Dr. Sam Horn | Will of GodThe Word for Life | FRI 09/29/2006 Radio Broadcast | 13 min

Mark S. Wisniewski | Josué - Spanish Iglesia Nueva Obra en Cristo | FRI 09/29/2006 400+ | 32 min

David Carmichael | The ChurchCovenant OPC | FRI 09/29/2006 520+ | 75 min

Tim Bourgeois | Proverbs seriesTree of Life Christian Church | FRI 09/29/2006 1,020+ | 61 min

Dr. Bob Wood Bob Jones University | FRI 09/29/2006 660+ | 42 min

Dr. John Halsey | Fall Semester 2006Ambassador Baptist College | FRI 09/29/2006 Chapel Service | 35 min

Conrad Mbewe HeartCry Missionary Society | FRI 09/29/2006 2,500+ | 55 min

Murray Capill | Revelation 12RTC | FRI 09/29/2006 Midweek Service | 48 min

Dr. Andy Bloom | Study of EphesiansCentral Baptist Church | FRI 09/29/2006 Radio Broadcast | 15 min

Gregory N. Barkman Beacon Broadcast | FRI 09/29/2006 240+ | 14 min

Gerald R. Procee Providence Reformed Church | FRI 09/29/2006 260+ | 53 min
