Speaker: J. C. Ryle
643 sermons
079. Warnings about Worry, Luke 12:22-31
This superb narration of Ryle's devotional commentary on the Gospel of Luke has been professionally read, and graciously supplied by Christopher Glyn. Please visit his website, treasures365.com/shop.php, where you can purchase additional superb audios at very reasonable prices. You will find it helpful to READ the texts--as you LISTEN to the audios! The TEXTS for the entire commentary can be bound here: http://gracegems.org/Ryle/Luke.htm The AUDIOS for the entire commentary can be bound here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?subsetitem=Gospel+of+Luke&subsetcat=series&keyword=gracegems&SourceOnly=true&includekeywords=&ExactVerse=
>1. Luke's Introduction,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 2. Zachariah/Elizabeth Luke1:5 - 3/11/2018 3.John Baptist's Birth,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 4.Unbelief of Zachariah,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 5.Angel's Announcement Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 6.Mary's Question-Angel Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 7.Mary Visit-Elizabeth,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 8.Mary's Song of Praise,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 9.Birth of John Baptist,Luke 1 - 3/11/2018 10.Zachariah's Song, Luke 1:67 - 3/11/2018 11.Birth of Christ Luke 2:1-7 - 3/11/2018 12.Shepherds/Angels,Luke 2:8 - 3/11/2018 13.Presentation-Temple Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 14. Simeon, His History,Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 15. Anna the prophetess,Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 16. Jesus/His Parents Luke 2 - 3/11/2018 17. John the Baptist, Luke 3 - 3/11/2018 18.John Baptist Luke 3:7-14 - 3/11/2018 19.Effect:John Baptist Luke 3 - 3/11/2018 20.Baptism/Genealogy Luke 3 - 3/11/2018 21 Christ's Temptation Luke 4 - 3/11/2018 022.Jesus in Synagogue Luke 4 - 3/11/2018 023.Jesus Rejected Luke 4: 23 - 3/11/2018 24.Jesus Heals Many Luke 4 - 3/11/2018 025.Miraculous Catch Luke 5:1 - 3/11/2018 026 Jesus Heals Leper Lk.5:12 - 3/11/2018 027. Jesus Heals Paralytic - 3/11/2018 028. Calling of Matthew - 3/11/2018 029. Fasting and Wineskins - 3/11/2018 030. Jesus and the Sabbath - 3/11/2018 031. Withered Hand Healed - 3/11/2018 032. Choosing of 12 Apostles - 3/11/2018 033. Blessings & Woes - 3/11/2018 034. Love for Enemies - 3/11/2018 035. A Tree & its Fruit - 3/11/2018 036. Wise & Foolish Builders - 3/11/2018 037. Faith of Centurion - 3/11/2018 038. Jesus Raises Widow's Son - 3/11/2018 039. Jesus & John the Baptist - 3/11/2018 40 Jesus' Testimony, John - 3/11/2018 41 Unreasonableness, Unbelief - 3/11/2018 42 Jesus Anointed, Woman - 3/11/2018 Women Who Accompanied Jesus - 5/21/2018 044. The Parable of the.. - 5/21/2018 045. A Lamp on a Stand,.. - 5/21/2018 046. Jesus Calms the Storm,.. - 5/21/2018 047. The Demon Possessed.. - 5/21/2018 Christ rejected by Gadarenes - 5/21/2018 049. A Sick Woman Healed,.. - 5/21/2018 Jairus' Daughter Raised - 5/21/2018 Jesus Sends out 12 Apostles - 5/21/2018 052. The Apostles Return,.. - 5/21/2018 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - 5/21/2018 Test of Discipleship, Luke 9 - 5/21/2018 054. Peter's Confession - 7/16/2018 056. The Transfiguration - 7/16/2018 057. Healing of a Boy - 7/16/2018 058. Who Will Be Greatest - 7/16/2018 059. Samaritan