Speaker: J. C. Ryle
643 sermons
080. Watchfulness, Luke 12:32-40
This superb narration of Ryle's devotional commentary on the Gospel of Luke has been professionally read, and graciously supplied by Christopher Glyn. Please visit his website, treasures365.com/shop.php, where you can purchase additional superb audios at very reasonable prices. You will find it helpful to READ the texts--as you LISTEN to the audios! The TEXTS for the entire commentary can be bound here: http://gracegems.org/Ryle/Luke.htm The AUDIOS for the entire commentary can be bound here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?subsetitem=Gospel+of+Luke&subsetcat=series&keyword=gracegems&SourceOnly=true&includekeywords=&ExactVerse=
>1. Luke's Introduction,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 2. Zachariah/Elizabeth Luke1:5 - 3/11/2018 3.John Baptist's Birth,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 4.Unbelief of Zachariah,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 5.Angel's Announcement Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 6.Mary's Question-Angel Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 7.Mary Visit-Elizabeth,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 8.Mary's Song of Praise,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 9.Birth of John Baptist,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 10.Zachariah's Song, Luke 1:67 - 3/11/2018 11.Birth of Christ Luke 2:1-7 - 3/11/2018 12.Shepherds/Angels,Luke 2:8 - 3/11/2018 13.Presentation-Temple Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 14. Simeon, His History,Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 15. Anna the prophetess,Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 16. Jesus/His Parents Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 17. John the Baptist, Luke 3 - 3/11/2018 18.John Baptist Luke 3:7-14 - 3/11/2018 19.Effect:John Baptist Luke 3 - 3/11/2018 20.Baptism/Genealogy Luke 3 - 3/11/2018 21 Christ's Temptation Luke 4 - 3/11/2018 022.Jesus in Synagogue Luke 4 - 3/11/2018 023.Jesus Rejected Luke 4: 23 - 3/11/2018 24.Jesus Heals Many Luke 4 - 3/11/2018 025.Miraculous Catch Luke 5:1 - 3/11/2018 026 Jesus Heals Leper Lk.5:12 - 3/11/2018 027. Jesus Heals Paralytic - 3/11/2018 028. Calling of Matthew - 3/11/2018 029. Fasting and Wineskins - 3/11/2018 030. Jesus and the Sabbath - 3/11/2018 031. Withered Hand Healed - 3/11/2018 032. Choosing of 12 Apostles - 3/11/2018 033. Blessings & Woes - 3/11/2018 034. Love for Enemies - 3/11/2018 035. A Tree & its Fruit - 3/11/2018 036. Wise & Foolish Builders - 3/11/2018 037. Faith of Centurion - 3/11/2018 038. Jesus Raises Widow's Son - 3/11/2018 039. Jesus & John the Baptist - 3/11/2018 40 Jesus' Testimony, John - 3/11/2018 41 Unreasonableness, Unbelief - 3/11/2018 42 Jesus Anointed, Woman - 3/11/2018 Women Who Accompanied Jesus - 5/21/2018 044. The Parable of the.. - 5/21/2018 045. A Lamp on a Stand,.. - 5/21/2018 046. Jesus Calms the Storm,.. - 5/21/2018 047. The Demon Possessed.. - 5/21/2018 Christ rejected by Gadarenes - 5/21/2018 049. A Sick Woman Healed,.. - 5/21/2018 Jairus' Daughter Raised - 5/21/2018 Jesus Sends out 12 Apostles - 5/21/2018 052. The Apostles Return,.. - 5/21/2018 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - 5/21/2018 Test of Discipleship, Luke 9 - 5/21/2018 054. Peter's Confession - 7/16/2018 056. The Transfiguration - 7/16/2018 057. Healing of a Boy - 7/16/2018 058. Who Will Be Greatest - 7/16/2018 059. Samaritan Opposition - 7/16/2018 060. Cost of Following Jesus - 7/16/2018 061. Jesus Sends Seventy-two - 7/16/2018 062. Instructions to Disciples - 7/16/2018 063. Return of the Disciples - 7/16/2018 064. Sovereignty of God - 7/16/2018 065. Rule of Faith; Duty - 