The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ Words by Isaac Watts Tune to Amazing Grace
1. Hosanna to the Prince of light, That clothed Himself in clay, Entered the iron gates of death, And tore the bars away.
2. Death is no more the king of dread, Since our Immanuel rose; He took the tyrant's sting away, And spoiled our hellish foes.
3. See how the Conqueror mounts aloft, And to His Father flies, With scars of honor in His flesh And triumph in His eyes.
4. There our exalted Savior reigns, And scatters blessings down; Our Jesus fills the middle seat Of the celestial throne.
5. Bright angels, strike your loudest strings, Your sweetest voices raise Let heav'n and all created things Sound our Immanuel's praise. ***** Daily Readings - March 27- April 2 Sunday - Judges 18-19 Monday - Judges 20-21 Tuesday - Ruth 1-4 Wednesday- 1 Samuel 1-3 Thursday - 1 Samuel 4-7 Friday - 1 Samuel 8-11 Saturday - 1 Samuel 12-14
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8) *****
The Innocent for the Guilty! “But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:”(1 Corinthians 1:30) Christ well suits my case. I am foolish and ignorant; Christ is the wisdom of God. I am very sinful and guilty; Christ is the Lord our Righteousness. I am very weak and without strength; Christ is the power of God unto salvation. I have no cloak for my sin; the merits of Christ are the clean and linen white with which my poor soul may be beauteously arrayed. My tears cannot wash away my sins; but the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin.
In Him sinners boast the possession of greater blessings than angels have—even redeeming love and redeeming grace!
I am not required to bring any price in my hand. Salvation is without money and without price. It is well for me that I am not required to pay for salvation. If I were, I would be forever lost. I am a poor sinner—as poor as my sins can make me. I have nothing to commend me to a just and holy God. I deserve all the eternal punishment He has denounced against me. I am guilty. I am all unworthiness—but Jesus is worthy! I rely on Jesus. He is all my desire and all my salvation. He has borne all my curse! He has died, the just for the unjust—the innocent for the guilty! –William S. Plummer
***** Witnessing "Go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee" (Mark 5:19). The Lord had shown great mercy to this poor sinner, setting him free from demons and from sin. Now He tells him to go home to his family and friends and be The Lord’s Witness. Do not go home and begin to preach. Do not go home and take up the great doctrines of grace and expound them. Do not go home and strive to bring everyone to your views and beliefs. Do not go home and condemn all who do not see what you see. Go home and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you! Not what great things you have read or heard, but what great things you have experienced! This is the way to begin our witnessing. There never is a more interesting story than the story a person has experienced, lived, and felt. If you would really interest others and get their attention, tell them what great things the Lord has done in you and for you! Notice, the Lord said, "Tell them what great things the Lord hath done." It is a story of free grace. Not what we did, willed, or gave, but what He did for us by his own free, sovereign, and undeserved love. We will not convince them nor change them, any more than another man could convert us. But the Lord, who did great things for us, can do great things for them if He is so pleased. And He is pleased to use the faithful witness of those who go and tell "how great things the Lord hath done for thee." –Henry Mahan *****
Full Pardon “...For I will pardon them whom I reserve.” Jeremiah 50:20 The remnant, according to the election of grace, whom God has chosen in Christ, preserved in Him, and reserved for Himself, for His own glory, and for eternal happiness; these are pardoned freely for Christ's sake; and being pardoned, no sin is imputed to them; all is removed from them, as far as the east is from the west; covered out of the sight of God; hid from the eye of avenging justice; blotted out as a debt book, which is not legible, or as a cloud which is no more; cast by the Lord behind His back, and into the depths of the sea, and entirely forgotten; never remembered or seen more, but buried in everlasting oblivion and obscurity; see Romans 11:27. --John