 6/20/2021 Glorying in Christ's Cross - 7/4/2021 Christ's Resurrection - 7/11/2021 Christ's Ascension - 7/18/2021 Christ Sitting at Jehovah's.. - 8/1/2021 Awaiting the Final Wonders - 8/8/2021 I Believe in the Holy Spirit - 9/12/2021 Our Confession Concerning.. - 9/19/2021 Being a Lively.. - 9/26/2021 Our Comfort Concerning the.. - 10/3/2021 Everlasting Life - 10/24/2021 Justification: The Heart of.. - 10/31/2021 Experiencing Justification.. - 11/7/2021 The Proper Place and.. - 11/28/2021 Foolishness that Saves - 12/5/2021 Benefiting From Holy Baptism - 12/12/2021 Why Infants Ought to be.. - 12/19/2021 The Holy Supper of Our Lord - 12/26/2021 Keeping the Lord's Supper Pure - 1/9/2022 Christ's Keys - 1/16/2022 Why Do Good Works? - 1/23/2022 The True Conversion of Man - 1/30/2022 Worship by the Book (1) - 2/27/2022 Worship by the Book (2) - 3/13/2022 The Command Concerning.. - 3/20/2022 Honoring God's Name with.. - 3/27/2022 The Sabbath Day - 4/3/2022 Keeping the Sabbath Day - 4/10/2022 God's Command Concerning.. - 4/24/2022 God's Command Concerning.. - 5/1/2022 Possessing Your Vessel in.. - 5/8/2022 God's Command Concerning.. - 5/29/2022 Father's Word About Our Words - 6/12/2022 A Law Like No Other - 6/19/2022 My Only Comfort - 10/23/2022 The Ingredients of True Happ.. - 11/20/2022 Learning From God's Law - 11/27/2022 God Created Man Good - 12/4/2022 Mankind's Fall Into Sin - 12/18/2022 Total Depravity - 1/22/2023 Righteous in His Judgment - 1/29/2023 The Only Way - 2/5/2023 The God Given Mediator - 2/26/2023 God's Gift of Saving Faith - 3/5/2023 The Holy Trinity - 3/12/2023 God the Father - 3/19/2023 Jesus - 4/16/2023 Christ - 4/23/2023 Christian - 5/14/2023 Only Begotten Son of God - 6/4/2023 L O R D - 6/11/2023 The Marvel of the Incarnation - 6/18/2023 He Suffered - 6/25/2023 Dead and Buried: He Descende.. - 7/16/2023 The Profit of Christ's Resur.. - 7/23/2023 He Ascended Into Heaven - 7/30/2023 Seated at God's Right Hand - 8/6/2023 The Return of Our Savior-Judge - 8/20/2023 The Holy Spirit - 8/27/2023 The Church of Christ - 9/3/2023 The Communion of Christ's Sa.. - 9/10/2023 The Forgiveness of Sins - 9/17/2023 The Sure Resurrection of Thi.. - 9/24/2023 Justified By Faith Along - 10/15/2023 God's Chosen Means to Build.. - 10/29/2023 The Visible Word of Baptism - 11/5/2023 Celebrating the Lord's Supper - 11/12/2023 Guarding the Lord's Table - 11/19/2023 The Key Power of Gospel Prea.. - 11/26/2023 The Key Power of Gospel Disc.. - 12/3/2023 A Full Salvation - 12/17/2023 God's Saving Work and the Ch.. - 12/24/2023 Converted, Yet Converting - 1/21/2024 God's Will For Worship - 2/4/2024 God's Sabbath: Made For Man.. - 3/3/2024 Authority According to Scrip.. - 4/7/2024 Getting at the Heart of Murder - 4/21/2024 God's Will for Purity and Fi.. - 4/28/2024 The Christian View of Things - 5/5/2024 The Command to Control Your.. - 5/26/2024 The All Encompassing Command.. - 6/2/2024 The Necessity of Praying Wit.. - 6/16/2024 The Makings of True Prayer - 6/23/2024 Calling Upon Our Father - 7/7/2024 The First Petition: For God'.. - 7/14/2024 The Second Petition: For God.. - 7/21/2024 The Third Petition: For God'.. - 7/28/2024 The Fourth Petition: For Bread - 8/4/2024 The Fifth Petition: For Forg.. - 8/18/2024 The Sixth Petition: For Tota.. - 9/1/2024
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