Speaker: Jon Cardwell
2,198 sermons
I. PRESENTATION OF CHRIST'S GOSPEL 1. The Lord Reveals Himself (Prophet), Rev 1:1-3 2. The Lord Redeems the Soul (Priest), Rev 1:4-9 3. The Lord Reigns Among His People (King), Rev 1:10-20 4. The Lord Reproves His Church, Rev 2-3 5. Eternal Access to the Lord, Rev 4 6. Eternal Audience with the Lord, Rev 5 7. Redeemer Reveals His Gospel, Rev 6 8. Redeemed Rejoice in Christ's Gospel, Rev 7 II. REMEMBERING THE LAMB'S SACRIFICE 1. Response from Heaven, Rev 7:9-17 a. "I beheld a great multitude" vv9-12 b. inquiry from the elder, v13 c. insights from the answer, vv14-17 2. Remembrance from Scripture, Ex. 12:1-14 a. the land of Egypt, v1 b. the lamb of Passover, vv2-6 c. the law of redemption, vv7-14 III. RESPONDING TO THE LAMB'S PROVISION 1. Are you saved? Can you believe/trust in Christ alone? 2. If you're saved, do you praise? Do you remember daily Christ's sacrifice?
>They Forsook All - 5/20/2007 Glorifying God - 1/28/2009 The Spirit of Holiness - 2/1/2009 The Eternal Word - 2/1/2009 Enjoying God - 2/4/2009 The Awesome Love of God - 2/8/2009 Plow, Prepare, Proclaim - 2/8/2009 Divine Direction - 2/11/2009 The Word of the Cross - 2/15/2009 The Essence of the Gospel - 2/15/2009 What the Scriptures Teach - 2/18/2009 One Mediator - 2/22/2009 The Word Became Flesh - 2/22/2009 God is Spirit - 2/25/2009 True Biblical Christianity - 3/1/2009 The Preeminent Christ - 3/1/2009 God is Infinite - 3/4/2009 The Substitutionary Sacrifice - 3/8/2009 The Spirit & Power of Elijah - 3/8/2009 God is Eternal - 3/11/2009 Christ Must Increase - 3/15/2009 John the Baptist: OT Prophet - 3/15/2009 God is Unchangeable - 3/18/2009 The Crucified Flesh - 3/22/2009 Come and See - 3/22/2009 God is Self-Existent - 3/25/2009 Conformable To Christ's Death - 3/29/2009 Water to Wine - 3/29/2009 God is Self-Sufficient - 4/1/2009 It is Finished! - 4/5/2009 The Sign of His Resurrection - 4/5/2009 The Lord's Table - 4/12/2009 Committed to His Father - 4/12/2009 God's Wisdom and Power - 4/15/2009 The Day of Atonement - 4/19/2009 Ye Must Be Born Again - 4/19/2009 A Pastor's Prayer - 4/22/2009 God's Unchangeable Holiness - 4/22/2009 Delighting in the LORD - 4/26/2009 The Wind of the Spirit - 4/26/2009 Gospel Unto Believers - 5/3/2009 Son of Man Lifted Up - 5/3/2009 Who are the Giants? - 5/4/2009 God's Unchangeable Justice - 5/6/2009 Separated Unto the Gospel - 5/10/2009 God's Love, Man's Love - 5/10/2009 God is Good - 5/13/2009 God's Unchangeable Goodness - 5/20/2009 Beloved of God - 5/24/2009 Baptism and Belief - 5/24/2009 Death, Life, the Gospel - 6/6/2009 Passionate For God's People - 6/7/2009 The True Testimony... Again - 6/7/2009 The Unchangeable Truth of God - 6/10/2009 Indebted to All - 6/14/2009 I That Speak Unto Thee Am He - 6/14/2009 The One True and Living God - 6/17/2009 A Puritan Catechism - 6/21/2009 Unashamed of the Gospel - 6/21/2009 The Son's Authority - 6/21/2009 The Trinity - 6/24/2009 God's Righteousness Revealed - 6/28/2009 Made Whole by Sovereign Grace - 6/28/2009 God's Sovereignty Revealed - 7/5/2009 Vindication of Christ - 7/5/2009 The Triunity of God - 7/8/2009 Drinking from His Cup - 7/12/2009 The Testimonies of Christ Pt 1 - 7/12/2009 The Triunity of God Pt 2 - 7/15/2009 The Just Shall Live by Faith - 7/19/2009 The Testimonies of Christ Pt 2 - 7/19/2009 The Triunity of God Pt 3 - 7/22/2009 Without Excuse - 7/26/2009 Indictment Against the Jews - 7/26/2009 Catechism Review 1-6 - 7/29/2009 Feeding the Multitude - 8/2/2009 The Decrees of God - 8/5/2009 Jesus Walking on the Sea - 8/9/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 2 - 8/12/2009 