"She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms." Proverbs 31:17
Even a quick reading of the description of the virtuous woman leaves us breathless. “So much to do and so little time to do it well” is undoubtedly the frustrating conclusion of many virtuous women. Therefore, it is helpful and refreshing to find this feature in the middle of the busy day – she takes time for herself. In no way is this selfish; actually, it is the opposite of selfishness. Strength, both inner and physical, is essential if she will faithfully carry out all of her duties. Recognizing this truth, the virtuous woman takes the time to strengthen herself. Faithful husbands will recognize this need and make the sacrifices to see to it that this never goes unmet. This effort to strengthen oneself will always include spiritual strengthening. The virtuous woman is not a machine who only needs to be refueled. She is an image bearer of God needing soul-enriching, daily fellowship with Him in quiet moments. Social strengthening is also needed through mutual encouragement among friends. Physical strengthening involves both exercise and rest. If you are wilting under the strain of life, it is time for you to strengthen yourself.