Matthew 13:44 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for JOY over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field." The man in this parable sold everything he had and he did it with joy because he knew by doing so he would get the field and subsequently the treasure. The point of the parable is that when a man's eyes are opened, by the work of the Holy Spirit, to the beauty of The Lord Jesus he will gladly give up whatever it takes in order to have Christ. Philippians 3:8 "Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ." My friends if sacrificing all for Christ doesn't bring you great joy, then I have trouble believing you know Christ Jesus at all. I realize that the mortification of sin is not fun or easy, but the joy of knowing Christ will drive us to do everything to kill all sin in our life. The problem with people who profess to be Christian and think that self-denial is optional is that they don't practically believe in regeneration. Oh if you ask them they will tell you they believe in regeneration, but in their language they speak very little of the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation. This whole idea that we are missing out on something because we live as The Lord Jesus told us to (taking up our cross) is border line heretical. Does the fact Jesus Christ commands us to take up our cross make him mean or even cruel or does He know what is best for us to live in the fullness of His joy. I would choose the later. My friends to die to self and to live recklessly for Jesus Christ is the most fulfilled life anyone can ever live and anyone who thinks that they are missing out on life's joys by living radically for Christ is deceived.