No Partiality With God - 8/16/2009 The Bread of Life Pt 1 - 8/16/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 3 - 8/19/2009 The Just Judgment of God - 8/23/2009 The Bread of Life Pt 2 - 8/23/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 4 - 8/26/2009 Essence & Benefit of the Law - 8/30/2009 To Whom Shall We Go? - 8/30/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 5 - 9/2/2009 For All Have Sinned - 9/6/2009 Bread of Life Pt 3 - 9/6/2009 The Propitiation Through Faith - 9/13/2009 The Bread of Life - Pt 4 - 9/13/2009 The Fall of Man - 9/16/2009 The Law of Faith - 9/20/2009 The Bread of Life - Pt 5 - 9/20/2009 A Brief Look at Sin - 9/23/2009 Justification by Grace - 9/27/2009 My Time is Not Yet Come - 9/27/2009 Man's Fallen State - 9/30/2009 Faith Alone - 10/4/2009 Teaching at the Temple - 10/4/2009 Misery & Hope of Fallen Man - 10/7/2009 Strong in Faith - 10/11/2009 None Other Name - 10/14/2009 Is This That Very Christ? - 10/18/2009 Lord, Teach Us to Pray - 10/21/2009 Therefore Being Justified - 10/25/2009 Rivers of Living Water - 10/25/2009 Our Heavenly Father - 10/28/2009 The Reign of Grace - 11/1/2009 Go and Sin No More - 11/1/2009 His Name is Holy - 11/4/2009 The Newness of Life - 11/8/2009 The Light of the World - 11/8/2009 Thy Kingdom Come & Will Done - 11/11/2009 Being Made Free From Sin - 11/15/2009 The Truth Shall Make You Free - 11/15/2009 Our Daily Bread 1 - 11/18/2009 Blessedness of the Bond Slave - 11/22/2009 In Truth or Deception? - 11/23/2009 Our Daily Bread 2 - 11/25/2009 Freed from the Bondage of Law - 11/29/2009 Before Abraham Was, I AM - 11/29/2009 Forgive Us For - 12/2/2009 O Wretched Man! - 12/6/2009 Lead Us Not into Temptation - 12/9/2009 I Thank God! - 12/13/2009 A Sighted Man and Blind Men - 12/13/2009 Deliver Us from Evil - 12/16/2009 Walking After the Spirit - 12/20/2009 Are We Blind Also? - 12/20/2009 The Redeemer of God's Elect - 12/23/2009 Walking After the Spirit Pt 2 - 12/27/2009 God Became a Man - 12/30/2009 Surrendering to the Spirit - 1/3/2010 I AM the Good Shepherd - 1/3/2010 Christ's Office as Prophet - 1/6/2010 Hoping in the Spirit - 1/10/2010 I and My Father are One - 1/10/2010 Paul Snider Testimony - 1/14/2010 Trusting Upon the Spirit - 1/17/2010 Gospel According to Scripture - 1/24/2010 Why Baptism and Communion? - 1/27/2010 Victory by the Spirit - 1/31/2010 Do We Glorify the Son? - 1/31/2010 Prophet, Priest, and King - 2/3/2010 God's Sovereign Perspective - 2/7/2010 Jesus Wept - 2/7/2010 Christ's Humiliation - 2/10/2010 That One Man Should Die - 2/14/2010 Christ's Exaltation - 2/17/2010 God's Sovereign Purpose - 2/21/2010 The Odour of the Ointment - 2/21/2010 Partakers of the Redemption - 2/24/2010 A Brother Loved, Other Hated - 2/28/2010 The Triumphal Entry - 2/28/2010 Application of the Redemption - 3/3/2010 Is God Unrighteous? - 3/7/2010 And I, If I Be LIfted Up - 3/7/2010 What is Effectual Calling? 1 - 3/10/2010 Riches of His Glory - Pt 1 - 3/14/2010 Now is the Judgment - 3/14/2010 What is Effectual Calling? 2 - 3/17/2010 Riches of His Glory - Pt 2 - 3/21/2010 Commandment, Life Everlasting - 3/21/2010 One Mind for God's Glory - 3/24/2010 Rock of Foundation & Stumbling - 3/28/2010 Christ's Exalted Humility - 3/28/2010 What Justification Is - 3/31/2010 He is Not Here, But is Risen - 4/4/2010 Lord, Who is It? - 4/4/2010 What Adoption Is - 4/8/2010 Ignorance Toward the Gospel - 4/11/2010 A Greater Than Solomon is Here - 4/14/2010 Who is Jesus? - 4/18/2010 Glory of the Father and Son - 4/18/2010 What Sanctification Is - 4/21/2010 Understanding the Gospel - 4/25/2010 Responsibility to the Gospel - 5/2/2010 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - 5/2/2010 Flowing, Accompanying Benefits - 5/5/2010 Responsibility to the Gospel 2 - 5/9/2010 Already, Not Yet Truths - 5/9/2010 I Am Feeble - 5/12/2010 Christ, the End of the Law - 5/16/2010 I Am the True Vine - 5/16/2010 The Gospel of God - 5/23/2010 The World Hateth You - 5/23/2010 The Glory of God's Grace - 5/30/2010 Expedient that Christ Go Away - 5/30/2010 Kneeling Before the Cross - 6/2/2010 He Shall Glorify Me - 6/6/2010 The Remnant - 6/13/2010 I Have Overcome the World - 6/13/2010 Israelite Failure - 6/20/2010 Christ's High Priestly Prayer - 6/20/2010 Israel Future for God's Glory - 6/27/2010 Christ's High Priestly Prayer - 6/27/2010 Except the Lord Build - 6/30/2010 A Living Sacrifice - 7/4/2010 Christ's Betrayal and Arrest - 7/4/2010 A Living Service - 7/11/2010 Trials and Denials - 7/11/2010 A Loving Sacrifice - 7/18/2010 He Came to Die - 7/18/2010 Divine Remission - 7/25/2010 Behold the Man, Your King! - 7/25/2010 Dutiful Submission - 8/1/2010 Despising the Shame - 8/1/2010 Consequences of Unforgiveness - 8/4/2010 Love's Authority - 8/8/2010 Excellent, Precious Christ - 8/8/2010 Love's Supremacy - 8/15/2010 Woman, Behold Thy Son - 8/15/2010 My Lord, My Shepherd - 8/18/2010 Love's Expectancy - 8/22/2010 I Thirst - 8/22/2010 Love's Liberty - 8/29/2010 It is Finished! - 8/30/2010 Love's Liberty Part 2 - 9/5/2010 Christ, Our Passover - 9/5/2010 By the Mercies of God - 9/8/2010 The Son and Throne of David - 9/12/2010 The Burial of Christ - 9/12/2010 God's Self-Sufficient Goodness - 9/15/2010 Testimony of Dwayna Litz - 9/15/2010 Love's Responsibility - 9/19/2010 Run to the Resurrection - 9/19/2010 Love's Certainty - 9/26/2010 Touch Me Not - 9/26/2010 The Essence of Revival - 9/29/2010 Love's Unity - 10/3/2010 Receive Ye the Holy Ghost - 10/3/2010 A Beautiful Perspective - 10/6/2010 My Lord and My God - 10/10/2010 Rejoicing in God's Reign - 10/13/2010 Love's Utility 1 - 10/17/2010 It is the Lord - 10/17/2010 The Beginning of Wisdom - 10/20/2010 Love's Utility 2 - 10/24/2010 Come and Dine - 10/24/2010 Remember God's Word - 10/27/2010 Love's Utility 3 - 10/31/2010 Lovest Thou Me? - 10/31/2010 Songs of Ascent - 11/3/2010 You Follow Me - 11/7/2010 A Shelter in the Time of Storm - 11/10/2010 In the Beginning God - 11/14/2010 Author & Finisher of Faith - 11/17/2010 Jesus Christ, Eternal Light - 11/21/2010 Meditations on God's Mercy - 11/24/2010 A Holy Creation - 11/28/2010 Walking Humbly with Thy God - 12/1/2010 First and Last - 12/5/2010 Psalm of the Redeemed - 12/5/2010 Acts Introduction - 12/11/2010 Adam Filled with God - 12/12/2010 Apostles Filled with God - 12/12/2010 Ye Shall Receive Power - 12/18/2010 Luke 1:16-33 - 12/19/2010 The Fall of Man in the Garden - 12/19/2010 Call of Men through the Gospel - 12/19/2010 This Same Jesus - 12/25/2010 The Call to Fallen Man - 12/26/2010 The Great White Throne - 12/29/2010 A Covering for Fallen Man - 1/2/2011 Such as I Have Give I Thee - 1/2/2011 Actively Awaiting - 1/8/2011 The Steadfast and the Furious - 1/9/2011 Grief and Gladness of Heart - 1/9/2011 The Holy Ghost and Fire - 1/15/2011 Creation: Impacting Culture - 1/16/2011 Dinosaurs and the Bible - 1/16/2011 Powerful Preaching - 1/22/2011 Adam: a Character Study - 1/23/2011 And Enoch Walked with God - 1/30/2011 Grief, Grace & Guidelines - 2/6/2011 Preparing Church for Growth - 2/6/2011 Luke 2:8-20 - 2/13/2011 Results of the Gospel - 2/19/2011 Luke 2:21-24 - 2/20/2011 Go Forth - 2/20/2011 Peter and John Went to Pray - 2/26/2011 Luke 2:25-35 - 2/27/2011 Covenant After the Flood - 2/27/2011 Healing