Eric Watkins | San Marcos, California
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Speaker: Mark Schroeder
924 sermons
Click the link below for double fidelity audio. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever. I. THREE RHETORICAL QUESTIONS: A. Who Has Known the Mind of the Lord? (34a) B. Who Became His Counselor? (34b) C. Who Has First Given to God? (35) II. A CHRISTIAN WORLD-VIEW: (36) A. The Man-Centered View B. The 'From Him, Through Him, and To Him' View Application: To God Be the Glory! Solid homage in daily life, praise Him even in pain, perseverance in duty, boldness, courage, generosity
>An Introduction to Romans - 1/25/2004 Greetings from Paul - 2/1/2004 Mutual Encouragement - 2/15/2004 A God-Provided Righteousness - 2/22/2004 Without Excuse - 2/29/2004 Idolatrous Perversions - 3/7/2004 Hell On Earth - 3/14/2004 Legalized Sin - 3/21/2004 Principles of Judgment -- pt1 - 3/28/2004 Principles of Judgment -- 2 - 4/4/2004 Principles of Judgment -- pt3 - 4/18/2004 Do As I Say - Not As I Do? - 4/25/2004 Circumcision of the Heart - 5/2/2004 Objections to God's Judgment - 5/16/2004 Moral Wipeout - 5/23/2004 God's Line in the Sand - 5/30/2004 God Provided Righteousness - 6/6/2004 Biblical Boasting - 6/13/2004 Abraham -- Our Father in Faith - 7/11/2004 Abraham - Justified By Grace - 7/18/2004 The Victory of Faith - 7/25/2004 The God of Abraham - 8/1/2004 Peace with God - 8/8/2004 The Hope of Glory - 8/15/2004 Manifold Tribulations - 8/22/2004 Unquenchable Love - 8/29/2004 Blessed Assurance - 9/5/2004 Adam, Our Father in Sin - 9/12/2004 The Two Adams - 9/19/2004 Grace Abounding - 9/26/2004 The Reign of Grace - 10/3/2004 Shall We Continue in Sin? - 10/10/2004 Baptized Into Christ - 10/31/2004 Alive in Christ - 11/7/2004 Just Tell Me What I Need to Do - 11/14/2004 Sanctification -- 101 - 11/21/2004 What is True Freedom? - 12/5/2004 Death - A Blessing? - 1/16/2005 Is God's Law Guilty? - 1/23/2005 O Wretched Man That I Am - 1/30/2005 The Spirit of Life - 2/6/2005 The Spirit Of Christ - 2/13/2005 Children -- Led by the Spirit - 2/27/2005 Heirs of Suffering and Glory - 3/6/2005 Holy Spirit Prayer - 3/13/2005 Good Luck - 3/20/2005 God's Unbreakable Chain - 4/3/2005 Invincible Questions - 4/10/2005 Love That Will Not Let Go - 4/17/2005 The Greatest of These is Love - 4/24/2005 Great Blessings - Unbelief - 5/1/2005 God's Free Will - 5/15/2005 Vessels of Mercy - 5/22/2005 Called Out of Darkness - 5/29/2005 Zeal Without Knowledge - 6/5/2005 Private Salvation? - 6/26/2005 Shame On You - 7/3/2005 Beautiful Feet? - 7/10/2005 Evil Unbelief - 7/17/2005 Has God Rejected His People? - 8/28/2005 Cursed Blessings - 9/4/2005 Salvation to the Gentiles - 9/18/2005 Holy Unto The Lord - 9/25/2005 All Israel Will Be Saved - 10/2/2005 The Unsearchable God pt 1 - 10/9/2005 The Unsearchable God pt 2 - 10/16/2005 God's Eternal Decree - 10/30/2005 Unfathomable Providence - 11/6/2005 Soli Deo Gloria - 11/13/2005 Evidence of New Life - 11/20/2005 Conformed or Transformed? - 11/27/2005 Who Am I? - 12/4/2005 Gifts That Serve The Body - 12/18/2005 Without Love - We Are Nothing - 1/29/2006 Distinguishing Mark, Disciple - 2/12/2006 Blessing Our Enemies - 2/19/2006 Overcoming Evil With Good - 2/26/2006 Jesus and Civil Government - 3/12/2006 An Avenger Of Evil - 3/19/2006 Blessing Caesar - 3/26/2006 Owe No Man Anything - But Love - 4/2/2006 Debt-Free Contentment - 4/9/2006 Law and Love - 4/23/2006 Understanding The Times - 4/30/2006 Do We Truly Accept One Another - 5/14/2006 Matters of Heart vs Stomach - 5/21/2006 Are You Living For Christ? - 6/4/2006 Are You Living For Christ? pt2 - 6/11/2006 Who's Judge - You or Christ? - 7/2/2006 Scrupulosity - 7/9/2006 Peace and Edification - 7/16/2006 Instructing Strong and Weak - 7/23/2006 Three Words of Encouragement - 7/30/2006 Accept One Another - 8/20/2006 Abounding in Praise and Hope - 8/27/2006 Are You A Mature Christian? - 9/3/2006 Paul's Ministry Explained - 9/10/2006 Boasting in Christ - 9/17/2006 Ministry Labors and Plans - 9/24/2006 Fullness of Blessing of Christ - 10/1/2006 The Ministry of Prayer - 10/8/2006 Commending a Servant Sister - 10/15/2006 Godly Greetings and Friendship - 11/12/2006 Wolves in Sheep's Clothing - 11/26/2006 Satan Crushed - 12/10/2006 The Devil Like A Roaring Lion - 12/17/2006 Devil - Like A Roaring Lion 2 - 1/7/2007 We Are Brothers In Christ - 1/14/2007 To Him Who Is Able - 1/28/2007 Glory -- to the Only Wise God - 2/11/2007
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Robert (1/1/2006)from New Jersey
Great Sermon! Thank you for this wonderful message!
The true gospel of God's sovereign grace always gives all the glory to our wonderful sovereign God in our eternal salvation! Yes, Salvation is of the Lord!
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