Acts 6:8-15
What is THE FAITH of which we read in Scripture that distinguishes those who are the LORD’S from the rest of the world? We read of Stephen that he was ‘full of faith and power.’ [Acts 6:8]
1.THE FAITH is the body of truth written in God’s Word and revealed by the Spirit to God’s elect sinners, for whom Christ came, lived, died and rose again [1 Corinthians 15:1-4]
2. THE FAITH is the doctrine of Christ which the Spirit of Christ reveals in all whom the LORD Jesus has redeemed, paid their entire sin debt, and justified by His shed blood on the cross [Jude 1:3, Galatians 3:11-13]
If the Scriptures so plainly declare THE FAITH , why do religious men and women take such offense to it, especially believing themselves to be people of faith themselves? The simple answer is that they are still in darkness, and as the Scriptures declare that the darkness does not comprehend the light [John 1:5-9]. ‘And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.’ [John 3:19]
Darkness vs. Light- v. 8 They took exception to Stephen, not because he was an abusive man, but rather the Light of Christ Jesus in him, shone through His bold declaration of Christ, and justification before God by His blood and righteousness alone. He was an offense to them because the Christ revealed in him and declared by him. Although his message was affirmed by all of the wonders and miracles among the people, yet that was not what they wanted to see or hear, because they had already condemned that Christ to death.
Reasoning vs. revelation v. 9,10 Libertines, Cyrenians, Alexandrians…disputing [questioning and reasoning] with Stephen. These were religious Jews from every walk of life who considered themselves as taught of God and were zealous for the Law and their traditions and various interpretations of it that they held over the people. When men and women argue against the free grace of God in Christ Jesus, their very reasoning is an indication that they are yet blind and unconverted, no matter how knowledgeable and moral they might appear before men.
Legalism vs. grace-v. 11 ‘blasphemous words against Moses…’ Such was their accusation against our LORD Jesus as well. They would not have HIM be the FULFILLMENT of all of the Old Testament scripture. They preferred to exalt the Law and Moses above Christ Jesus and thereby sealed their condemnation, refusing to bow to Him, who came and accomplished all the Law and Justice of God the Father, and the complete salvation of His people.
Tradition vs. Christ- vv. 12- 15- “For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered us…” Blinded, natural minded sinners will always pervert the Word (Christ). He did not destroy or set aside the Law, but fulfilled it, therefore, there is no more law to transgress [Matthew 5:17}. Men who cling to their customs and traditions do so at their risk and peril. Salvation is in Christ alone, His finished work, and wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption alone. Does this offend you?