Opposition - 7/16/2018 060. Cost of Following Jesus - 7/16/2018 061. Jesus Sends Seventy-two - 7/16/2018 062. Instructions to Disciples - 7/16/2018 063. Return of the Disciples - 7/16/2018 064. Sovereignty of God - 7/16/2018 065. Rule of Faith; Duty - 7/16/2018 Parable of the Good Samaritan - 7/16/2018 067. Martha and Mary - 7/16/2018 068. Jesus' Teaching on Prayer - 7/16/2018 Parable of Importunate Friend - 7/16/2018 070. Jesus and Beelzebub - 7/16/2018 071. The Strong Man Armed - 7/16/2018 072. The Sign of Jonah - 7/16/2018 073. The Lamp of the Body - 7/16/2018 Jesus Pronounces Three Woes - 7/16/2018 Jesus Pronounces Three Woes - 7/16/2018 076. Warnings & Encouragements - 10/19/2018 077. Blasphemy, Holy Spirit - 10/19/2018 078. Parable of the Rich Fool - 10/19/2018 079. Warnings about Worry - 10/19/2018 080. Watchfulness - 10/19/2018 081. Wise and Faithful Servant - 10/19/2018 082. Not Peace — but Division - 10/19/2018 083. The Signs of the Times - 10/19/2018 084. Repent or Perish! - 10/19/2018 085. The Barren Fig Tree - 10/19/2018 086. Crippled Woman Healed - 10/19/2018 087. Parables, Mustard Seed - 10/19/2018 088. The Narrow Door - 10/19/2018 089 Jesus' Sorrow, Jerusalem - 10/19/2018 090. Jesus at Pharisee's House - 10/19/2018 091. Places of Honor - 10/19/2018 092. Parable of Great Banquet - 10/19/2018 093. Cost of Being a Disciple - 10/19/2018 094. Parables Lost Sheep, Coin - 10/19/2018 095. The Parable of the Son - 10/19/2018 096. The Elder Son - 10/19/2018 097. Parable of Shrewd Manager - 10/19/2018 098. Serving Two Masters - 10/19/2018 099. Rich Man & Lazarus - 10/19/2018 100. Stumbling Blocks - 10/19/2018 101. Unworthy Servants - 10/19/2018 102. Ten Healed of Leprosy - 10/19/2018 103. The Kingdom of God - 10/19/2018 104. As it Was in Days of Noah - 10/19/2018 105. Parable, Persistent Widow - 10/19/2018 106. Pharisee & Tax Collector - 10/19/2018 107. Jesus and the Children - 10/19/2018 108. The Rich Young Ruler - 10/19/2018 109. Jesus Predicts His Death - 10/19/2018 110. The Blind Beggar - 10/19/2018 111. Conversion of Zacchaeus - 10/19/2018 112. Parable of Ten Minas - 10/19/2018 113. Triumphal Entry - 10/19/2018 114. Jesus Weeping, Jerusalem - 10/19/2018 115. Authority of Jesus - 10/19/2018 116. Parable of the Tenants - 10/19/2018 117. Paying Taxes to Caesar - 10/19/2018 118. Resurrection & Marriage - 10/19/2018 119. Whose Son Is Christ - 10/19/2018 120. Widow's Offering - 10/19/2018 121. Signs of the End of Age - 10/19/2018 122. Signs of End of Age - 10/19/2018 123. Destruction of Jerusalem - 10/19/2018 124. The 2nd Coming of Christ - 10/19/2018 125. Watch and Pray! - 10/19/2018 126. The Last Supper - 10/19/2018 127. Last Supper, continued - 10/19/2018 128. Who Is the Greatest? - 10/19/2018 129. Simon Peter - 10/19/2018 130. Jesus, Mount of Olives - 10/19/2018 131. Jesus Arrested - 10/19/2018 132. Peter Denies Jesus - 10/19/2018 133. The Soldiers Mock Jesus - 10/19/2018 134. Jesus before Pilate - 10/19/2018 135. Crucify Him! Lk 23:13-25 - 10/19/2018 136. Crucifixion, Lk 23:26-38 - 10/19/2018 137. Dying Thief, Lk. 23:39-43 - 10/20/2018 138. Jesus' Death, Lk 23:44-49 - 10/20/2018 139. Jesus' Burial - 10/20/2018 140. The Resurrection - 10/20/2018 141. The Road to Emmaus - 10/20/2018 142. Jesus Appears, Disciples - 10/20/2018 143. Jesus Appears, Disciples - 10/20/2018 144. Ascension, Luke 24:50-53 - 10/20/2018
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