“It is better to dwell with in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.” Proverbs 25:24
This verse is an exact duplicate of Proverbs 21:9. It is instructive to remember that Solomon was advising his son, whom we can assume was still a young child. In other words, this is preventive instruction. He is not telling his unhappily married son to avoid his difficult wife at all costs. Once an individual enters marriage, the Biblical instruction is sacrificial, “for better or for worse” love. Solomon is warning his son against choosing a “for worse” marriage. Single individuals should carefully heed his words. A marriage that is unequally yoked can usually be predicted. Unions built on any factors (compatibility, sex appeal, chemistry, the loneliness cure) other than a mutual pursuit of Jesus Christ through covenantal companionship are unions built on sinking sand. There is no remedy for a brawling woman or a brawling man who are indifferent to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.