of the Lame Man - 3/5/2011 Luke 2:36-40 - 3/6/2011 Noah: a Character Study - 3/6/2011 Father, Into Thy Hands - 3/9/2011 The Name of Jesus - 3/12/2011 Babylon's Ancient History - 3/13/2011 Luke 2:41-52 - 3/14/2011 Luke 3:1-6 - 3/20/2011 Faltering Faith, Full of Faith - 3/20/2011 Now Shall We Pray - 3/23/2011 Unlearned and Ignorant Men - 3/26/2011 Luke 3:7-14 - 3/27/2011 Faith: Twixt Heaven and Hell - 3/27/2011 Consecration - 3/30/2011 Luke 3:15-20 - 4/3/2011 The King of Righteousness - 4/3/2011 Luke 3:21-38 - 4/10/2011 Look Now Toward Heaven - 4/10/2011 Conversion of Saul - 2 - 4/10/2011 Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman? - 4/13/2011 Luke 4:1-15 - 4/17/2011 Only Son Whom Thou Lovest - 4/17/2011 Aeneas and Dorcas - 4/17/2011 Greed Amidst the Gospel - 4/23/2011 It Shall Be Seen - 4/24/2011 Go, Stand and Speak - 4/30/2011 Luke 4:22-32 - 5/1/2011 B'twixt Backsliding and Belief - 5/1/2011 Suffer Shame for His Name - 5/7/2011 Luke 4:33-44 - 5/8/2011 The Arrival of Revival - 5/8/2011 The Rock was Christ - 5/11/2011 Appointing Deacons - 5/14/2011 Luke 5a - 5/15/2011 Of Christian Character in Lot - 5/15/2011 Luke 5b - 5/22/2011 Abraham, My Prophet - 5/22/2011 The Spirit of Antichrist - 5/25/2011 Cast Out This Bondwoman - 5/29/2011 Unto the Churches - 6/1/2011 Luke 5c - 6/5/2011 Faith: Prophecy to Practice - 6/5/2011 Luke 5d - 6/12/2011 The Death of Sarah - 6/12/2011 The Law of the Intercessor - 6/15/2011 Honest Report and Holy Ghost - 6/18/2011 Luke 5e - 6/19/2011 A Bride for Isaac - 6/19/2011 The Defense of Stephen - 6/25/2011 Luke 6a - 6/26/2011 Man of Faith, Prophet of God - 6/26/2011 Preaching Christ in Philippi - 6/26/2011 Devotional Thoughts - 6/29/2011 Doctrine & Denunciation - 7/2/2011 Luke 6b - 7/3/2011 Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - 7/3/2011 Notable Noble Bereans - 7/3/2011 Keys of the Kingdom - 7/6/2011 The Death and Life of Stephen - 7/9/2011 Luke 6c - 7/10/2011 To the Unkown God - 7/10/2011 All's Well That Ends Well - 7/10/2011 Revival in Samaria - 7/16/2011 Luke 6d - 7/17/2011 2 Kids & Blessing of the Cross - 7/17/2011 Paul at Corinth - 7/17/2011 Luke 6e - 7/24/2011 2 Kids & Blessing of Cross -2 - 7/24/2011 Paul's 2nd Journey Ends - 7/24/2011 A Devotion from Judges - 7/27/2011 Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch - 7/30/2011 Luke 6f - 7/31/2011 Then Shall the Lord Be My God - 7/31/2011 Fulfill All Righteousness - 7/31/2011 The Coversion of Saul - Pt 1 - 8/6/2011 Luke 6f - 8/7/2011 Jacob Lifted His Feet - 8/7/2011 Have Ye Received? - 8/7/2011 The Conversion of Saul - Pt 2 - 8/13/2011 Luke 6g - 8/14/2011 And God Remembered Rachel - 8/14/2011 Deep Mission Work at Ephesus - 8/14/2011 Psalm of the Cross - 8/17/2011 Saul's Conversion - Pt 3 - 8/20/2011 Luke 7a - 8/21/2011 Spotted, Speckled, Striped - 8/21/2011 A Riot in Ephesus - 8/21/2011 Psalm of the Gospel - 8/24/2011 Saul's Conversion Pt 4 - 8/27/2011 Luke 7b - 8/28/2011 The God of Bethel - 8/28/2011 Embracing Eutychus at Troas - 8/28/2011 Luke 7c Go Tell John - 9/4/2011 Face to Face with God - 9/4/2011 Exhorting Ephesian Elders - 9/4/2011 One Spirit and One Body - 9/7/2011 Greater than John the Baptist - 9/11/2011 I Have Enough - 9/11/2011 God's Sufficient Word -1 - 9/18/2011 Paul's Journey to Jerusalem - 9/18/2011 Weapons of Our Warfare - 9/21/2011 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee - 9/25/2011 Son of the Right Hand - 9/25/2011 Paul's Sacrifice at Jerusalem - 9/25/2011 God Moved and Satan Provoked - 9/28/2011 Every City & Village Preaching - 10/2/2011 Isaac: a Character Study - 10/2/2011 Paul's Witness unto Jerusalem - 