The ancient Gospel is an unceremonious thing. It pays no respect to the academic because of his profound learning; nor to the moralist on account of his upright conduct. It has not the least regard to the courtier, because of his pompous honors; nor to the devotee for the sake of his zeal or his righteousness. No, the potent prince and the abject slave, the wise philosopher and the ignorant rustic, the virtuous lady and the infamous prostitute, stand on the same level in its comprehensive sight.
-- Abraham Booth
What separates the morality, dedication, and zeal of a true Christian from the world in all its religion? It is not in the acts themselves. A Christian, for example, may give money to help relieve the poor, but an unbelieving Jew can do the same. The difference is in the true Christian’s righteous standing before God in the Lord Jesus Christ and the state of his heart. The Christian knows he has one righteousness before God, the imputed righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ – “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth” (Romans 10:4). The unbelieving Jew seeks to establish his righteousness by keeping the Ten Commandments. The Christian’s heart has been established with God’s grace; the unbelieving Jew’s heart is established with works, trying to earn his salvation. The motivation of a Christian for obedience is grace, love, and gratitude. He serves his Master, NOT as a legalist trying to remove God’s disfavor and wrath, and NOT as a mercenary trying to earn his salvation and reward. He obeys out of new a heart that brings him continually to believe, rest in, and look to Christ for all salvation. His obedience, as motivated by the Holy Spirit, guided by the Word of God, washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, and aimed toward the glory of God is “fruit unto God” (Romans 7:4). This cannot be the case for any who are trying to earn their way into salvation or the security thereof.
– Pastor Bill Parker
If you have been brought to trust the Son of God for salvation, your faith is evidence you are God’s elect, a vessel of mercy afore prepared unto glory. God’s covenant of grace with Christ is ordered in all things and sure and this is all your salvation. Christ’s blood is continual cleansing of your sin and His imputed righteousness for your eternal justification. You have the Holy Spirit to maintain spiritual life within your soul and keep you “looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith” (Hebrews 12:2). You have the privilege to cherish every precious promise given His people in the Scriptures and confidence that out of His fullness your every need will be met. His unerring wisdom will lead you, His strength will sustain you. His eye is always upon you, His ear is ever open to your cry and His heart is filled with everlasting love for you. His kindness toward you is unending and His grace to you is a fountain that will never run dry. He is your Prophet to teach you, your High Priest Who satisfied divine justice by offering to God the sacrifice of Himself; He ever lives to make intercession for you. He is your King Who governs all things to fulfill His eternal purpose regarding you; He is the perpetual Mediator between you and God. Christ is your Shepherd Who laid down His life for you, sought you in your lost estate and found you by the gospel of His grace. He is your Way, Truth and Life; He is your Access to God and your Door to heaven. He is your Savior to save you, Shield to protect you, Rock to uphold you, Sun to warm you and Dew to refresh you. The Father has made Him your “wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30). He is your Light, your Peace, your Freedom and your Portion. He is the Bread of Life for your nourishment and the Water of life to quench your Spirit-created thirst for salvation, life, forgiveness and righteousness. He is the Wine that fills your heart with cheer, and He is your Vine to Whom you, the branch, are forever united. It is from Him you draw life and through Him you bear fruit. He is your Lord to worship, your Example to follow and the Captain of your salvation to obey. He is your Bridegroom Who took you for His bride before the world began though He knew you could bring nothing into the marriage but poverty and need. He is your Surety Who assumed full responsibility for your eternal safety in the counsel of peace and He is your Guardian, Shade and Preserver. He is your Song in the night and your Encouragement when distressed. He is your Great Physician Who healed your spiritual diseases by His substitutionary death and resurrection and He is your living Altar by Whom you present to God the sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise. And in eternity, He will be your Heaven because the heaven of heavens is to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.