Two Adam's
"And so it is written, the first man, what was his name, Adam, became a living being, the last, Adam, who is He, Jesus, became a life-giving spirit…" (1 Corinthians 15:45-47 ; Romans 5)
Now, who's the last Adam, or we can say, the second Adam, the lastAdam, that is saying that we have two figureheads in our lives, we were all born under one, the first Adam, and you have to be born again to come under the second, or the last Adam, that is Jesus. And there is no righteousness for any man apart from being under the second or the last Adam. Does that make sense to you? Do you see what I'm referring to? There are two Adam's, the last and the first, the first and the second, the first, death came through. Offenses came through, disobedience came through, that's all a man can produce before God, because of the first Adam. But when you're severed from the first Adam, and translated into, being born again and brought into the second Adam, now you have His righteousness. Now you have His life-giving spirit. Now you have everything you need to walk with God, and then anticipate living with and for Him forever. That's the only way it can happen. That's why the Bible teaches us that God has a standard that He's going to judge the world by, and a standard by which man should live. And that standard is the same. It's the Lord Jesus Christ. His life-giving spirit must be in us. As we live in this world, His righteousness must be in us, granted to us, accounted to us, or we'll never stand before God, as righteous and holy, when He judges us, according to that same standard in Jesus. That's why an individual has to give their life to Jesus. They must be ripped away from the fi |