The Love of Christ is Infinite Words by Thomas Kelly - 1809 Tune to "Doxology”
1) The Lord of glory, moved by love, Descends, in mercy, from above; And He, before whom angels bow, Is found a man of grief below.
2) Such love is great, too great for thought, Its length and breadth in vain are sought; No tongue can tell its depth and height; The love of Christ is infinite.
3) But though His love no measure knows, The Savior to His people shows Enough to give them joy, when known, Enough to make their hearts His own.
4) Constrained by this, they walk with Him, His love their most delightful theme; To glorify Him here, their aim, Their hope, in Heaven to praise His name.
Daily Readings - April 3-9 Sunday - 1 Samuel 15-16 Monday - 1 Samuel 17-18 Tuesday - 1 Samuel 19-21 Wednesday- 1 Samuel 22-24 Thursday - 1 Samuel 25-27 Friday - 1 Samuel 28-31 Saturday - 2 Samuel 1-2
***** Christ is Sovereign! A sovereign Christ is almost unheard of in most church circles today. The Christ into whose hands all things have been given, who has all authority; who gives life and quickens whom He will, who decides the destinies of all men; who is Lord over all flesh, is not being preached. Present-day evangelism, for the most part, poses to men and women the question, "What will you do with Jesus?" However, true evangelism poses the question, "What will the Sovereign Christ do with you?" See John 17:2 .. “As thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him...” Think about it sinner, and give God all the glory for your eternal salvation today! “Salvation is of the LORD” (Jonah 2:9)! “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His” (2 Timothy 2:19)! --Rolfe Barnard *****
The Crucifixion of Christ The truths which are exhibited in a clear and strong light by the crucifixion of Christ, are such as these: 1. The infinite evil of sin, which in order to its pardon, required such a sacrifice. 2. The holiness and justice of God, which would not allow sin to pass without full evidence of the divine disapprobation (disapproval), and His inflexible purpose to visit it with deserved punishment. 3. The wisdom of God, in contriving a method of salvation by which His own glory would be promoted in the eternal salvation of hell-deserving sinners. This wisdom is chiefly manifest in the incarnation of the Son of God, by which the divine and human natures are united in one person. 4. But the most wonderful exhibition of the cross is the mercy of God, the love of God to sinners; such love as never could have been conceived of, had it not been manifest by the gift of his own Son! --Archibald Alexander
***** Even then! In the very beginning, when this great universe lay in the mind of God like unborn forests in the acorn-cup, long before the echoes walked the solitudes, before the mountains were brought forth, and long before the light flashed through the sky, God loved His chosen creatures! Before there was creatureship--when the ether was not fanned by angel's wing, when space itself had not an existence, when there was nothing except God alone--even then, in that loneliness of Deity and in that deep quiet and profundity, His love moved for His chosen people. Even then their names were written on His heart, and they were dear to His soul. --C.H. Spurgeon
***** Words of Comfort for Weary Sojourners All glory to the great I AM, Who chose me in the blessed Lamb; While millions of the human race, Will never know or taste His grace! --Copied
***** My Object and Aim My object is to lead the mind . . . from SELF — to Jesus; from sin — to salvation; from the troubles of life — to the comforts of the gospel.
My aim is . . . to humble the sinner — and exalt the Savior; to strip the creature — and place the crown on the head of God's free grace! I cannot ascribe too much to Jesus — or too little to man! --Copied