Paul wants the Galatians to understand that righteousness comes solely by trusting in the finished and sufficient work of Christ in His life, death, and resurrection, apart from any work or obedience on our part. That has been the central thrust of this entire letter — that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone and I pray that this truth has become a forever settled matter in the hearts of this congregation if it wasn't already. But now we come to the all-important question, "now what?" If our justification is by faith alone completely apart from works, what does that mean for how we live? You see throughout this series I have intentionally and repeatedly taken aim every way I know how at the fallen human tendency to think that we can contribute something, anything to our salvation through our own works and obedience. Being a "good person," living a "clean life," going to church, being a good giver, having impeccable character above all reproach – I have purposely belabored the point that absolutely none of that achieves us any righteousness whatsoever with a holy God before whom all our righteousness is like filthy rags – Isaiah 64:6. But like we hinted at last week, with all this emphasis on grace and faith apart from obedience, we can start to wonder, does our obedience even matter at all? Yes, our obedience does matter and today we finally get to see how salvation by faith alone apart from obedience actually leads to obedience in the Christian life. And the big takeaway from our text this morning is that Christ has truly set us free from the law, not so that we can live in sin, but so we can live for Him.
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