i missed a few days reading. Last week was full of ministry. 2 days driving, and 2 days at the hospital. I am returning to my daily blog.
Yesterday, I preached on the Intercessory work of Christ. The reason we can come boldly before the throne of Grace is because we have an Intercessor. The only way we can stand before the presence of God is because we have an Intercessor.
I ask the question, how can you stand in the presence of God? The soldiers couldn't stand before the name Jesus in the Garden.
today in my reading, I read what happened when the men of Bethshemesh looked into the ark. 50,070 were struck with a great slaughter because they looked into the ark.
We understand how sinful men can not stand before a holy God without an Intercessor. God is holy. He is of purer eyes than to behold evil. You need Jesus to intercede for you if you expect to stand in God's presence.