Adoption is an act of the free Grace of God, in and for His only Son Jesus Christ, whereby all those that are justified are received into the number of His children, have His name put upon them, the Spirit of His Son given unto them, are under His Fatherly care and correction, admitted to all the liberties and privileges of the sons of God, made heirs of all the promises, and fellow heirs with Christ in glory. – Richard Davis
It is a common saying that “He who buys land, buys stones and all the weeds and rubbish which belong to the soil.” When Christ accepted us in the decree of election (when the Father gave and made us over to Him) and when He bought us afterwards with His blood, He took us with all our imperfections and wretchedness, for better, for worse, as a bridegroom takes his bride, and as a purchaser buys an estate.
—Augustus Toplady
To a true believer Jesus Christ is not the reason for just one particular season. HE IS THE REASON FOR OUR VERY EXISTENCE! As sinners saved by the grace of God, and as having been enlightened to our sinfulness and depravity, we cannot see any reason at all for existence itself without Christ. Without Him we could all say with Job that it would have been better for us never to have been born (Job 3:3-5). We know that every breath we take every day of our lives is a gift from Almighty God. Therefore, we are to live for His glory in honor of the Lord Jesus Christ who is our life, our righteousness, our security, and our glory. And so we thank God for His incarnation and His birth, but we do not imagine Him only in a manger. We see Him as the crucified One who died and arose from the dead for our justification, our freedom, and our life both here and in eternity (Heb. 2:14-18). Why was He born? He was born so that He could die. Why did He die? He died to save His people from their sins. Why did He save all of them? He saved them so that they all could live for and unto Him. – Pastor Bill Parker
I heard a radio preacher inviting people to visit the “holy land” with him. He said, “The Bible comes alive when you visit the land where Jesus and the apostles actually lived and walked.” I know many will think me too critical and even unkind in this, but I thought to myself – Has he ever considered the millions of people who were born and lived in the land of Israel who do not believe, and even hate the message of the Bible? Some would argue, “But it is different for Christians.” I don’t think so. First, that land where the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles lived and walk is NOT a “holy land.” When the Lord destroys this sinful fallen world, the land of Israel will be destroyed with it. God is going to create a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness (2 Pet. 3:10-13). That righteousness refers to the people of God who are found in Christ. They are washed in His blood and clothed in His righteousness imputed. They will be free from the very presence and influence of sin. Secondly, as some would ask, “What harm is it in thinking of the land of Israel as ‘holy’?” It is because it takes away from TRUE holiness which can only be found in the Lord. It fosters the natural man’s misunderstanding of what TRUE holiness is. It also promotes superstition and idolatry when people think that there is some spiritual merit or value in visiting that land. Thirdly, visiting that land does not make the Bible come alive. The Bible comes alive when God the Holy Spirit in the preaching of the Gospel reveals within its pages the Lord Jesus Christ in His glorious Person as Godman and His finished work of redemption to work righteousness for His people and save them from their sin (Luke 24:27,44-48; John 5:39-47). We as sinful people must come to understand that holiness cannot be found in any place on a world map. It can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord our Righteousness. – Pastor Bill Parker