Delivered at the 2019 Bold North Conference on Reformed Theology,"The Riches of His Grace: Why God's Grace is Enough"
Why "Bold North?" "Bold North is the place where you don't merely hope to survive a subzero north wind, you stick your chin into the teeth of it with pride." – Dave Orrick We not only tolerate our cold weather, we embrace it. Historical expressions of Reformed theology are sometimes considered cold, but that's why we want to dig deeper. Why is Reformed theology not only biblical theology, but in today's culture, also bold? Because we proclaim the holiness of God to a fallen culture, the fatal sinfulness of human beings, and the Christ who died to save His people as their only hope. Preaching Christ in Word and sacraments is His means of bringing lost people to salvation. The church, despite its blemishes, is His instrument in making this known. It is our hope that the Bold North Conference on Reformed Theology will provide a platform to discuss the richness of reformed theology – and declaring biblical truths with boldness. We're not cold. We're bold. We're Reformed. |