7/16/2018 Parable of the Good Samaritan - 7/16/2018 067. Martha and Mary - 7/16/2018 068. Jesus' Teaching on Prayer - 7/16/2018 Parable of Importunate Friend - 7/16/2018 070. Jesus and Beelzebub - 7/16/2018 071. The Strong Man Armed - 7/16/2018 072. The Sign of Jonah - 7/16/2018 073. The Lamp of the Body - 7/16/2018 Jesus Pronounces Three Woes - 7/16/2018 Jesus Pronounces Three Woes - 7/16/2018 076. Warnings & Encouragements - 10/19/2018 077. Blasphemy, Holy Spirit - 10/19/2018 078. Parable of the Rich Fool - 10/19/2018 079. Warnings about Worry - 10/19/2018 080. Watchfulness - 10/19/2018 081. Wise and Faithful Servant - 10/19/2018 082. Not Peace — but Division - 10/19/2018 083. The Signs of the Times - 10/19/2018 084. Repent or Perish! - 10/19/2018 085. The Barren Fig Tree - 10/19/2018 086. Crippled Woman Healed - 10/19/2018 087. Parables, Mustard Seed - 10/19/2018 088. The Narrow Door - 10/19/2018 089 Jesus' Sorrow, Jerusalem - 10/19/2018 090. Jesus at Pharisee's House - 10/19/2018 091. Places of Honor - 10/19/2018 092. Parable of Great Banquet - 10/19/2018 093. Cost of Being a Disciple - 10/19/2018 094. Parables Lost Sheep, Coin - 10/19/2018 095. The Parable of the Son - 10/19/2018 096. The Elder Son - 10/19/2018 097. Parable of Shrewd Manager - 10/19/2018 098. Serving Two Masters - 10/19/2018 099. Rich Man & Lazarus - 10/19/2018 100. Stumbling Blocks - 10/19/2018 101. Unworthy Servants - 10/19/2018 102. Ten Healed of Leprosy - 10/19/2018 103. The Kingdom of God - 10/19/2018 104. As it Was in Days of Noah - 10/19/2018 105. Parable, Persistent Widow - 10/19/2018 106. Pharisee & Tax Collector - 10/19/2018 107. Jesus and the Children - 10/19/2018 108. The Rich Young Ruler - 10/19/2018 109. Jesus Predicts His Death - 10/19/2018 110. The Blind Beggar - 10/19/2018 111. Conversion of Zacchaeus - 10/19/2018 112. Parable of Ten Minas - 10/19/2018 113. Triumphal Entry - 10/19/2018 114. Jesus Weeping, Jerusalem - 10/19/2018 115. Authority of Jesus - 10/19/2018 116. Parable of the Tenants - 10/19/2018 117. Paying Taxes to Caesar - 10/19/2018 118. Resurrection & Marriage - 10/19/2018 119. Whose Son Is Christ - 10/19/2018 120. Widow's Offering - 10/19/2018 121. Signs of the End of Age - 10/19/2018 122. Signs of End of Age - 10/19/2018 123. Destruction of Jerusalem - 10/19/2018 124. The 2nd Coming of Christ - 10/19/2018 125. Watch and Pray! - 10/19/2018 126. The Last Supper - 10/19/2018 127. Last Supper, continued - 10/19/2018 128. Who Is the Greatest? - 10/19/2018 129. Simon Peter - 10/19/2018 130. Jesus, Mount of Olives - 10/19/2018 131. Jesus Arrested - 10/19/2018 132. Peter Denies Jesus - 10/19/2018 133. The Soldiers Mock Jesus - 10/19/2018 134. Jesus before Pilate - 10/19/2018 135. Crucify Him! Lk 23:13-25 - 10/19/2018 136. Crucifixion, Lk 23:26-38 - 10/19/2018 137. Dying Thief, Lk. 23:39-43 - 10/20/2018 138. Jesus' Death, Lk 23:44-49 - 10/20/2018 139. Jesus' Burial - 10/20/2018 140. The Resurrection - 10/20/2018 141. The Road to Emmaus - 10/20/2018 142. Jesus Appears, Disciples - 10/20/2018 143. Jesus Appears, Disciples - 10/20/2018 144. Ascension, Luke 24:50-53 - 10/20/2018
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Howard King (7/2/2022)from MS
Great Sermon! Excellent reading -- great voice and wonderful inflection. Bishop Ryle was one of the great evangelical Anglicans who wrote, among other things, the book, "holiness"; still relevant and in print. Thank you!
John Charles Ryle was born in the English town of Macclesfield, in the County of Cheshire, on the 10th of May, 1816. His education took him to the prestigious college at Eton, followed by time spent at the great University of Oxford. His conversion can be traced to a time when...
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