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Sean E. Harris | Fayetteville, North Carolina
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Berean Baptist Church
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The Misunderstood Doctrine of Election
Series:  Ephesians Verse-by-Verse  · 6 of 40
10/27/2013 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Ephesians 1:4
        SUNDAY - PM
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The choosing of some unto salvation before the foundation of the world is a doctrine that is repulsive to some because of the manner in which it is misunderstood but it is biblical.
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Sean E. Harris
Understanding Election is Hard

Ephesians Verse-by-Verse
Sunday - PM
Berean Baptist Church
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Sean E. Harris
Understanding Election is Hard

Ephesians Verse-by-Verse
Berean Baptist Church
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Rnel (11/29/2016)
from South africa
“ Great Sermon! ”
But you cant and will not come unless the Father brings you to Christ. John 6:37 37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. You cant just preach on verse 37.. Context in king. John 6:44 44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:65 65 And He said, “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.” You saying God does not choose people for hell but Judas was.. Judas was a Rom 9:22 John 17:12 12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

Helen (11/22/2016)
from Sweden
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is the one of the best teaching I have heard on the subject. Glad Jehova led me to it. I wish I had it in transcript.

Alfred ThamesContact via email (10/28/2013)
from United States
“ Great Sermon! ”
Matt 11:25-26 I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them to babes. Those men whom God in his sovereignty, as Lord of heaven and earth, of his own good pleasure, hid the gospel, either in respect of the outward preaching of it, or the inward revelation of the power of it in their hearts,those certainly Christ did not died for; for to what end should the Father send his only Son to die for the redemption of those whom he, for his own good pleasure, had determined should be everlasting strangers from it. There are so many verses,especially in John's gospel, I will list them if you want me to. When I first came to believe and accept the doctrines of grace, it took me 2 yrs later to really understand particular atonement, but now I do and also, I dont believe you can really believe 4 but not all 5, they compliment each other.

Alfred ThamesContact via email (10/28/2013)
from United States
“ Great Sermon! ”
If Christ died and paid for all the sins of everyone, then there are a lot of people in hell for sins that were paid for. Unbelief is a sin, that is cover also. 2 Pet 3:9, is a favorite of rAmenians or 4 pt calvinist lack of a better word. But, if you read the entire chapter and put everything into context, you will find Peter is referring to the elect, us, we and beloved all the way vs 1 thru 18. But favorite limited atonement verses is in Isaiah 53:10-12. All is not used, but many is used several times. But, the emphasis is really in vs 11. I recommend John Owen,s book The Death of Death in death of Christ. The best book I have ever read on particular atonement.

gib hamContact via email (10/28/2013)
from indianapolis
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was a pretty good lesson, I am glad that your church is willing to look at tough issues such as election when the vast majority of churches gloss over it. I am confused about your view of limited atonement. Could we not argue that all true branches of Christianity whether Arminian or Calvinist truly believe in limited atonement because they teach that only those that are born again receive salvation? If we were to hold the position that atonement was not limited wouldn't that view lead us to universalism? Also I'm not sure I'm grasping the idea that election doesn't automatically seal the lost soul to hell. If I'm forced into a food line and the server has the option to give me steak or chicken, and he doesn't give me steak, then by default, logic tells me I'm getting chicken whether I want it or not. I see the tension throughout scripture between election and whosoever.... Its a struggle but I believe that there has to be a logical systematic way of looking at it. God is not the author of confusion. Keep up the good work and continue to stand on the Word of God.

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  Sean E. Harris
Pastor Sean Harris has been the Senior Pastor for Berean Baptist Church and Academy in Fayetteville, NC since 2006. He served as a member, lay teacher and deacon at Berean from 1987 until he became the Senior Pastor. As the Senior Pastor, he oversees Berean’s ministry to over...

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