10/2/2011 I Will Sing of God's Christ - 10/5/2011 Parable of the Soils - 10/9/2011 The Dukes of Hazard - 10/9/2011 Paul Moved to Caesarea - 10/9/2011 To the Perishing, Foolishness - 10/12/2011 Light of Christ & His People - 10/16/2011 O Brother, Where Art Thou? - 10/16/2011 Paul's Witness Before Felix - 10/16/2011 The First Jew - 10/23/2011 The Loss of the Cross - 10/26/2011 Where is Your Faith? - 10/30/2011 The Doctrines of Grace - 10/30/2011 Unto Thee Lift Up I Mine Eyes - 11/2/2011 An Obedient Servant - 11/6/2011 The Gadarene Demoniac - 11/13/2011 A Gospel Messenger & Message - 11/13/2011 A Ruling King - 11/20/2011 Christ, Our Surety - 11/27/2011 As Many As - 11/27/2011 Healing of Jairus' Daughter - 12/4/2011 Joseph: Burial & Resurrection - 12/4/2011 Christ, Our Sufficiency - 12/4/2011 Christ, Our Eternal Reward - 12/7/2011 Beheading of John/Feeding 5000 - 12/11/2011 I Will Go Down with Thee - 12/11/2011 Revelation of St. John - 12/11/2011 The Sea of Glass - 12/14/2011 Prophetic Blessings from Jacob - 12/18/2011 Lamb Will Wipe Away All Tears - 12/21/2011 Whom Say Ye/ Lose His Life - 12/25/2011 The Cross is Why Christ Came - 12/25/2011 The Praise of Sovereign Grace - 12/28/2011 Remember the Poor - 12/31/2011 The Death and Life of Jacob - 1/1/2012 The Sixth Seal - 1/4/2012 Recapturing Regeneration - 1/8/2012 The Transfiguration - 1/15/2012 Judah, a Praise to the Lord - 1/15/2012 Woe, Woe, Woe - 1/15/2012 Prayer: The Saints' Real Work - 1/18/2012 The Powerful Gospel - 1/22/2012 The Gospel Witness - 1/22/2012 The Third Woe - 1/25/2012 The Greatest in the Kingdom - 1/29/2012 Am I in the Place of God? - 1/29/2012 A Wonder in Heaven - 1/29/2012 The Earth Helped the Woman - 2/1/2012 Joseph: Suffering Servant - 2/5/2012 The Mark of the Beast - 2/5/2012 The Lamb Slain - 2/8/2012 Eternal Weight of Glory - 2/12/2012 Appointing the Seventy - 2/19/2012 The Foolishness of Preaching - 2/26/2012 The Lamb on the Mount Sion - 2/26/2012 Gospel Fruit - 2/29/2012 Baptism: Gospel - 2 - 3/4/2012 The Lamb's Harvest - 3/4/2012 The Great Commission - 3/7/2012 The 70 Return & Good Samaritan - 3/11/2012 Follow Me: Gospel Beginning 3 - 3/11/2012 The Wrath of God - 3/11/2012 Hear Me: Gospel Beginning 4 - 3/18/2012 7 Vials and Mystery Babylon - 3/18/2012 Neither Cast Ye Your Pearls - 3/25/2012 Mystery Babylon and the Beast - 3/25/2012 Babylon is Fallen - 4/1/2012 Trust Me: Gospel Beginning - 5 - 4/1/2012 At the Cross - 4/4/2012 Resurrection of Jesus Christ - 4/8/2012 Two Suppers: Wedding and Wrath - 4/8/2012 The Testimony of Jesus - 4/11/2012 Obey Me: Gospel Beginning - 6 - 4/15/2012 Two Resurrections - 4/15/2012 Know Me: Gospel Beginning 7 - 4/22/2012 The New Heaven and Earth - 4/22/2012 The Tree of Life - 4/25/2012 Listen - 4/29/2012 A Song of Loves - 5/2/2012 The Fashion of Christ's Church - 5/6/2012 The Encouraging Grace of Faith - 5/9/2012 Foolishness of Preaching - 5/13/2012 Fruitful Truth of Election - 5/20/2012 A Withered Hand Healed - 5/23/2012 Figures & Types of Redemption - 5/27/2012 Powerful Personal Testimony - 5/30/2012 Foreshadow Gospel Commission - 6/3/2012 The Spirit of Prophecy - 6/6/2012 Furtherance of Gospel Missions - 6/10/2012 How to Dress Biblically - 6/10/2012 Foremost Truth of the Gospel - 6/17/2012 Whom Say Ye That I Am? - 6/20/2012 Glorious Mt., Grievous Valley - 6/24/2012 The Truth & Power of the Cross - 6/27/2012 Humility By Way of the Cross - 7/1/2012 Heart of the Gospel of Christ - 7/8/2012 Our Portion in the Gospel - 7/15/2012 That I Might Receive My Sight - 7/18/2012 Triumphal, Yet Tragic, Entry - 7/22/2012 The Lord Hath Need of Him - 7/25/2012 Authority