INTRO: This series, in some ways, is not pleasant. Warren Smith said messages on demonism are very rare in the Church. But it is essential that you, as parents, know about a lot of the things we will be exposing. Your children can subtly and innocently be led into the occult and demonism. If you are like I am, you will struggle with an amount of unbelief regarding a lot of this and you will have to take the Word of God for it. This week I thought that it is likely that demonism will grow considerably as we near the end of the age and I wondered, does the Bible say so. And to my mind came this clause, "…but evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived…" I checked this word 'imposters' or the KJV word, 'seducers', and was surprise to find that this word, yoees, means a wailer or howler. The Online Bible says of this word that it can mean as well, "a juggler, enchanter (because incantations used to be uttered in a kind of howl)." The words, juggler, enchanter and incantations all speak of demonology. |