Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ: The doctrine of God is the most important doctrine in the Bible.
If you get this wrong, everything else falls apart.
You would not know how bad you are, you would not know how you can be saved from your sins, and you would not know how you are to live.
Now this doctrine of God is huge, so you can't study God as just a simple topic.
You can't know God exhaustively, no matter how much you study, but you can learn a lot in this series because God has many wonderful attributes which he has revealed in his Word.
Knowing these attributes will bless you. Ten of these attributes are mentioned in the Belgic Confession, but other confessions added to the list, and so will we.
Today we will deal with these 2 characteristics. These two are different, but related, so we will deal with them together.
The two characteristics we will examine today are God's eternity and God's infiniteness.
Our headings are: 1. God is Eternal and Infinite Explained 2. God is Eternal and Infinite Illustrated 3. God is Eternal and Infinite Applied
Our goals are: That after considering God's eternity and infiniteness, you will treasure him, faithfully worship him, and willingly work for him. |