of Christ's Gospel - 7/29/2012 A Gospel Reality Check - 7/29/2012 It is the Power of God - 8/1/2012 The Rejected Corner Stone - 8/5/2012 Gospel Faith - 8/8/2012 Why Tempt Ye the Lord? - 8/12/2012 Gospel Guidance - 8/12/2012 Gospel Revelation - 8/15/2012 Why Tempt Ye the Lord? - Pt 2 - 8/19/2012 Gospel Foundations - 8/19/2012 Gospel Building - 8/22/2012 The Abomination that Desolates - 8/26/2012 Gospel Discernment - 8/26/2012 Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh - 9/2/2012 Our Teacher, the Holy Spirit - 9/16/2012 God Who Cannot Be Disappointed - 9/23/2012 A Corinthian Gospel Review - 9/23/2012 And Ye are Puffed Up - 9/30/2012 A Spiritual Father in Christ - 10/3/2012 Watch by Christ's Word - 10/7/2012 Ye are Bought with a Price - 10/7/2012 Temple of the Holy Ghost - 10/10/2012 She Hath Wrought a Good Work - 10/14/2012 Where is the Guestchamber? - 10/21/2012 The Head Stone of the Corner - 10/24/2012 Watch by Christ's Prayers - 10/28/2012 Judas, One of the Twelve - 11/4/2012 Christ, the Son of the Blessed - 11/11/2012 Peter's Betrayal & Repentance - 11/18/2012 Crucify Him - Pt 1 - 11/25/2012 They Crucified Him - Pt 2 - 12/2/2012 Truly God's Son - Pt 3 - 12/9/2012 He is Risen - 12/16/2012 He is Risen: Grace Astounding - 12/23/2012 Gospel Praise - 1/13/2013 Gospel Fellowship - 1/20/2013 Gospel Circumstance - 1/27/2013 Gospel Conversation - 2/3/2013 The Precious Way of Grace - 2/20/2013 Rejoicing in Gospel Labor - 1 - 2/24/2013 God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart - 2/27/2013 Rejoicing in Gospel Labor - 2 - 3/3/2013 Trust, Delight, Commit - 3/10/2013 Repentance in Dust and Ashes - 3/13/2013 Redeemed from the Curse - 3/17/2013 Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? - 3/24/2013 Father's Great Glory in Christ - 3/27/2013 Resurrection Glory - 3/31/2013 Rejoice in the Lord - 4/7/2013 The Law of the Leper - 4/10/2013 Joyful Life of Gospel Faith - 4/14/2013 2 Things Jesus Could Never Say - 4/17/2013 Rejoicing in Gospel Peace - 4/21/2013 Think on These Things - 4/28/2013 The Generation of Christ - 5/5/2013 The Birth of Jesus Christ - 5/12/2013 Episode in Christ's Childhood - 5/19/2013 Fruit Meet for Repentance - 5/26/2013 The Baptism of Jesus Christ - 6/2/2013 Christ's Wilderness Temptation - 6/9/2013 A Look at Christ's Temptations - 6/12/2013 Christ's Gospel Ministry - 6/16/2013 Follow Me, Fishers of Men - 6/19/2013 Blessed Sermon on the Mount - 6/23/2013 Blessed Poor in Spirit - 6/30/2013 Prior to Promises Received - 7/3/2013 Gospel Salt and Light - 7/7/2013 Exceeding Righteousness - 7/14/2013 Eli Eli Lama Sabachtani? - 7/17/2013 The Gospel Heart of the Law - 7/21/2013 The Gospel Purity in the Law - 7/28/2013 Fruitful Through Affliction - 7/28/2013 Our Sweet Christian Life - 7/31/2013 God's Sovereignty thru the Law - 8/4/2013 Their Cry Came Up Unto God - 8/4/2013 Out of the Mouth of Babes - 8/7/2013 Be Ye Therefore Perfect - 8/11/2013 I AM that I AM - 8/11/2013 Gospel of Christ - 8/18/2013 When Thou Doest Alms - 8/18/2013 The Voice of the LORD - 8/21/2013 When Thou Prayest - Pt 1 - 8/25/2013 They Will Not Believe - 8/25/2013 God's Judgments: A Great Deep - 8/28/2013 When Thou Prayest - Pt 2 - 9/1/2013 Why is it Thou Hast Sent Me? - 9/1/2013 The Oil of Gladness - 9/4/2013 Treasures in Heaven - 9/8/2013 Where is Your Heart? - 9/15/2013 But They Harkened Not - 9/15/2013 How Do You Live? - 9/22/2013 Thou Shalt Know I am the LORD - 9/22/2013 Whom Do You Serve? - 9/29/2013 No Compromise - 9/29/2013 Whom Do You Seek? - 10/6/2013 For This Cause I Raised Thee - 10/6/2013 Judge Not - 10/13/2013 See My Face No More - 10/13/2013 