John 4:17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:
Bible readers around the globe are familiar with the story of the "Woman at the Well." What a wonderful picture of our Lord extending grace to such a down trodden sinner. But my thought for this day is what she said, "I have no husband." She lied, misrepresented herself to the One who knows the very hairs on our head. In essence, she said I don't like to talk about this!
All of us have painful memories and mistakes in our lives that we have made that we don't like to talk about, not even to the Lord. This woman went in the middle of the day to get water which was out of the ordinary in the time in which she lived. It may have been because the other women would not fellowship with her because her reputation was so bad or it may have been because she really didn't want to take a chance on someone asking about her failed relationships.
I have known people in life who go through great links to avoid talking about the inevitable! They even try to keep it from the Lord. A bad memory or a bad mistake has put them on the side lines of life and they withdraw themselves from fellowship with others and become "stand aloners." This woman didn't even desire communication with Jesus but Jesus has a way of drawing things out of us all. Just as this woman came to the well to draw water for a physical desire, Jesus drew out the spiritual desire and need she truly had!
I like the old hymn we sing in church "Have A Little Talk with Jesus." Do you have an issue or issues in your life that you walk on pins and needles around others hoping and praying that don't ask you a question about? You go through great pains and troubles to even avoid dealing with the issue altogether. You will rearrange your schedule, misrepresent yourself to others and even lie if you need to protect yourself in the matter. Why don't you talk to Jesus about it?
Pastor Kevin Bowling
Liberty United Baptist Church