I set before you blessing and cursing, good and evil. We often hear people mention this phrase. We all want blessing and good. We always desire the face of God will shine upon us with blessing. Yet, we need to remember, the blessing comes through obedience. We can not expect to receive the blessing of God without taking consideration for obedience.
We often hear the verse quoted, "Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound." We hear this verse quoted encouraging us not to sin, and abuse the grace of God.
I think we need to be careful not to abuse the grace of God in another way also. We seem to desire the blessings of God. We expect God to be gracious to us no matter what. However, notice the commandments of God to the children of Israel, when they came into the land of promise. They could live in the blessings of God, or under His curse. It all depended upon their faithfulness to obey His commandments.
Are you abusing the grace of God by expecting Him to be gracious to you without taking consideration of your faithfulness to His Word?
For the children of Israel, the blessings of God, in the Promised Land, were contingent upon their faithfulness to Him. Why should it be any different for us?