Ask, Seek, Knock - 10/20/2013 The Tenth Plague - 10/20/2013 The Straight and Wide Gate - 10/27/2013 The Passover - 10/27/2013 Thy Testimonies are Wonderful - 10/30/2013 Good and Evil Fruit - 11/3/2013 The Firstborn Sanctified - 11/3/2013 Founded Upon a Rock - 11/10/2013 Crossing the Red Sea - 11/10/2013 Christ, Our Authoritative Word - 11/17/2013 The Song of Moses - 11/17/2013 Gospel Faith unto Obedience - 11/24/2013 Manna - 11/24/2013 Gospel Faith unto God's Marvel - 12/1/2013 The Rock of Horeb - 12/1/2013 Gospel Faith unto Ministry - 12/8/2013 War with Amalek - 12/8/2013 The Enemies of Gospel Faith - 12/15/2013 Jethro, the Priest of Midian - 12/15/2013 A Child Born, a Son Given - 12/22/2013 Whether is Easier? - 12/29/2013 That Gracious Effectual Call - 1/5/2014 Fearful Presence of the LORD - 1/5/2014 Then They Shall Fast - 1/12/2014 The Lord's Death till He Come - 1/19/2014 The Testimony of Two Daughters - 1/26/2014 Gospel Faith that Illuminates - 2/2/2014 Gospel Grace that Liberates - 2/9/2014 Gospel Ministry that Supplicat - 2/16/2014 Gospel Evangelism - 2/23/2014 Gospel Obedience, Abdicates - 3/2/2014 Gospel Truth that Fortifies - 3/9/2014 Gospel Rewards that Glorify - 3/16/2014 Offering, Ark, & Mercy Seat - 3/16/2014 Love One Another - 3/23/2014 Aim of Preaching and Witness - 3/23/2014 The Table and Candlestick - 3/23/2014 Praise of Christ for John - 4/6/2014 The Curtains of the Tabernacle - 4/6/2014 More than a Prophet - 4/9/2014 Behold the Christ of God - 4/13/2014 The Boards of the Tabernacle - 4/13/2014 The Altar and the Court - 4/20/2014 Accusation is Heaven's Acclaim - 4/27/2014 Priest's Office and Garments 1 - 4/27/2014 Reality of Sovereign Grace - 5/4/2014 Priest's Office and Garments 2 - 5/4/2014 Come Unto Me - 5/11/2014 Priest's Office and Garments 3 - 5/11/2014 Lord of the Sabbath - 5/18/2014 Holiness to the Lord - 5/18/2014 Behold My Servant - 5/25/2014 Blasphemy against the Spirit 1 - 6/1/2014 Blasphemy against the Spirit 2 - 6/8/2014 Who is My Mother? - 6/15/2014 Evil and Adulterous Generation - 6/22/2014 Blessed are Your Eyes - 6/29/2014 Bezeleel and Aholiab - 6/30/2014 Parable of the Tares - 7/6/2014 A Stiffnecked People - 7/6/2014 Parables and Secret Things - 7/13/2014 Three More Kingdom Parables - 7/20/2014 Moses Intercedes: Books of God - 7/20/2014 Instructed Scribes - 7/27/2014 Shew Me Thy Glory - 7/27/2014 The Death of John the Baptist - 8/3/2014 Whose Name is Jealous - 8/3/2014 The Weight - 8/10/2014 Shine of the Lord's Presence - 8/10/2014 Give Ye Them to Eat - 8/17/2014 Whosever is of a Willing Heart - 8/17/2014 K.I.S.S. 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- 6/10/2018 Anchor on the Cross - 6/17/2018 The Gospel Victorious - 6/24/2018 Which is my Jesus? - 7/8/2018 Blood More Precious than Gold - 7/15/2018 Getting Our Feet Wet - 7/22/2018 Legal Trouble - 7/29/2018 Discipline Leads to Godliness - 8/5/2018 Almighty Fortress is Our God - 8/12/2018 Willing to Cleanse - 8/19/2018 Jesus: Seeker of our Souls - 8/26/2018 Prayer of Security - 9/2/2018 Free Will or Enslaved Rebel - 9/13/2018 I'm Fallen and I Can't Get Up - 9/16/2018 Lay Down and Die (to sin) - 9/25/2018 Finding Christ - 9/30/2018 A Cover-Up in the Bible - 10/8/2018 A Moment of Grace - 11/25/2018 Defeating the Storm - 2/7/2019 Numbers 21:4-9 - 2/17/2019 John 2 - 2/24/2019 Proverbs 14 - 2/24/2019 How the Kingdom Comes - 3/3/2019 Faith Like Mustard Seed - 3/3/2019 A Life Unto Christ - 3/10/2019 If Any Man Be in Christ - 3/31/2019 Jesus the Eternal God part 2 - 4/7/2019 Hebrews 1:9 - 4/14/2019 Hebrews 1:11 - 4/28/2019 Hebrews 1:12 - 5/5/2019 Hebrews 1:13 - 