"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the Ghost." (John 19:30)
This is the reason the LORD Jesus Christ came into the world, that He should be delivered up on the cross and why? Because He came as the Savior. He came as the Sin Bearer of a people that God purposed to save from all eternity and it was necessary that He lay down His life.
This was not a fluke death.
God required the death of His Son that He might be the Just Justifier of that people that He came to save. Our LORD Jesus Christ spoke of this in John chapter 10 verse 18 in no uncertain terms. He said:
“No man taketh it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.”
So you can see this was not an option of His being able to come and live the life that He did without dying. And the reason is because in order for God to be just and save sinners, His law had to be satisfied and the Scriptures say:
“...the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” (Ezekiel 18:20)
And so there was no other way conceivable that sin could be put away other than through death. And so God ordained the death of His Only Begotten Son that He might justly forgive and save everyone for whom Christ died.
You remember back in the creation story when God saw all that He had done He saw that it was very good and He rested the seventh day. But we are thousands of years later, the very same Creator of the heavens and the earth Who in six days laid the foundation of the earth and then rested now thousands of years later by saying, “It is finished,” He is giving notice that the foundation of the new creation was laid here at Calvary and it is finished.
All of the years of preparation throughout the Old Testament, all the types and pictures and promises and foretelling of this day now have been fulfilled. And the Chief Cornerstone has been laid in Zion with this exclamation, “It is finished.”
So I want to consider with you... this finished redemption.
This is a unique message that I know you don’t hear often preached by those who open the book, the Bible and preach from it, but, dear friend, the message of the Gospel is one of a finished redemption.
(This blog is an excerpt from the sermonaudio.com message:
'It Is Finished’ .
Please click on the link at the top of this page to listen to the entire message or read the entire transcript!)