CALL TO WORSHIP (“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” – p. 291) (Words by Pastor Jim Byrd)
Hallelujah praise Jehovah, Author of redeeming grace; He ordained to save a people, Purposed Christ to take our place. Chosen in the blest Redeemer, He became our Substitute. (R)
Hallelujah praise Jehovah, May His praises never cease; He redeemed His captive people, Brought in everlasting peace. Jesus died to seal our pardon, Died to save His chosen race. (R)
Hallelujah praise Jehovah, By His grace we live again; Now by faith we trust the Savior, Who delivered us from sin. We are righteous in Christ Jesus, Sing the praises of the King. (R)
Today: Bible Classes – 10:00 a.m.; Morning Worship – 11:00 a.m. Messages by Pastor Bill Parker
Television Broadcast: Reign of Grace Television Sunday morning on WALB-TV @ 9 AM.
Live Streaming – 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. – Sermon Audio web site
Birthdays: Robert Margeson - Nov 30th - Robyn Pannell - Dec. 1st - Randy Wages - Dec. 5th
Hymns for service – “There Is a Fountain” – p. 222 “My Faith Looks Up To Thee” – p. 359
“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD” (Psalm 92:1).
There is something therapeutic about giving thanks. The mind is led away from present discomforts. The heart reflects upon the continued faithfulness of the Lord. The soul rejoices in His wonderful salvation. The eye of faith is fixed more firmly upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and the mouth, instead of complaining, speaks with gratitude of the sure mercies of God in Christ. —Pastor Jim Byrd
While it is indeed gloriously true that in Christ every true believer is "holy, unblameable, and unreprovable" before God, possessing the very "righteousness of God" by imputation, it is also equally true that in themselves, i.e., in their flesh "dwelleth no good thing," bringing forth the same continual cry from all of them daily – “O wretched man that I am! WHO shall deliver me from this body of death." Here is the frightening thing this verse teaches from 1 John 1:8 – If anyone who claims to be a child of God claims that "in their flesh" they "have NO SIN," i.e., they have obtained by their character and conduct a level of holiness pleasing to God, they are deceived and according to this verse, "THE TRUTH IS NOT IN THEM." – William Mason
Oh precious Lord Jesus, cause Thy people to rejoice in Thy full and finished salvation. By Thee, all that believe, are justified from all things (Acts 13:39). Here then, Lord, give Thy people grace to rest. Let there be nothing wavering, nothing unsettled, in our faith because everything in the covenant of grace is "ordered, and sure in all things" (2 Samuel 23:5). Oh for faith, in lively exercise, to believe "the record God hath given of His Son" (1 John 5:10-11). "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee" (Isaiah 26:3). Let all Thy faithful therefore of this present hour, as were the disciples of old, be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus, and, like them, be filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost. – Robert Hawker
“For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto Himself, and Israel for His peculiar treasure.” (Psalm 135:4)
This speaks typically and prophetically of the true church, God’s elect out of every nation. They were chosen by God in sovereign electing grace before the foundation of the world. They were redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ from the bondage of sin, Satan, and the law, when He died on Calvary’s cross as their Surety and Substitute. They will all be regenerated by the Holy Spirit as He imparts spiritual life to them from Christ in their new birth under the preaching of the Gospel. They will also be preserved by God’s in Christ Jesus grace unto final glory. This is AMAZING GRACE! Think about it. “Jacob” describes their innate and inherent sinfulness and depravity. They have no value, worthiness, or goodness within themselves. They have nothing to recommend them unto God. If God were to give any of them what they have earned or deserve, it would be eternal damnation. Yet, God has chosen them “for His peculiar treasure.” How can this be? The value of this “treasure” has nothing to do with any natural worth. It has to do with the glory of God who saves His people by His grace in and by the Lord Jesus Christ. It has to do with the value of the price that was paid to redeem their souls. That price was the precious, most valuable, blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s greatest glory is in the salvation of such wretches as we are by the glorious Person and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. By His grace He imputes to us an everlasting righteousness of infinite value whereby He is just to justify ungodly sinners like us. Herein is the value – not in us, but in Christ! And hereby we are now called “Israel” which means “those who have prevailed with God.” How can this be? It is only by coming to God in humility, taking our place as worthless sinners, begging for mercy and pleading the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. No sinner has ever prevailed with God by pleasing his own personal merit or worthiness. But all whom the Holy Spirit has given a clear view of their worthlessness, and who, thereby, come to God pleading Christ, His blood and righteousness alone, they are God’s “peculiar treasure.” -- Pastor Bill Parker