5/19/2019 Hebrews 2:1 - 5/26/2019 Christ's Enduring Word - 6/2/2019 Hebrews 2:4 - 6/9/2019 Not the Angels - 6/30/2019 A Little while Lower - 7/14/2019 The Chosen Chosen - 7/28/2019 Jesus Tasting Death - 8/4/2019 Hebrews 2:6 - 8/8/2019 Perfect through Suffering - 8/11/2019 Hebrews 2:11 - 8/18/2019 Hebrews 2:12 - 8/25/2019 Hebrews 2:13 - 9/1/2019 Hebrews 2:14 - 9/8/2019 Hebrews 2:15 - 9/15/2019 Christ is No Angel - 9/22/2019 Hebrews 2:15 - 10/16/2019 Jesus Tempted to be Savior - 10/20/2019 Considering Jesus - 10/27/2019 Faithful in His Appointment - 11/3/2019 Glory in the House - 11/10/2019 Jesus: The Master, Architect - 11/17/2019 Psalm 118 Devotion - 11/24/2019 Do not Harden your Heart - 12/1/2019 Jesus: Tried and True - 12/8/2019 Man: Always Astray - 12/15/2019 Unbelief: Falling from the L.. - 12/29/2019 Hebrews 3:13 - 1/5/2020 Hebrews 3:15-16 - 1/19/2020 Guard the Treasure - 1/22/2020 Hebrews 3:17 - 1/26/2020 Hebrews 4:4 - 2/2/2020 Hebrews 4:5 - 2/9/2020 Hebrews 4:13 - 3/29/2020 Hebrews 4:14 - 4/5/2020 Hebrews 5:3 - 5/10/2020 Hebrew 5:4 - 5/17/2020 Hebrews 5:5 - 5/24/2020 Hebrews 5:6 - 5/31/2020 Hebrews 5:12 - 7/5/2020 Hebrews 5:12 - 7/12/2020 Hebrews 5:14 - 7/26/2020 Hebrews 6:1 - 8/9/2020 Hebrews 6:3 - 8/23/2020 Hebrews 6:4-6 - 8/30/2020 Hebrews 6:11 - 9/13/2020 Hebrews 6:10 - 9/20/2020 Hebrews 6:12 - 9/20/2020 Hebrews 6:7 - 9/20/2020 Hebrews 6:9 - 10/4/2020 Hebrews 6:20 - 11/1/2020 Hebrews 7:3 - 12/6/2020 Hebrews 7:6 - 12/27/2020 Hebrews 7:26 - 1/10/2021 Hebrews 8:1 - 1/24/2021 Hebrews 8:4 - 2/14/2021 Rev 3:20, Not an Invitation! - 2/21/2021 Hebrews 8:7 - 3/14/2021 Hebrews 8:8 - 3/21/2021 Hebrews 8:9 - 3/28/2021 Hebrews 8:10 - 4/4/2021 Hebrews 8:11 - 4/11/2021 Hebrews 8:13 - 4/18/2021 Matthew 27:60 - 5/2/2021 1 Peter 1:5 - 5/9/2021 Matthew 21:19 - 5/30/2021 Matthew 11:16-20 - 6/6/2021 Hebrews 10:1 - 6/13/2021 John 12:23-24 - 6/27/2021 Through the Roof - 7/4/2021 Hebrews 10:19-23 - 7/25/2021 Zephaniah 1:12 - 7/30/2021 Hebrews 10:30 - 9/26/2021 Hebrews 10:31 - 10/3/2021
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Amanda Kaganak (8/9/2010)from Anchorage, AK
“ Great Sermon! ” It was so good to hear your voice, I cried after hearing you. I miss you and the family. I laid and listened to you talk. I love you all.
Mark Fitzpatrick (11/15/2008)from Dublin, Ireland
“ Powerful!!! ” Dear Jon,
Truly powerful and inspiring! May our merciful God continue to use your mouth and zeal for his kingdom and glory. In Jesus' name.
Your brother, Mark.
Jon Cardwell (10/16/2008)from Moreno Valley, California
“ Great Sermon! ” Thank you, Sister Sharon, for your encouraging words. I was hesitiant to do the video but received steady encouragement to do so... and am blessed to hear that you were blessed. May the Lord continue to bless you through all the resouces at SermonAudio.
Sharon Smith (10/8/2008)
“ Beautiful Testimony! ” Thank you Pastor Cardwell for sharing your testimony.
I was truly blessed watching the video, and plan on sharing it with others.
Though our outward man is decaying, our inner man is being renewed day by day. One day, we will be perfect in body and soul. When we see Him, we shall be like Him - looking for that blessed Hope and glorious appearing of our Great God and Saviour.
Blessings on you and your family, dear brother in Christ.
Jon Cardwell was saved by God’s grace on June 3, 1985 while serving in the military as a deep sea diver in the U.S. Navy. The call to ministry came 8 years later when he was invited to serve the Lord in the Philippine mission field. Jon’s entry into pastoral ministry came...
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